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Time Narration
00:00 In this PHP tutorial we will learn about Comparison Operators.
00:05 Comparison Operators can compare 2 values, 2 strings or 2 variables that can contain any of them and will act upon that.
00:15 For this I am going to use an IF statement.
00:19 Lets start by creating the IF statement structure.
00:25 My condition is if 1==1.
00:30 echo.
00:33 True.
00:37 and then else.
00:42 echo.
00:44 False. Remember I don't need these brackets so I'm going to take them out.
00:51 Lets indent it
00:56 Never mind the indenting.
00:59 This is the first comparison operator.
01:02 Two = to means comparison operator. We've seen this in the IF statement before.
01:08 1 does equal to 1 so this will echo True. Lets try it.
01:13 We got True.
01:15 Let me change this. IF 1 is greater than 1 then lets see what result we get.
01:27 False, because 1 is equal to 1 and not greater than 1.
01:33 Now lets change this to 1 greater than or equal to 1
01:37 IF 1 greater than or equal to 1, echo True else echo False.
01:45 Here we should get True.
01:48 You can also do the same with less than or equal to. So for example less than
01:55 would be False, less than or equal to would be True.
02:01 We can also say not equal. So if 1 is not equal to 1 echo True
02:11 Refresh. We'll get False here because 1 is equal to 1. Now lets say if 1 isn't equal to 2
02:20 We get True because 1 is not equal to 2
02:25 These are the basic Comparison Operators that you will be using for our tutorials
02:33 Expand on this - practice them - and you'll understand them better
02:40 You can also compare variables using these operators. So for example num1 = 1
02:48 num2 = 2. All we now do is replace these values and there we go
03:01 This will produce exactly the same result as we've got earlier - which is True. Now all we need to do is change these values
03:11 Please note this will now read as num1 = 1 num2 = 1 so if num1 doesn't equal 1 it is False because 1 does equal 1 therefore we get False
03:24 These here are the simple Comparison Operators. Play around with them. See what you can do. Thanks for watching.
03:33 This is Mad Madhur dubbing for the Spoken Tutorial Project.

Contributors and Content Editors

Minal, Pratik kamble, Sandhya.np14