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Time Narration
00:00 Pdiang sngewbha sha kane ka spoken tutorial halor Working with Regular Files haka Linux.
00:07 Ki File bad ki directories ki pynlong lang ïaka Linux File System.
00:13 Haka tutorial ba lahdep, ngi lah peit kumno ban treikam bad ki directory. Phi lah ban shem ïaka tutorial ha kane ka website.
00:25 Ha kane ka tutorial, ngin peit kumno ban leh ïaki regular files.
00:31 Ngi lahdep peit ha kiwei pat ki tutorial kumno ngi lah ban shna ïaka file, pyndonkam daka 'cat' command. Ban tip kham bniah, sngewbha leit sha kane ka website.
00:46 To ngin peit kumno ban copy ïaka file na kawei ka jaka sha kawei pat. Na bynta kane ngi don ka 'cp' command.
00:55 To ngin peit kumno la pyndonkam ïaka command.
01:00 Ban copy ïaka wei ka file, ngi type: cp space kawei lane ar naki [OPTIONS]... space ka kyrteng jong ka SOURCE file space ka kyrteng jong ka destination file (DEST).
01:15 Ban copy bun tylli ki file ha kajuh ka por,

Ngi thoh cp space kawei lane ar naki [OPTIONS]... ka kyrteng jong ka SOURCE files kaba ngi kwah ban copy bad ka kyrteng jong ka destination DIRECTORY ha kaba kine ki file yn copy.

01:34 To ngin peit mynta ïaka nuksa. Nyngkong ngi plie ïaka terminal.
01:42 Ngi la don lypa ïaka file ba kyrteng 'test1' haka home directory jong ngi.
01:49 Ban peit don aiu haka test1, ngi type:$ cat space test1 bad ñion Enter.
02:00 Kumba ngi lah ban iohi, ka content jong ka test1 la pyni. Mynta lada ngi kwah ban copy ïaka sha kawei pat ka file ba khot 'test2' ngin thoh:

$ cp space test1 space test2 bad ñion Enter.

02:22 Mynta lah copy ïaka file.
02:25 Lada ka 'test2' kam don, kan sa shna shwa ïaka bad nangta ynsa copy ïaka content jong ka 'test1' sha ka.
02:35 Lada ka lah don lypa, te kan sa shu ban nalor jong ka. Ban peit ïaka file bala copy, type:

$ cat space test2 bad ñion Enter.

02:52 Ngi lah ruh ban copy iaki file naka directory bad sha kiwei ki directory bap her. Kum ka nuksa,

type: $ cp space /home/anirban/arc/demo1 (kaba long ka kyrteng jong ka file kaba ngi kwah ban copy) space /home/anirban/demo2 bad nion Enter.

03:31 Kaei ba kane kan leh ka long ba kan copy iaka file 'demo1' naka source diretory /home/anirban/arc sha ka directory ban thep ka /home/anirban, kan copy sha ka kyrteng ka file 'demo2'.
03:51 Ban iohi baka 'demo2' kadon hangto, type:

ls space /home/anirban bad nion Enter.

04:13 Ngi scroll sha jrong kumbs phi lah ban iohi hangne ka don ka 'demo2'.
04:19 Shwa ban iaid sha khmat to ngin pynkhuid iaka screen.
04:25 Lada phi kwah baka file kan don iaka juh ka kyrteng haka directory kaba phi thep, phi lah lehse ban ym thoh iaka kyrteng ka file. Kumka nuksa,
04:35 Type $ cp space /home/anirban/arc/demo1 space /home/anirban/ bad nion Enter.
05:03 Kane kan copy biang iaka file 'demo1' kaba thew iaka /home/anirban/arc directory sha /home/anirban directory sha ka file kaba ka kyrteng jong ka kan long lang 'demo1'.
05:20 Kumba mynne, ban iohi iaka 'demo1' type:

ls /home/anirban bad nion Enter.

05:33 Hangne ngin scroll biang sha jrong ba phin iohi iaka file 'demo1' kaba don hangto.
05:40 Shwa ban iaid sha khmat, to ngin pynkhuid biang iaka screen.
05:48 Sa kawei ka khep ba ngim donkam ban ai ka kyrteng jong ka file haka kaba ngin thep ka long haba ngi kwah ban copy bun tylli ki file.
05:56 Ngin mutdur ba ngi don lai tylli ki file kiba kyrteng test1, test2, test3 haka home directory jong ngi.
06:04 Mynta ngi type: $ cp space test1 space test2 space test3 space /home/anirban/testdir bad nion Enter.
06:27 Kane kan copy ia baroh lai tylli ki file kiba kyrteng test1,test2 bad test3 sha ka directory /home/anirban/testdir khlem da pynkylla iaki kyrteng jong ki.
06:41 Ban pynthikna ba la dep copy ia kine ki file.Ngin type: ls space /home/anirban/testdir bad nion Enter.
07:03 Kumba phi iohi ka test1, test2 bad ka test3 ki lahdon ha kane ka directory.
07:10 Ki don shibun ki jingleh kiba long bad ka cp. Hangne ngin peit tang iaki ba kongsan tam naki.
07:18 To ngin leit biang shwa sha ki slides.
07:23 Naki jingjied, u, -R dakheh u long uba kongsan. U pynlong ban copy shi copy iaka directory structure baroh kawei.
07:33 To ngin peit iaka nuksa.
07:38 To ngin pyrshang ban copy ia baroh ki content jong ka 'testdir' directory sha ka directory ba khot 'test'.
07:48 Na bynta kata, ngin type: cp space testdir/ space test bad nion Enter.
08:02 Kumba phi lah ban iohi naka output message,
08:06 bunsien ngim ju lah ban copy iaka directory ba don katto katne ki content ba iadei bad ka cp command.
08:14 Hynrei dakaba pyndonkam ka jingjied -R ngi lah ban leh ia kane.
08:19 Mynta ngi type: cp space -R space testdir/ space test bad nion Enter.
08:36 Lah copy iaki file mynta. Ban peit ba ka 'test' directory ka don ne em, type ls bad nion Enter.
08:47 Kumba phi lah ban iohi, ka 'test' directory ka don. To ngin pynkhuid noh iaka screen.
08:57 Ban peit iaki content shapoh ka 'test', type: ls space test bad nion Enter.
09:08 Phi lah ban ioh iaki content jong ka 'test' directory.
09:13 Mynta ngi leit phai biang sha ki slide.
09:16 Ngi lahdep peit ba lada iaka file la copy sha kawei pat ka file kaba la don lypa, yn sa ban halor ka file ba la don lypa.
09:25 Mynta kumno lada ngi kum ban nalor jong ka file kaba kongsan bha khlem jingthmu?
09:30 Ban pyllait ban jia kaba kum kane, ngi don ia u jingjied -b.
09:36 Kane ka shna iaka backup ia kawei pa kawei ka file kaba don.
09:41 Ngi lah ruh ban pyndonkam u jingjied -i (interactive), Une u ju maham ia ngi shwa ban ban nalor jong kano kano ka file ban thep.
09:54 Mynta to ngin peit kumno ka mv command ka treikam.
09:59 ia kane la pyndonkam naka bynta ban pynkynriah iaki files. Mynta kumno kata kan iarap?
10:04 ka don ar tylli ki rukom pyndonkam jong ka.
10:07 La pyndonkam naka bynta ban renaming a file lane ka directory.
10:11 Ka moves a group of files ruh sha kawei pat ka directory.
10:17 Ka mv ka iasyriem bha bad ka cp kaba ngi lahdep ia peit. Te to ngin peit kloi kloi, kumno lah ban pyndonkam ia ka mv.
10:29 Ngi plié ia u terminal bad type: $ mv space test1 space test2 bad nion Enter.
10:43 Kane kan rename iaka file ba kyrteng 'test1' kaba la don lypa haka home directory sha ka file ba kyrteng ka 'test2'.
10:52 Lada ka 'test2' kala don lypa, te ynsa ban iaka nalor khlem da pyntip ei ei.
11:00 Lada ngi kwah iaka jingmaham shwa ba iaka file yn ban nalor,
11:05 Ngi lah ban pyndonkam u jingjied -i bad ka mv command.
11:10 Lehse, ngi don sa kawei ka file ba kyrteng 'anirban'. Ia Kane ka file ruh ngi kwah ban pynkylla sha 'test2'.
11:20 Ngin type: mv space -i space anirban space test2 bad nion Enter.
11:32 Kumba phi lah ban iohi, ka jingmaham ka don kaba kylli lada yn ban nalor ne em iaka 'test2'.
11:41 Lada ngi nion y bad nion Enter, ynsa ban iaka file nalor.
11:49 Kumba long ka cp ngi lah ban pyndonkam ka mv ryngkat bun tylli ki file, hynrei kum ha kata ka khep, ka destination ka dei ban long ka directory.
11:58 Shwa ban iaid sha khmat to ngin pynkhuid shwa iaka screen.
12:03 Lehse ngi don lai tylli ki file ba kyrteng abc.txt, pop.txt bad push.txt haka home directory jong ngi.
12:14 Ban iohi iaka jingdon jong ki, type ls bad nion Enter.
12:21 Hangne kidon ki file pop.txt, push.txt bad abc.txt To ngin pynkhuid shwa iaka screen.
12:36 Mynta ngi kwah ban pynkynriah ia kine lai tylli ki file sha ka directory ba khot 'testdir'.
12:46 Kaei kaba ngi donkam ban leh ka long type: mv space abc.txt space pop.txt space push.txt bad nangta ka kyrteng jong ka destination folder kaba dei 'testdir' bad nion Enter.
13:14 Ban peit iaki, type ls space testdir bad nion Enter.
13:20 Phi lah ban iohi iaki file abc, pop bad push.txt.
13:27 Mynta to ngin peit katto katne ki jingjied kiba long bad ka mv. To ngin leit shwa sha ki slides.
13:37 Nangta ka jingjied -b lane –backup ka don bad ka mv command. Kan sa backup ia kawei pa kawei ka file haka destination shwa ba kan shah ban nalor.
13:48 U jingjied -i uba ngi lahdep ia peit mynne, u maham ia ngi shwa ban ban nalor jong kano kano ka destination file.
13:58 Ka command ba bud kaba ngin peit kadei ka rm command. Ia kane ka command la pyndonkam ban deleting iaki file.
14:06 Leit biang sha u terminal bad type: ls space testdir
14:15 Ngi lah ban iohi iaka kyrteng file 'faq.txt' kaba don. Lehse, ngi kwah ban delete iaka.
14:23 Na bynta kane, ngi type:

$ rm space testdir/faq.txt bad nion Enter.

14:37 Kane ka command kan weng iaka file 'faq.txt' naka '/testdir' directory.
14:46 Ban peit ba lah weng ne em iaka file, to ngin nion biang:ls space testdir bad nion Enter.
15:00 Ngim iohi shuh iaka file 'faq.txt'.
15:05 Ngi lah ban pyndonkam ruh iaka rm command bad bun tylli ki files.
15:10 Ka 'testdir' directory ka kynthup ar tylli ki file ka 'abc2' bad 'abc1'.
15:17 Lehse ngi kwah ban weng ia kine ki file abc1 bad abc2.
15:23 Na bynta kane, ngin type: rm space testdir/abc1 space testdir/abc2 bad nion Enter.
15:45 Kane kan weng iaki file 'abc1' bad 'abc2' naka 'testdir' directory.
15:53 Ban peit ba lah weng ne em iaki, type biang ls space testdir. Phim iohi shuh iaka file 'abc1' bad 'abc2'.
16:07 To ngin pynkhuid iaka screen shwa ban iaid shakhmat.
16:14 Mynta to ngin leit phai biang sha ki slides.
16:18 To ngin batai lyngkot kaei kaba ngi dang shudep ong?
16:20 Kata, ban delete ia kawei ka file, ngi thoh rm bad nangta ka kyrteng jong ka file.
16:27 Ban delete shibun tylli ki files ngi thoh rm bad ka kyrteng jong ki file ba ngi kwah ban delete.
16:34 Mynta to ngin peit sha ki katto katne ki jingjied jong ka rm command.
16:40 Hateng, ka file ka long write protected, dakaba pyndonkam ka rm kan ym delete iaka file. Ha kane ka khep ngin don iaka jingjied -f kaban pyndonkam daka bor ban delete iaka file.
16:57 Kawei pat ka jingjied ba kham kyllum ka long ka jingjied -r. To ngin peit hangno kane ka jingjied ka kham myntoi?
17:07 To ngin phai biang sha u terminal.
17:12 Ym ju kham pyndonkam iaka rm command ban delete ki directory, na bynta kata, ngi don ka rmdir command.
17:21 Hynrei ka rmdir command ka ju delete iaka directory, tang hangta kan sa long thylli.
17:27 Kumno lada ngi kwah ban delete iaka directory kaba don shibun ki file bad ki subdirectory hapoh jong ka?.
17:35 To ngin pyrshang iaka rm command ban leh ia kane.
17:38 To ngin type rm bad ka directory kaba ngi kwah ban delete kaba long ka 'testdir' bad nion Enter.
17:47 Na ka output message ngi lah ban iohi ba ngim lah ban pyndonkam iaka 'rm directory' ban delete iaka 'testdir'.
17:55 Hynrei lada ngi kynthup lang iaka jingjied -r bad -f, te ngin lah ban leh ia kane.
18:03 Nion : rm space -rf space testdir bad nangta nion Enter.
18:16 Mynta lahdep delete iaka 'testdir' directory.
18:22 To ngin leit phai biang mynta sha ki slide ban pule ia ka command ba bud.
18:27 Ka cmp command.
18:29 Hateng ngin donkam ban peit bniah ba haot ki ar tylli ki file kidei ki juh. Lada kidei ka juh, ngi lah ban delete noh iwei naki.
18:37 Bad ruh, ngi lah ban kwah ban peit lada ka file ka la kylla naduh ka version kaba khadduh.
18:44 Naka bynta kine bad kiwei pat ki jingthmu, ngi lah ban pyndonkam ka cmp command.
18:49 Ka compares two files byte by byte.
18:54 Ban compare iaka file1 bad file2, ngin thoh cmp space file1 space file2.
19:03 Lada baroh ar tylli ki file ki don thik kijuh ki content, te kan ym pyni kano kano ka message.
19:11 Tang ia u prompt ynsa print.
19:14 Lada don ki jingiapher haki content jong ki, te ka jaka jong ka jingbym iahap jong ki ynsa print ha u terminal.
19:25 To ngin peit kumno ka 'cmp' ka treikam. Ngi don ar tylli ki file ba kyrteng 'sample1' bad 'sample2' haka home directory jong ngi.
19:35 To ngin peit ki don aiu haki?
19:38 Type cat space sample1 bad nion Enter. Ki don iaka text “This is a Linux file to test the cmp command”
19:50 Kawei pat ka file 'sample2' kan don iaka text bad ban peit ia kata, ngin type cat sample2 bad nion Enter.
20:00 Kan don iaka text “This is a Unix file to test the cmp command.”
20:06 Mynta ngin pyntreikam iaka cmp command ha kine ki artylli ki file .
20:11 Ngin thoh: cmp space sample1 space sample2 bnd nion Enter.
20:23 Kumba ngin lah ban iohi, ka jingiapher ba nyngkong hapdeng jong ki ar tylli ki file ka 'sample1' bnd 'sample2' lah kdew hangne.
20:32 To ngin pynkhuid iaka screen shwa ban iaid shuh shuh sha ka command babud.
20:38 Ka command ba bud ban gin peit ka dei ka wc command.
20:43 Ia kane ka command la pyndonkam ban count the number of characters, words and lines haka file.
20:50 Ngi don iaka kyrteng file 'sample3' haka home directory jong ngi.
20:56 To ngin peit iaki content jong ka. Na bynta kata, ngin type: cat space sample3 bad nion Enter.
21:05 Kane kadei ka content jong ka sample3.
21:10 Mynta to ngin pyndonkam iaka wc command ha kane ka file.
21:14 Na bynta kata, ngin thoh: wc space sample3 bad nion Enter.
21:25 Ka command ka pyni ba kato ka file kadon 6 ki lain, 67 kyntien bad 385 ki dak.
21:38 Kine ki long katto katne naki command ki ba iarap ia ngi ban trei bad ki file.
21:43 Ki dang don shuh shibun ki command. Shuh shuh ruh, iwei pa iwei naki command kiba ngi lahdep peit, ki don bun sa kiwei pat ruh ki jingjied.
21:51 Nga pynshlur ia phi ban peit shuh shaphang jong ki dakaba pyndonkam ka man command.
22:00 Khadduh, kane ka wanlam ia ngi sha ka bakut jong kane ka tutorial.
22:04 Ka Spoken Tutorial Project kadei shibynta jong ka Talk to a Teacher project, bala kyrshan daka National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Sorkar India.
22:17 Khambun ki jingtip halor kane kajuh kadon haka link harum
22:34 Ia kane ka script la pynkylla sha ka Ktien Khasi da I Hezekiah Lyngdoh na Shillong. Khublei ba phi la iasnoh lang.

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