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Time Narration
00:04 Welcome to the series of Blender tutorials.
00:08 This tutorial is about the Properties window in Blender 2.59.
00:15 This script has been contributed by Sneha Deorukhkar and Bhanu Prakash and edited by Monisha Banerjee.
00:28 After watching this tutorial, we shall learn- what is the Properties window;
00:33 what is the Texture panel in the Properties window;
00:38 what are the various settings in the Texture panel of the 'Properties window'.
00:45 I assume that you know the basic elements of the Blender interface.
00:50 If not then please refer to our earlier tutorial - Basic Description of the Blender Interface.
00:58 The 'Properties window' is located on the right hand side of our screen.
01:04 We have already seen the first few panels of the 'Properties window' and their settings in the previous tutorial.
01:11 Let's see the next panel in the 'Properties window'.
01:14 First, we must resize our 'Properties window' for better viewing and understanding.
01:21 Left click the left edge of the 'Properties window', hold and drag to the left.
01:29 We can see the options in the 'Properties window' more clearly now.
01:34 To learn how to resize the Blender windows, see our tutorial - How to Change Window Types in Blender.
01:45 Go to the top row of the 'Properties window'.
01:48 Left click the Checkered Square icon at the top row of the Properties window.
01:55 This is the Texture Panel. Here, we can add a texture to the active material of the active object.
02:04 Just below the Texture icon, we can see the links displayed. Cube to White to Tex.
02:14 This means that the active object is the cube. White is the cube's active material.
02:23 Tex is the White material's active texture. There are three types of textures -
02:32 Material Textures, World Textures. And Brush Textures.
02:38 We shall see Material textures in this tutorial.
02:42 World textures and Brush textures will be covered in later tutorials.
02:49 This is the texture slot box. By default, one texture is enabled for the active material. It is highlighted in blue.
03:00 Left click the check box at the far right of the highlighted Texture. Now the texture is disabled.
03:11 Left click the check box again. It is enabled again. Next to the check box is a vertical scroll bar.
03:25 Left click and hold the vertical scroll. Drag your mouse downwards.
03:32 Now, you can see all the texture slots available for the current material.
03:38 Each slot is represented by a checkered square.
03:44 Scroll back to the active texture.
03:48 The up and down arrows are used to move the textures up and down in the texture slot box.
03:56 Left click the down arrow. The active-texture moves to the second texture slot.
04:06 Left click the up arrow. The active-texture moves back to the first slot.
04:15 Below the 'up and down' arrows is another black down arrow.
04:20 Left click the black down arrow. A menu appears.
04:26 Left click Copy Texture Slot Settings.
04:31 Left click the second texture slot in the box. It gets highlighted in blue.
04:40 Left click the black down arrow again.
04:45 Left click Paste Texture Slot Settings.
04:49 A new Texture has appeared in the second texture slot with the same settings as the first texture.
04:57 Left click the cross sign at the right of the Texture name bar below the slot box.
05:07 The second texture is removed. Its settings are gone as well.
05:15 A New button with a plus sign has appeared.
05:20 Left click the New button. A new Texture has appeared in the second texture slot.
05:29 So, this is another way to add a new texture.
05:34 Notice how the checkered square on the left of the second texture has changed to a different image.
05:42 A preview window has appeared below. It shows the preview of the active-texture.
05:49 Let's rename this texture.
05:53 Left click the Texture name bar below the slot box.
05:57 Type Bump on your keyboard and hit the Enter key.
06:05 Left click the checkered square to the left of the name bar. This is the Texture menu.
06:12 All textures used in the Scene are listed here.
06:18 Below the name bar is the Type bar. By default, every new texture displays the Clouds texture.
06:28 Left click Clouds. This is the Type menu.
06:35 Here, all types of textures supported by Blender are listed. Wood, Voxel data, Voronoi etc.
06:48 To select any texture type, just left click on it. For now, I am keeping the 'Clouds' Texture.
06:58 This is the Texture Preview window. There are three display options here.
07:05 Texture- by default, this display is always selected.
07:10 Left click Material. This shows the preview of the texture over the material.
07:19 Left click Both. As the name suggests, both texture and material displays are visible side by side now.
07:30 Left click Show Alpha. Now the texture has become transparent.
07:38 This is used for materials like glass and water. For now let's switch it off.
07:44 Left click Show Alpha again.
07:51 Next setting is Influence.
07:53 There are various options here that help the texture influence the material in four main areas.
08:01 Diffuse, Shading, Specular and Geometry. By default, Color under Diffuse is enabled.
08:22 Left click the check-box to the left of the Color bar. Color is now disabled.
08:30 The texture color no longer influences the Material Diffuse color.
08:38 Go to Geometry. Left click the check-box next to Normal.
08:45 Now the Normal of the texture influences the Geometry of the Material.
08:50 You can see the result in the preview window.
08:57 All over the preview sphere the clouds are spread as small bumps.
09:06 Blend controls how the texture blends with the material. By default, it is set as Mix.
09:15 Left click Mix. This menu lists all the texture Blend types supported by Blender.
09:25 Do you see this pink color bar under RGB to Intensity? This is the default texture color.
09:33 Right now it is not influencing the material color because remember we disabled the color option under Influence.
09:44 Left click the 'pink color'. A color menu appears.
09:48 Here we can select any color for our texture.
09:53 For now, let's leave it as pink because we are not using the texture color.
10:00 Bump Mapping determines how the normal of the texture affects the Geometry of the material.
10:09 Default is the current method of 'bump mapping'.
10:12 Left click Default. This menu lists the different methods of 'bump mapping'-
10:19 Best quality, Default, Compatible and original.
10:34 Left click Compatible. The bump influence is increased.
10:46 Next setting is Clouds. Here are various options for the clouds texture.
10:54 Greyscale displays the texture in 'greyscale' mode.
10:59 Left click Color.
11:09 Now the texture in the preview window is displayed in a mix of colors.
11:12 But the color has no effect on the material.
11:16 Noise determines the distortion of the clouds texture.
11:21 Soft noise is the default distortion.
11:25 Left click Hard. Now the 'preview window' shows hard black outlines in the 'clouds texture'.
11:36 At the same time, the bumps on the material have become deeper. This is hard noise.
11:47 Basis is the base or source of the noise in the clouds texture.
11:53 Left click Blender Original. Here is the Noise basis menu.
12:00 This shows a list of all supported noise bases in Blender.
12:05 Left click Voronoi Crackle. You can see the change in the preview window.
12:14 So, this is how Noise basis affects the clouds texture.
12:21 Size, Nabla and Depth control the characteristics of the noise in the clouds texture.
12:33 The last two icons at the top row of the 'Properties panel' are Particles and Physics.
12:42 These shall be covered in more advanced tutorials when we use Particles and Physics in our animation.
12:50 Go to the 3D-view.
12:53 Right click to select the Lamp.
12:59 Notice how the icons at the top row of the 'Properties panel' have now changed.
13:05 Some icons have been replaced while others have been removed.
13:10 Right click Camera in the 3D-view.
13:13 Again, you can see how the icons at the top row of the 'Properties panel' have changed.
13:19 This means that the tools in the 'Properties window' are dynamic and depend on the type of active object in the 3D-view.
13:29 So, this completes our tutorial on the Properties window.
13:34 Now you can go ahead and create a new file;
13:39 add a clouds texture to the cube and play around with Size, Nabla and Depth of the Clouds Noise.
13:49 This tutorial is created by Project Oscar and supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT.
13:58 More information on the same is available at the following links- and
14:19 The Spoken Tutorial project:
14:21 Conducts workshops using spoken tutorials;
14:25 also gives certificates to those who pass an online test.
14:31 For more details, please contact us at:
14:36 Thank you for joining us
14:38 and this is Monisha from IIT Bombay, signing off.

Contributors and Content Editors

Jyotisolanki, Kaushik Datta, PoojaMoolya, Pratik kamble, Sandhya.np14, Sneha