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Time Narration
00:01 Welcome to the Spoken Tutorial on Grading quiz in Moodle.
00:07 In this tutorial, we will learn how to:

Review quiz attempts submitted by students

00:15 Edit questions in a quiz
00:18 Regrade attempts
00:21 Delete quiz attempts and Download quiz results
00:27 This tutorial is recorded using: Ubuntu Linux OS 16.04
00:35 Apache, MariaDB and PHP obtained through XAMPP 5.6.30
00:43 Moodle 3.3 and Firefox web browser
00:49 You may use any web browser of your choice.
00:53 However, Internet Explorer should be avoided, as it causes some display inconsistencies.
01:01 This tutorial assumes that your site administrator has registered you as a teacher
01:08 And assigned at least one course to you.
01:12 It also assumes that you have added some course material, assignments and quizzes for your course and you have some student logins
01:25 If not, please refer to the relevant Moodle tutorials on this website.
01:32 Let me show you how a student will attempt the quiz that we created earlier in the series.
01:40 I have logged in as student Priya Sinha right now.
01:46 I will click on Calculus under My courses.
01:50 Then I will click on Quiz 1 - Evolutes and Involutes
01:55 I will click on Attempt Quiz now button and then confirm my selection.
02:02 The question paper is presented to me.
02:06 On the right, we see the Quiz navigation block.
02:11 It displays all the question numbers, the timer and the Finish attempt link.
02:19 The questions in the first page are highlighted in the Quiz navigation block.
02:26 I will begin attempting questions in both the sections.
02:31 There are buttons for previous and next pages, depending on which page you are in.
02:38 Let me attempt the questions.
02:44 I can go back to any question if I need to review it, from the Quiz navigation block.
02:51 On the left of the question, notice that there is an option to flag the question.
02:58 A flagged question has a red triangle at the top right of the question.
03:05 One can flag a question in order to Go back and review it later, before submitting the attempt

Or to discuss the topic with the teacher

03:17 The question will remain flagged until the student specifically removes the flag.
03:24 There are some other markers related to quiz questions.
03:29 A grey marker indicates an answered question.
03:34 A small red triangle below the question number indicates an incomplete answer.
03:41 A totally white box indicates an unanswered question.
03:47 As mentioned earlier, I can click on any question to go back to that question.
03:54 When I am done, I will click on Finish attempt... link in the Quiz navigation block.
04:01 I can also click on Finish attempt button at the end of the quiz.
04:07 Click on Submit all and finish button and confirm my selection.
04:13 Students can see the marks and grade scored in a quiz right after the submission.
04:20 The quiz navigation block also has color-coded number boxes.
04:26 A green marker with a tick-mark indicates correct answer
04:31 A red marker indicates either a wrong or unattempted question
04:38 A brown marker with a white circle indicates a partially correct answer.
04:45 A red triangle marker at the top-right is for flagged questions
04:52 Let us go back to the course page by clicking on Calculus in the breadcrumbs.
04:59 Let me click on the quiz name.
05:02 I can see my attempt here and a Review link.
05:07 I can review my quiz attempt by clicking on the Review link.
05:13 Scroll down to see the feedback given for every answer.
05:18 This is a general feedback that every student sees after their attempt.
05:24 Let me log out of this student’s dashboard.
05:29 Before reviewing the quiz as a teacher, ensure that all your students have attempted the quiz.
05:37 Pause the tutorial and attempt the quiz for at least 5 students, before proceeding further.

I have already done so for my students.

05:48 Now, I will login as teacher Rebecca Raymond.
05:53 Click on Calculus under My courses on the left.
05:58 Scroll down and click on Quiz 1 - Evolutes and Involutes.
06:04 You can see quiz description and quiz timeline in this page.
06:10 The number of attempts are also listed here.

In my case, it is 5.

06:17 Now, click on Attempts link.
06:21 There are some filters at the top of the page, which are self-explanatory.
06:27 You can use these if there are many students enrolled in your course.
06:32 I will leave them as they are and scroll down.
06:36 Let me close the navigation menu on the left for better view.
06:42 Notice that all the attempts are listed in a table here.
06:47 Click on Review attempt link below Priya Sinha’s name.
06:52 You may see a different set of questions than the ones I see.
06:57 That is because we added random questions from the question bank, while creating the quiz.
07:05 The students will see different questions or a different order of questions, when they attempt.
07:12 We can see a brief overview of the attempt.
07:17 Priya Sinha finished the quiz in 3 minutes and 12 seconds.
07:23 She also got 1.2 out of 4 marks and 30%.
07:30 This will give you an idea of how the student performed in the quiz.
07:36 Look at the Quiz navigation block at the right.
07:40 The green box with a tick mark indicates that the student got full marks for the answer.
07:47 The red box indicates that the student answered the question incorrectly.
07:53 The brown box with a white circle in between indicates partially correct answer.
08:00 You can go to any question directly by clicking on that question number.
08:06 You can also change the layout if you want to show the questions one page at a time.
08:13 You can see the answers and the marks scored against each question.
08:19 You can also see the common feedback shown to the student.
08:24 There is also a Response history with a log of what the student did.
08:30 Notice here that the student saved this answer once before finally submitting it.
08:37 As a teacher, you can add a specific comment for any answer, if you wish to.
08:43 You can also override the marks. Let’s see how to do this.
08:49 Click on Make comment or override marks link below the common feedback section.

A new window opens up.

08:59 Type the desired comment, as shown here.
09:03 I will also change the marks as shown here.
09:07 Scroll down and click on the Save button.
09:11 Your comment is now shown below the common feedback.
09:16 Response history also has a log of the changes you made.
09:22 Notice that the marks and grade have also changed based on your new manual grading.
09:29 You can also edit a question from an attempt itself.

Click on Edit question link on the left.

09:38 This will take you to the edit screen where you can make changes to the question.
09:44 You can also change the options of grades associated with it.
09:49 Note that this will change the question for all students who have already attempted the quiz.

This will also change the question for future quizzes.

10:00 I realize now that I had marked the wrong answer while creating this quiz.
10:06 I will change the grade for these 2 options.
10:12 Click on Save changes button when done.
10:16 Click on Finish review link when you are done.
10:20 Click on Attempts link again.
10:24 If you changed any question, you should regrade the attempts based on the new grading.
10:30 Click on Regrade all button.
10:35 You will see a message Regrade completed successfully.

Click on Continue button.

10:43 Notice that the grade for that question changed for some of the students.
10:49 You can also delete a particular attempt if you wish to.
10:54 Click on the checkbox next to the name of the student whose attempt you want to delete.
11:01 Then click on Delete selected attempts button. But I will not do this right now.
11:09 The teacher also has the option to download all the attempts in various file formats.

Let me demonstrate how.

11:19 Scroll up to the section What to include in the report
11:24 I can filter the reports based on various criteria.
11:29 Let me download the report for all enrolled students who have attempted the quiz.
11:36 I will uncheck rest of the checkboxes under Attempts that are to narrow it down to see the finished reports
11:46 Click on Show Report button
11:50 Click on the dropdown Download table data as at the top right above the report table.
11:58 Select OpenDocument (.ods) from the options.
12:04 Then click on the Download button next to it.

Save the file on your local machine.

12:11 Let me open the file.

You can see the details of the attempts here.

12:18 With this, we come to the end of this tutorial.

Let us summarize.

12:24 In this tutorial, we learnt how to: Review quiz attempts submitted by students
12:31 Edit questions in a quiz

Regrade attempts

12:37 Delete quiz attempts and Download quiz results
12:44 Here is a small assignment for you.

Review the attempt of any other student

12:51 Post question-specific comments
12:55 The video at the following link, summarizes the Spoken Tutorial project.

Please download and watch it.

13:04 The Spoken Tutorial Project Team conducts workshops and gives certificates.

For more details, please write to us.

13:15 Please post your timed queries in this forum.
13:19 Spoken Tutorial Project is funded by NMEICT, MHRD, Government of India. More information on this mission is available at the link shown.
13:32 This script has been contributed by Priyanka.

And this is Nancy Varkey along with the Spoken Tutorial team signing off.

Thanks for joining.

Contributors and Content Editors
