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=Programming Ruby :LEVEL 1=
#Hello Rails  !
==Introduction to Ruby==
#**What is Ruby On Rails
*Installation of Ruby
#**Its benefits
#*MVC(model/view/controller) Architecture
*Variables and constants
*Handling files in ruby
#*Verifying Rails installation by creating a demo application
==Control Statements==
#Rails Installation in Windows
*Understanding conditional statements and loops
#*How to install rails in windows through Rails Installer
*If then else statement
#Getting Started with Rails
*Ternary Operator
#*An introduction about the example application that is Library information system(LIS)
*Case statement, Iterators
#*ER Diagram representing the database schema
*Altering control flow statements
#*Introduction to Rails command line tool
#*Walk through the file system generated
#*Step by step procedure of developing the application
#**How to start the web server
#**Creation of the database
#**Establishing  relationship between the models
=Programming Ruby:LEVEL 2=
==Introduction to Object Oriented Analysis and Design==
*Writing classes in ruby
*Comparison of Linear and Object Oriented Design
==Object Oriented Analysis-Ruby way==
*Encapsulation Polymorphism, and Inheritance
*The three pillar of OOPS.
*Ruby is duck typing.
==Encapsulation and Object Space==
*Attributes of Ruby
*Getter and Setter methods : attr_read, and attr_write
*Understanding classes and instance objects
*Introspection of Objects in run time, reflection in ruby.
==Scope in Ruby==
*Method access in ruby public, private and protected
*Virtual functions in ruby
*scope in ruby
*Inheritance in ruby
*Mixin in ruby

Revision as of 16:27, 10 January 2013

Ruby on Rails is the web framework meant for building web based application. Ruby on Rails is also called in short as Rails and RoR.

Ruby on Rails was extracted by David Heinemeier Hansson from his work on Basecamp, a project management tool by 37signals (now a web application company).

Ruby on Rails inherits the rich object oriented design from ruby programming language. Ruby code written in a specific convention to call as Ruby on Rails.

In August 2006 the framework reached a milestone when Apple announced that it would ship Ruby on Rails with Mac OS X v10.5 "Leopard" which was released in October 2007.

  1. Hello Rails  !
    • Introduction
      • What is Ruby On Rails
      • Its benefits
    • MVC(model/view/controller) Architecture
    • REST
    • Installation
    • Verifying Rails installation by creating a demo application
  2. Rails Installation in Windows
    • How to install rails in windows through Rails Installer
  3. Getting Started with Rails
    • An introduction about the example application that is Library information system(LIS)
    • ER Diagram representing the database schema
    • Introduction to Rails command line tool
    • Walk through the file system generated
    • Step by step procedure of developing the application
      • How to start the web server
      • Creation of the database
      • Establishing relationship between the models

Contributors and Content Editors

Afrin, Minal, Nancyvarkey