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Title: Custom Animation

Author: Nancy Varkey, Manish Naik

Novice Reviewer: Nikita M, Pooja M, Arvind P

Domain Reviewer: Praveen S and Nancy Varkey

Keywords: LibreOffice,Impress,Spoken Tutorial,Video Tutorial,Alternative of Microsoft Powerpoint,Custom Animation in Impress,Animation section in Impress,Properties of Animation in Impress,How to set Effect in impress

Visual Cue Narration
Slide: Title Welcome to the spoken tutorial on Custom Animation in LibreOffice Impress.
Slide: Learning Objectives In this tutorial, we will learn
  • How to use custom animation in the slides in Impress.
Slide: System Requirements This tutorial is recorded using
  • Ubuntu Linux OS version 18.04 and
  • LibreOffice Suite version 6.3.5
Open Sample-Impress.odp. Let's open our presentation Sample-Impress.odp.
Slide: Code files
  • This file has been provided to you in the Code files link on this tutorial page
  • Pls download and extract the file
  • Make a copy and then use it for practicing
Click the slide Potential Alternatives from the Slides Pane.

Point to the slide in the Workspace

Let’s click on the thumbnail ‘Potential Alternatives’ from the Slides Pane.

This slide is now displayed on the Workspace.

Narration only: Let’s learn how to use custom animation to make our presentation more attractive.
Click on the X icon on the Slides Pane Close the Slides pane for better visibility
Move the cursor slowly on the first textbox >> hand icon >> click Move the cursor slowly on the first textbox and you will see a hand icon.

Now click the left mouse button.

Go to the Sidebar -> Animation Then go to the Sidebar and click on the icon named Animation.
Narration only: First let’s learn how to decrease the width of the Sidebar section for a better view of the Workspace.
Point to grey slider. Notice the gray slider on the left side of the Animation section.
Move the cursor on it. Move the cursor on it until the mouse turns into a double horizontal arrow.
Hold the left mouse button on the slider and drag it to the right side. Hold the left mouse button on the slider and drag it to the right side.

Adjust it as much as you require, without hiding any of the fields.

Point to Animation section -> Point to the white box In the Animation section, there is an empty white box.

This box will display the animations which we add to the presentation for preview purposes.

Since we haven’t added any animations yet, this box appears blank.

Click on the ‘+’ button.

Point to all other subsections.

Below the box, click on the Plus button named Add Effect.

This Add Effect button allows us to set animation options.

It enables Category and other fields below the Add Effect button.

Go to the Category drop-down ->Highlight Entrance In the Category drop-down, the option Entrance is selected by default.

Entrance option controls the way the item appears on the Slide show.

Click on the drop-down -> Point to other options in the drop-down -> Select ‘Entrance’ Click on this drop-down.

Here we can see many other options that control the way the item appears on the Slide show.

I will keep the option Entrance.

Point to Effect -> Click on the Diagonal Squares. Now, in the Effect list, scroll down and choose the Diagonal Squares effect.
Point to the transition effect in the Workspace.

Point to the checkbox of Automatic Preview.

Notice that the preview of the selected transition effect is displayed in the Workspace.

This is because the Automatic Preview checkbox is selected by default in the section.

Point to the checkbox of Automatic Preview.

Go to bottom -> Click on the Play button

If not, go to the bottom of the section and check the Automatic Preview option.

Alternatively click on the Play button to see the preview.

Go to the box -> Point to the first animation. In the Animation box, notice that the first animation has been added.
Move the cursor on the 2nd textbox >> hand icon >> click Now in the same slide, select the second textbox to the right, as explained earlier.
Go to the Animation section -> click on the ‘+’ button.

Point to the Entrance -> Effect -> Click on ‘Wedge’

Under the Animation section, click on the Add Effect button.

Keep the Category as Entrance.

Under Effect, scroll down and select the Wedge effect.

Point to the transition effect in the Workspace. Notice that the preview of the selected transition effect is displayed in the Workspace.
Point to the second animation listed in the box. Notice that this animation has also been added to the Animation box.
Move the cursor on the 3rd textbox >> hand icon >> click Next, select the third Body textbox.
Go to the Animation section -> click on the “+” button. In the Animation section, once again click on the Add Effect button.
Point to all subsections below Add effect (+) button

Point to both sentences in third textbox

Go to the Animation box -> Point to ‘Appear’ in the third animation.

Notice that subsections below the Add Effect button are not enabled.

This is because the selected textbox has two sentences.

In such case, by default ‘Appear’ effect is applied to the textboxes

Narration only: If you still wish to apply the animation to such a textbox, you can apply it individually.
Click on Arrow to right icon

Point to both individual animations

Point to first individual animation

Go to Effect list -> Point to all below options.

In the Animation box, click on the ‘Arrow to the right’ icon next to the third animation.

Notice that the third animation is split into two individual animations of two sentences.

By selecting the individual lines, we can set animations for each one of them.

We can see that the Effect list and other options are enabled.

Point to animation effects in the Effect list. Choose the animation effect as per your choice.

We will keep the default effect ‘Appear’ for both sentences of the third textbox.

Go to Animation Box -> Click on Down Arrow to right icon Click on the ‘Down arrow’ icon next to the third animation to hide the individual lines
Point to the 3 animations in the box. Also notice that the animations in the list, are in the order in which we have created them.
Narration only: We can also select more than one animation to preview.
Hold CTRL key + select all 3 animations. To do this, hold down the Control key on the keyboard while selecting all the animations.
Click on the Play button -> Point to the textboxes in the Workspace. Then click on the Play button.

Notice that the preview of all the animations we selected are played in the Workspace.

Go to Animation box -> select third animation In the Animation box, let’s select the third animation.
Go below the box ->

Point to Up and Down arrow buttons >> click on UP and then on DOWN to bring the item to its original position

Below the Animation box, notice arrow buttons named Move Up and Move Down.

Using these buttons, we can change the order of the animation, if we want to.

Narration only: Each animation comes with certain default properties.

Let’s look at the default properties for the animation and learn how to modify them.

Go to the box -> double click on the 1st animation in the list. In the Animation box, double-click on the first animation in the list.
Point to the Effects Options dialog box The Effect Options dialog box appears on the screen.
Point to the Effects tab. By default the Effects tab is selected.
Go to the Setting section.

Click on the Direction drop-down -> select From right to top.

In the Settings section, click on the Direction drop-down and select From right to top option.

This has the effect of starting the animation from the right and moving to the top as it progresses.

Click OK. Click the OK button to close the dialog box.
Click on the Play button -> Point to the first Body text box in the Workspace. Click on the Play button to see the change in the animation.
Double-click on the 1st animation in the list. Go to the Animation box once again and double-click on the first animation.
Point to Effect Options dialog box -> click on the Timing tab. In the Effect Options dialog box, click on the Timing tab.
Go to Delay field -> press “+” button once -> Point to 1.0 sec in the field. Go to the Delay field and press the Plus button to increase the delay time to 1.0 second.

This has the effect of starting the animation after one second.

Click OK. Click the OK button to close the dialog box.
Go to Animation section -> Point to Delay and direction field We can also set the delay and directions in the Animation section.
Click on the Play button.

Point to the first Body textbox in the Workspace.

Now click on the Play button.

We observe the effect of the one second delay which we made in the animation.

Go to the box -> double click on the second animation in the list Go to the Animation box and double-click on the second animation in the list.
Point to Effect option dialog box.

Point to all options.

In the Effect Options dialog box, click on the Text Animation tab.

Text Animation tab offers various options to animate the text.

Click on the Group text drop-down -> select By 1st Level Paragraphs. Click on Group text drop-down.

Select ‘By 1st level paragraphs’ option if it is not already selected by default.

Select the checkbox of Automatically after.

Go to value field -> press “+” button twice -> Point to 2.0 sec in the field.

Narration only:

Select the checkbox of Automatically after.

Then in the value field, increase the seconds to 2.

This choice displays each item from a bulleted or numbered list and its animation separately.

Use this option when you want to thoroughly discuss one item point, before moving on to the next.

Click OK Click the OK button to close the dialog box.
Click on the Play button.

Point to the second Body textbox in the Workspace.

Now click on the Play button.

We observe the effect of the two seconds delay which we made in the animation.

Narration only: Finally, let’s view all three animation effects at once.
Go to box -> Hold CTRL key + select all animations. Go to the box and hold down the Control key while selecting all three animations in the list.
Click on Play button ->

point to the slide in the Workspace.

Go to the bottom and click on the Play button.

You can see all the three animation effects that we have made.

Click on the ‘X’ icon on the top right corner Close the Animation section.
Click on the View Menu and select Slides Pane Lets open the Slides pane
Slide: About Animation
  • Animation is a good way to break the monotony of a presentation and
  • Helps to illustrate certain item points clearly
Slide: About Animation However, be careful not to overdo it!

Too much animation will take the attention of the audience away from the subject under discussion.

Only narration All the animations effectively show up in the Slide Show Creation tutorial in this series.
Ctrl + S, Click on the X icon Let us save all these changes for future use and then close the presentation file.
Narration only: With this, we have come to the end of this spoken tutorial.

Let us summarize.

Slide: Summary In this tutorial, we learnt:
  • How to use custom animation in the slides in Impress.
Slide: Assignment

As an assignment.
  • Open “Practice-Impress.odp” file
  • Select slide 2 and type a sentence in the 2nd Body textbox
  • Create different custom animations for both Body textboxes
  • Check the Effect Options for each animation
Slide: About the Spoken Tutorial Project
  • The video at the following link summarises the Spoken Tutorial project
  • Please download and watch it
Slide: Spoken Tutorial Workshops We conduct workshops using spoken tutorials and give certificates.

For more details, please write to us.

Slide: Forum Please post your timed queries in this forum.
Slide: Acknowledgements The Spoken Tutorial project is funded by MHRD, Govt. of India.
Slide: Thank you Acknowledgement to DesiCrew This spoken tutorial was originally contributed by DesiCrew Solutions Pvt. Ltd. in 2011

This is Arvind and Manish from IIT Bombay signing off. Thank you for watching.

Contributors and Content Editors

Manishnaik, Nancyvarkey, Pravin1389