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Title of script: Introduction to OpenIPSL

Author: S Sai Kiran (IIT Bombay)

Keywords: OpenModelica, OpenIPSL, library structure, power systems, spoken tutorial, video tutorial

Visual Cue Narration
Show slide

Slide Number 1

Welcome to Spoken Tutorial on Introduction to OpenIPSL.
Slide Number 2

Learning Objectives

In this tutorial, we will learn:
  • About OpenIPSL
  • Objectives of OpenIPSL package
  • How to download the OpenIPSL package
  • Library structure of OpenIPSL
Slide Number 3

System Requirements

To record this tutorial, I am using
  • OpenModelica version 1.12.0 and
  • Ubuntu Linux OS 16.04

The process demonstrated in this tutorial is identical in other OS also such as-

  • Windows
  • Mac OS X or
Slide Number 4


To follow this tutorial, you should have knowledge of :
  • Power systems and
  • Modelling using OpenModelica

For prerequisite OpenModelica tutorials, please visit this website.

Slide Number 5What is OpenIPSL? What is OpenIPSL?
  • OpenIPSL stands for Open-Instance Power System Library
  • It is a Modelica library for power system dynamic simulations
  • And it contains a set of power system components
Slide Number 6


  • OpenIPSL provides an open source alternative for power system simulations
  • It can have several possible typical test networks for research and teaching purpose.
Slide Number 7

Download OpenIPSL

To download OpenIPSL from GitHub, go to the link given below:

Now, we will see how to download and include OpenIPSL in OpenModelica.
Make sure you have working internet connection

Open Firefox web browser

Copy the link and paste it in address bar

For this, open your default web browser. I am opening Firefox web browser.

In the address bar, type “”

Press Enter.

A web page opens.

I am scrolling down to view contents of the file

Cursor to Clone or download button.

Highlight the Clone or download button

Click on Clone or download button

At the right, we can see a green coloured Clone or download button.

Click on it.

Point to Clone with HTTPS Clone with HTTPS pop-up opens.
Click on Download ZIP Click on Download ZIP.
Point to Save File dialog box Save File dialog box opens.

Select Save File option and click on the OK button.

If you are using Chrome browser, then the file gets automatically downloaded.

Cursor on the extracted folder

Now go to the folder where the file is downloaded.

Extract the file to any desired location of your computer.

Click on OpenIPSL-master folder Double-click on OpenIPSL-master folder to open it.
Click on OpenIPSL Next, double-click on the folder OpenIPSL.
Point to package

Highlight the package

Here, we can see that OpenIPSL folder contains the modelica file.
Now let us see how to include this in OpenModelica.
Open OMEdit I have already opened OpenModelica on my machine.

Point to Libraries Browser

Highlight the Libraries Browser

Point to

File >> System Libraries >> OpenIPSL

There are three ways to include this file in OpenModelica.

First way is to drag-and-drop it into the Libraries Browser.

Second way is to navigate to the file and open it through OMEdit.

Third way is to directly open it from OpenModelica by navigating to File >> System Libraries >> OpenIPSL

Highlight OpenIPSL in libraries browser Click on OpenIPSL

We can see that it is included in libraries browser.

Expanding OpenIPSL Library

Click on expand button to the left of OpenIPSL Library

Let us expand the OpenIPSL library.

To do this, click on the arrowhead to the left of OpenIPSL library.

Here we can see the list of all available libraries.

For a better understanding of the libraries, let’s go back to the slides.
Slide number 8

Library structure

So, we saw that there are in total 5 libraries, which are:
  • Examples which contains models that are made using different components from the library.
  • Electrical,
  • Non-electrical,
  • Interfaces and
  • Types which contains all the respective basic components
Slide number 9

Library structure

These components serve as basic building blocks for modelling a power network.

The library structure is properly categorized.

It helps the user to search a specific component or model easily.

Slide number 10

Library structure

These example models help the user to get acquainted with different models.

These also provides basic idea of modeling to the users.

Now let us look into one of these example models.
For this let us go back to OpenModelica.

Now let me maximise the libraries browser window for better view.

Point to Machines >> PSAT >> InductiveMotorI_SMIBOpenline_Test. Now expand the Examples category and navigate to

Machines >> PSAT >>

Now scroll down to view


Double click on InductiveMotorI_SMIBOpenline_Test Double-click on InductiveMotorI_SMIBOpenline_Test

Close the libraries browser

Now we can see this model.

Make sure that the model is displayed in Diagram view.

You can also close the messages browser for better view.
Point to the components

Highlight all the components

We can see that this simple model consists of an Infinite bus.

And an Induction motor of order 1 connected with two power lines.

Double click on the components Double-click on the components.

Here we can see that the parameters are already set.

The power flow data is already entered.

Close this parameter window
Double click on the pwLine2

Cursor to Parameters window

General >> perturbation parameters

Double-click on pwLine2.

The Parameters window opens.

Under the General tab, go to perturbation parameters.

Point to t1 and t2 values Here this power line opens at time t1 = 2 seconds and closes back at t2 = 3 seconds.
Close the Parameters window Close this window.
Now let's see the effect of the opening on the induction motor voltage profile.
Click on the Simulation Setup option on the toolbar. Click on the Simulation Setup option on the toolbar.
Point to Simulation Setup window. The Simulation Setup window opens.

Cursor to Start Time and Stop Time values

By default, the simulation runs from 0 to 20 unit time.
Select Method as dassl Under Integration tab, select Method as dassl, if not already selected, by default.
Ensure that Simulate checkbox is checked.

Click Ok.

Ensure that Simulate checkbox is checked and then click on the Ok button.
/* Switching to Simulation Output Window */ On simulating, a new window opens.
Hover the mouse on the simulation output window. It shows the compilation process of the class.
Point to or highlight the success message window.

The Simulation finished successfully

Once the compilation is successful, the output window displays the message:

The Simulation finished successfully.

Close this window. Close the window.
Switching to Plotting Perspective By default, Plotting Perspective opens in the OMEdit window.

Here we can see the simulation results of the Modelica class.

Point to Variables Browser.

Click on the checkbox against v variable

Under Variables Browser, expand the motorTypel variable.

Scroll down to locate variable v

Click on the check box against v variable to get the plot.

I am closing the message browser for better view.
The cursor on the plot

Highlight the drop in voltage.

We can see the drop in voltage for the duration of 1 second.

That is when the line was kept open starting from 2 secs to 3 secs.

In the upcoming tutorials, we will learn more about how to simulate these models and analyse the results.
Slide Number 11


Let’s summarize.

In this tutorial, we have learnt:

  • About OpenIPSL
  • Objectives of OpenIPSL package
  • How to download the OpenIPSL package
  • Library structure of OpenIPSL
Slide Number 12

Power System Simulation Project

The FOSSEE team invites contributions to develop power system networks using OpenIPSL library.

We give honorarium and certificates to those who do this.

For more details, please visit this site.

Slide Number 13

About the Spoken Tutorial Project

Watch the video available at the following link.

It summarizes the Spoken Tutorial project.

Slide Number 14

Spoken Tutorial Workshops

The Spoken Tutorial Project Team conducts workshops and gives certificates.
  • For more details, please write to us.
Slide Number 15

Forum slide

Do you have questions in this Spoken Tutorial?

Please visit this site.

Choose the minute and second where you have the question.

Explain your question briefly.

Someone from the FOSSEE team will answer them.

Slide Number 16

Forum for specific questions:

Do you have any general/technical questions on OpenModelica?

Please visit the FOSSEE forum and post your question

Slide Number 17

Textbook Companion Project

The FOSSEE team coordinates coding of solved examples of popular books.

We give honorarium and certificates to those who do this.

For more details, please visit this site.

Slide Number 18

Lab Migration Project

The FOSSEE team helps migrate commercial simulator labs to OpenModelica.

We give honorarium and certificates to those who do this.

For more details, please visit this site.

Slide Number 19


Spoken Tutorial and FOSSEE projects are funded by NMEICT, MHRD, Government of India.
Slide Number 20


This tutorial is created by Samboju Sai Kiran.

Thank you for joining.

Contributors and Content Editors

PoojaMoolya, Saikiran