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Beijing migrant workers into the medical insurance for urban

 Shen said that working on the construction site in Beijing two years, or do not adapt to Beijing's water and soil,abercrombie outlet. The heating conditions of the site dormitory is not good, he spends every winter with a fever a few times,louboutin pas cher. Previous health insurance can only be reimbursed for costs of hospitalization,louboutin, outpatient expenses like the common cold,isabel, only at their own expense. For low-income groups, is not a small burden. A new policy now,abercrombie milano, can save a point, can do more for reimbursement is naturally good,abercrombie. A lot of people said that foreign personnel are included in the basic medical insurance coverage to workers in Beijing,abercrombie pas cher, making the road leading to the equal enjoyment of the public treatment, goes a step further. </p>

There are many migrant workers have raised some questions, which we are most worried about the point is that the conflict of the new rural cooperative and Beijing workers' basic medical insurance. For many migrant workers,abercrombie, many people participate in the new rural cooperative in the home,abercrombie, from Beijing to work in the future must take part in Beijing's basic medical insurance. Whether the two conflict Beijing Human Resources and Social Council official explained that because the receipts of medical expenses can not duplicate claims,hollister deutschland. Higher level of social security in Beijing,abercrombie france, Beijing's basic medical insurance reimbursement level has basically been able to meet the needs of insured persons,isabel marant, migrant workers in Beijing need to repeat the insured to another in his hometown to participate in the new rural cooperative,abercrombie.


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