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Time Narration
00:01 Welcome to the spoken tutorial on HelloWorld in Java on Eclipse.
00:06 In this tutorial, we are going to learn, how to write a simple Hello Worldprogram in Java using Eclipse.
00:13 For this tutorial we are using Eclipse 3.7.0 and Ubuntu 11.10
00:20 To follow this tutorial you must have Eclipse installed on your system.

00:25 And you must know how to create, save and run a file in Eclipse.

00:30 If not, for relevant tutorial please visit our website as shown.
00:36 Here is a line of java code that prints the message Hello World

00:44 Now let us try it on Eclipse.
00: 46 Press Alt and F2 and in the dialog box type eclipse and hit enter.

00:56 Click Ok at the workspace and here we have the Eclipse IDE.
01:09 Let us add a new project.

01:12 click File New and select Project
01:19 In the list of project select Java Project and click Next.

01:26 In the project name ;Type DemoProject (please note that their is no space between Demo and ProjectD & P are in capital letters)

01:40 Click Finish at the bottom right corner of the wizards.
01:46 DemoProject has been created.
01:49 Now let us add 'a new class to the project.

01:52 Right click on the Project New select Class.

This opens a New Java Class Portlet

01:59 In the class name type DemoProgram and in the method stubs select one that says Public, Static,Void main.
02.13 Click Finish at the bottom right corner of the wizard.

02.20 We can see that the DemoProject has the source directory and a file called Demo program.Java,
02:27 This is because every class in Java has to be in its own file. Hence the class Demo Program can exit only in the file Demo program. Java
02:40 We can see that their is very little space for the editor and the view looks blurred . Let us minimise the other portiere and here we have the editor .
02:55 Notice that this line begins with two slashes which means this line is the comment and has nothing to do with our code.
03:05 Let us remove this line. Similarly every thing that is in between slash, Astrix and Mastic slash is also accompanied.

03:17 So let us remove this comments also.
03:22 Here we have the Pair bone of the code.
03:27 Now let us add the print statement, System.

03:35 Notice that eclipse gives a list of all the possible completion.
03:38 For now we are going to type the command manually;
03:43 Out.println. In brackets in quotes type, HelloWorld
03:56 In java,Every statement has to end with a semicolon.
03:59 So let us add a semicolon.
04:03 Here this are complete HelloWorld program in Java.
04:06 Press Ctrl + S to save
04:11 Right click Run as java application.Run the code
04:19 As we can see on the output console, the message HelloWorld has been printed.
04:24 Now let us change the World to Java
04:30 Save it with Ctrl + S and Run it.
04:41 As we can see, the message that is printed now is Hello Java
04:45 Now let us understand what each part of code does?
04:48 The first line indicates that the class name is DemoProgram and its a Public class
04:55 The second line indicates that this is the main method. In other words the method from which execution starts with java.
05:04 As we know this is a print statement.
05:07 And here is how we write a HelloWorld program'Java
05:14 This brings us to the end of the tutorial.
05:17 In this tutorial we have learnt how to write a 'HelloWorld' program in java and also what each part of code does in java code.
05:27 As an assignment for this tutorial.
05:29 Create a java class by the name Greet it should bring Program Successful when executed.

05:37 To know more about the spoken-tutorial project.
05:39 Watch the video available at[1]
05:42 It summarises the Spoken Tutorial project

05:45 If you do not have good bandwidth, you can download and watch it

05:51 The Spoken Tutorial Team
05:53 Conducts workshops using spoken tutorials

05:55 Gives certificates for those who pass an online test
05:59 For more details, please write to
06:05 Spoken Tutorial Project is a part of the Talk to a Teacher project
06:09 It is supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India
06:14 More information on this Mission is available at spoken HYPHEN tutorial DOT org SLASH NMEICT HYPHEN Intro
06:19 This tutorial has been contributed by TalentSprint.

Contributors and Content Editors

Jyotisolanki, Krupali, Pratik kamble