From Script | Spoken-Tutorial
00:00 | Welcome to the spoken tutorial on the Indian law to protect breastfeeding. |
00:06 | In this tutorial, we will learn about: |
00:09 | Infant milk substitutes or IMS. |
00:13 | The IMS Act. |
00:16 | Let us first understand what are infant milk substitutes? |
00:23 | Infant milk substitutes are also called IMS. |
00:29 | IMS are baby foods presented as a partial |
00:33 | or total replacement for breast milk. |
00:39 | They include all commercial baby foods for infants upto 2 years old. |
00:48 | In this tutorial, we will refer to IMS as commercial baby foods or baby foods. |
00:58 | Why do people use commercial baby foods? |
01:03 | There are 5 major reasons for the popular use of commercial baby foods. |
01:11 | The first reason is the myth that compares commercial baby foods to breast milk. |
01:20 | It is believed that they are as good as breast milk. |
01:26 | They can substitute breastfeeding completely. |
01:31 | Some uninformed people may believe them to be better than breast milk. |
01:40 | This myth is popular because their harms are not known or seen easily. |
01:48 | People are not guided about their harmful effects properly. |
01:54 | Also, the marketing techniques portray them to be equivalent to breastmilk. |
02:02 | Even many doctors or health care workers are not aware of their harmful effects. |
02:10 | They do not know the losses caused by not breastfeeding. |
02:17 | Hence, commercial baby foods are not considered dangerous by most people. |
02:25 | There is a general social acceptance of commercial baby foods. |
02:32 | This applies to feeding bottles and artificial nipples as well. |
02:39 | No commercial baby food can be equivalent to breastfeeding. |
02:46 | They may imitate the common constituents of breast milk. |
02:52 | Common constituents include proteins, calories or fats. |
02:59 | However, they cannot have the numerous constituents of breast milk. |
03:06 | Also, breast milk varies for each mother and her baby. |
03:13 | Commercial baby foods do not have this quality. |
03:18 | They are the same for all mothers and babies. |
03:24 | They also do not have the psycho-emotional benefits of breastfeeding. |
03:31 | They are very well known to cause undernutrition or obesity. |
03:38 | They also cause infectious and noninfectious diseases. |
03:44 | These diseases include cardiovascular problems |
03:48 | and allergies. |
03:51 | Their worst effect is that they make breastfeeding seem unimportant for babies. |
03:59 | They stop people from seeing that breastfeeding is free and the best. |
04:08 | The 2nd reason for using baby foods is that they seem like an easy shortcut. |
04:16 | Breastfeeding is a skill. |
04:19 | It takes time and effort to learn or assist the proper breastfeeding technique. |
04:28 | There could be problems while learning how to breastfeed. |
04:34 | Mother needs the family’s support to breastfeed at home. |
04:40 | She also needs society's support to breastfeed outside home or at work. |
04:49 | Therefore, commercial baby foods are considered as convenient alternatives. |
04:57 | Let’s discuss the third reason for the use of commercial baby foods now. |
05:04 | Not well informed health care workers use baby foods as an easy solution. |
05:12 | They may not know how to help mothers to breastfeed properly. |
05:18 | So, in a problematic situation, they recommend commercial baby foods by default. |
05:27 | The 4th reason for using baby foods is their heavy promotion by manufacturers. |
05:36 | Scientific words and rewards are used to convince people to buy baby foods. |
05:44 | They are used to convince health care workers to prescribe baby foods easily. |
05:52 | The 5th reason for using baby foods is the emotional weakness of new mothers. |
06:01 | Their worries increase during their own problems. |
06:06 | They also increase during disasters such as floods or the COVID-19 crisis. |
06:16 | They lose confidence and feel that breast milk won’t be enough for their baby. |
06:23 | They start believing the wrong advice on the usefulness of baby foods. |
06:31 | Then they start using commercial baby foods. |
06:37 | Now let’s discuss the history of commercial baby foods promotion briefly. |
06:45 | Since its invention, the promotion has made breastfeeding look unimportant. |
06:53 | Their companies directly target pregnant or lactating women and health workers. |
07:02 | They try to promote baby foods through nutrition or breastfeeding workshops. |
07:09 | They do free product distribution during emergencies like floods or earthquakes. |
07:19 | They also try to promote baby foods at grocery stores and medical stores. |
07:27 | Commercial baby foods are prominently displayed in the stores. |
07:33 | They use incentives to lure people to buy and use commercial baby foods. |
07:42 | Health activists realised how harmful these strategies are for babies. |
07:50 | Infancy is a vulnerable period of life. |
07:55 | Inappropriate feeding practices like improper use of baby foods are very risky. |
08:05 | So, the regulation of commercial baby foods promotion requires special laws. |
08:14 | Therefore, the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes was created. |
08:23 | It was adopted by the World Health Assembly in 1981. |
08:30 | This urged all countries to make laws regulating the marketing of baby foods. |
08:39 | India passed the “Infant Milk Substitutes, Feeding Bottles and Infant Foods (Regulation of Production, Supply and Distribution) Act 1992, and Amendment Act 2003”. |
08:57 | It is also called the IMS Act. |
09:02 | There are many laws passed by all the countries enacting the code. |
09:09 | Among all the laws, the IMS Act is one of the most stringent laws. |
09:17 | The provisions of the IMS Act are very clearly put up by BPNI. |
09:25 | BPNI is the Breastfeeding Promotion Network of India. |
09:32 | Now, let’s discuss the 10 violations of the IMS Act. |
09:39 | The IMS Act is considered violated if: |
09:44 | A food is promoted by any means specifically for children up to 2 years of age. |
09:53 | The name of the food doesn’t matter. |
09:57 | If the products under the scope of the IMS Act are advertised. |
10:04 | This includes infant milk substitutes, feeding bottles and infant food. |
10:12 | Any ad in any form or any medium violates the IMS act. |
10:20 | It includes TV, newspapers, magazines, journals, radio, SMS advertisements. |
10:30 | It also includes social media, billboards, banners and other advertisements. |
10:39 | If the product or its samples are distributed to any person directly. |
10:47 | This includes pregnant women or lactating women. |
10:53 | If any kind of incentive is offered to use or sell the product. |
11:01 | Incentives could be discounts or free gifts, etc. |
11:08 | If educational material related to the promotion of IMS is distributed. |
11:16 | If the labels of these products carry specific pictures for increasing sales. |
11:24 | These pictures could be of mothers, babies, cartoons, graphics, etc. |
11:33 | If a hospital, nursing home, chemist shop promotes IMS in any way. |
11:41 | This includes displaying placards or posters of IMS companies. |
11:49 | If money or gifts are offered to health workers or their family to promote IMS. |
11:58 | If an IMS company or its distributor provides direct or indirect contributions. |
12:08 | It includes funding for seminars, |
12:11 | meetings,
conferences |
12:14 | or educational courses. |
12:17 | It also includes sponsorships, |
12:21 | research grants or fellowships. |
12:25 | Sponsorship of health workers or their associations is also not allowed. |
12:33 | If the volume of sales of IMS is the basis for fixing the sales commission. |
12:42 | By doing so, the IMS company or its product distributor violates the IMS Act. |
12:51 | Please report these violations immediately. |
12:56 | To do so, you can use the BPNI STANPAN SURAKSHA mobile application. |
13:05 | This application is very user-friendly. |
13:11 | It involves only 2 simple steps to report a violation. |
13:17 | When you detect any violation, open the application. |
13:23 | Click the tab in the menu 'Report promotion of baby foods or feeding bottles'. |
13:32 | The reporting page will open. |
13:36 | Provide necessary information in the designated columns. |
13:42 | Attach any photograph or document if you have. |
13:48 | Submit it. |
13:51 | Remember, IMS companies may state the benefits of breastfeeding in their ads. |
13:59 | However, any such ad still makes a mother doubt her plan to breastfeed. |
14:07 | Their ads are designed to sell baby foods to as many mothers as possible. |
14:14 | The sooner a mother stops breastfeeding, the more formula is purchased. |
14:21 | This is why IMS companies try to make breastfeeding seem unimportant. |
14:30 | Breastfeeding is essential for a baby at least until 2 years of age. |
14:38 | The correct breastfeeding technique is important for breastfeeding adequately. |
14:45 | It is discussed in other tutorials in the same series. |
14:51 | This brings us to the end of this tutorial.
Thank you for joining. |