From Script | Spoken-Tutorial
Time | Narration |
00:00 | Hello and welcome. Today I will teach you how to create an email script particularly when you are registering a user onto a website. |
00:12 | How do you send them an email confirming that they have registered. I will do that partly by creating a script - a "Send me an email" script. |
00:24 | This will be in an HTML form in which you can write a subject and a message and send to a specified address. |
00:34 | So, we will create an $address variable. |
00:39 | I will type my "hotmail" address here. |
00:48 | You can see when I open up my current "hotmail" page and click on "Inbox", there are no emails here, from me. |
00:55 | There are no new emails at the moment. |
01:05 | So, this is the address in my address variable. I will rename the variable as $to instead. |
01:13 | We will use the mail function to send this out. |
01:17 | We will have the from and subject in here. |
01:21 | We will have a standard $subject which says "Email from PHPAcademy". |
01:32 | Next, we need an HTML form that will submit and I will create a self submission one. |
01:39 | So, let's put some html code here. I will have a form here which will submit to this page with "send me an email dot php". |
01:54 | The method is going to be POST. |
01:59 | We will end our form here. |
02:02 | The user can type in whatever they want to send to the email address that is specified here. |
02:10 | Obviously you can take this into account. When creating a form, you could say you want to send to this particular address. |
02:18 | This one will just be "send me an email" script - the email that you want to include in one of your website. |
02:27 | Now we will have a "text" input. |
02:31 | This will be the name of the person sending me the email. |
02:34 | So, you have type "text" whose name is "name". |
02:39 | We'll have "max length" equal 20 for now. |
02:45 | Underneath this we will create a text area. |
02:49 | So, I will type "textarea" and end it like that. |
02:53 | Then we will name it as "message". |
02:59 | We put a paragraph beginning and a paragraph ending here. |
03:04 | And down here we will create a submit button whose value equals "Send" |
03:14 | Or.... "Send me this", okay? |
03:17 | So, if you come to our page and choose this page here, |
03:21 | this is the space for the name and this is the space for the message. |
03:25 | So, let me just put "Name:" in here and "Message:" in here. |
03:31 | And this will look much better now. We have our name box and our message box. |
03:38 | And when we click this button, the email will send. |
03:44 | Okay, so first of all, inside our php code we need to check whether the submit button has been pressed. |
03:53 | For that we have our if statement here in parenthesis and our curly brackets for our block, if the condition is TRUE. |
04:01 | The condition will be inside these parenthesis. |
04:05 | The condition will be the POST variable of the "submit" button. |
04:15 | As long as the submit button has a value.... a spelling mistake.... |
04:19 | So long as the "submit" button has been pressed, this will contain a value and that value is "Send me this". |
04:30 | That would just mean that the form has been submitted because the button has been pressed. |
04:37 | So, inside here the first thing we need to do is get the data from the form. |
04:44 | And that is the name of the person sending the email by submitting the form. |
04:49 | And their name is contained within this form here - sorry this field here called "name". |
04:56 | Also we have the $message so we can easily duplicate this variable structure and say 'message' in there. |
05:08 | To test this out, I'll say echo $name. |
05:12 | And I'll concatenate the $message into that. |
05:17 | Let's just test this out. Here I'll type "Alex". |
05:21 | And here I will type "Hi there!" |
05:23 | Click "Send me this" and we get "Alex" and "Hi there!" up there. |
05:28 | Ok so, we know that the form data has been submitted correctly. |
05:33 | In the next part of this video, we will learn how to validate this and eventually send this email to the user specified in this email-id here. |
05:42 | So, join me in the next part. Bye for now. |
05:45 | This is Evan Varkey, dubbing for the Spoken Tutorial Project. |