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00:00 Welcome to the spoken tutorial on the importance of calcium.
00:06 In this tutorial, we will learn about:
00:09 Role of calcium and its requirement in our body,
00:13 Symptoms of its deficiency
00:16 and Calcium rich food sources.
00:20 Calcium is the most abundant mineral in our body.
00:24 99% of the body’s calcium is found in bones and teeth.
00:31 The remaining 1% is present in our blood.
00:34 It gets excreted from our body through stool, urine and sweat.
00:41 Calcium serves many functions in our body.
00:45 The key function is the development and maintenance of bones.
00:51 If there is an excess of calcium in the body, it gets deposited in the bones.
00:58 In case of deficiency, it can be taken from the bones.
01:03 Calcium is essential for the transfer of nerve signals in our body.
01:09 It helps in muscle contraction and its movement.
01:14 It also helps in stopping the blood flow after a cut.
01:18 Calcium is needed for the secretion of hormones like insulin and adrenaline.
01:27 Other benefits are maintaining body weight, blood pressure and heart health.
01:34 Daily recommended intake for calcium varies for different age groups.
01:41 It is higher during periods of rapid growth such as childhood and adolescence.
01:49 For Infants until 12 months, 500 milligrams of calcium per day is recommended.
01:57 For children upto 9 years, 600 milligrams per day is recommended.
02:03 The requirements increase upto 800 milligrams per day during adolescence.
02:10 For adults, it is 600 milligrams per day.
02:15 The calcium requirements are also high during pregnancy and lactation.
02:21 During pregnancy and lactation, 1,200 milligrams is recommended.
02:29 Let us now discuss the effects of calcium deficiency.
02:34 Deficiency of calcium during pregnancy can result in a rise in blood pressure.
02:42 Swelling in hands and feet can be seen.
02:46 Inadequate calcium intake by mothers may affect the baby also.
02:53 Their birth weight may be low and their growth can be retarded.
02:58 Their physical and cognitive development can be damaged.
03:03 In children, calcium deficiency can cause rickets.
03:08 Rickets is a disorder of the skeletal system.
03:12 The growth gets stunted and there are changes in the shape of the spine.
03:18 Other signs are sunken ribs, protruding forehead and bow shaped bent legs.
03:26 Short height, widening of the wrist, elbow, knee and ankle joints can be seen.
03:34 In adults, early signs of calcium deficiency are muscle cramps.
03:40 Numbness or tingling sensation of fingers is also seen.
03:46 Mental confusion,


03:49 dry skin,

brittle nails

03:51 and tooth decay can also occur.
03:55 Long term deficiency of calcium can result in osteoporosis.
04:01 In osteoporosis, the bone density is reduced.
04:06 The bones become fragile and prone to fractures.
04:10 Other symptoms are stooped posture, loss of height and back pain.
04:18 The risk of osteoporosis is higher in women as compared to men.
04:23 This is because estrogen levels in women decrease after menopause.
04:29 Thereby, calcium absorption decreases and its excretion through urine increases.
04:37 To avoid calcium deficiency, adequate intake of calcium rich food is essential.
04:44 The best sources are milk and milk products.
04:48 This includes curd, paneer (unsalted Indian cheese), cheese and khoa (thickened whole milk).
04:55 Calcium obtained from them gets easily absorbed in our body.
05:00 200 millilitre of cow’s milk provides 236 milligrams of calcium.
05:07 100 grams of curd from cow’s milk has 150 milligrams calcium.
05:14 30 grams of paneer from cow’s milk has 142 milligrams calcium.
05:21 Few non-vegetarian food are also rich in calcium.
05:25 For example: dried shrimp, bombay duck, prawns, lobsters and dried bony fishes.
05:34 100 grams of prawns will give 67 milligrams of calcium.
05:40 20 grams of dried shrimp has 73 milligrams of calcium.
05:46 15 grams of dried bombay duck fish has 208 milligrams of calcium.
05:54 Seeds are an excellent source of calcium.
05:58 For example: sesame seeds, niger seeds, flax seeds, dill seeds and poppy seeds.
06:05 1 tablespoon or 5g of sesame seeds has 64 milligrams of calcium.
06:14 Apart from these, nuts like almonds and walnuts are also rich in calcium.
06:21 Many green leafy vegetables have good amount of calcium.
06:26 For example: leaves of amaranth, agathi, drumstick and fenugreek.
06:33 Even radish leaves, colocasia leaves and mustard leaves are good sources.
06:39 100 grams of amaranth leaves has 330 milligrams of calcium.
06:46 100 grams of fenugreek leaves has 274 milligrams of calcium.
06:52 Calcium is present in some beans, like soybean, horse gram and moth beans.
07:00 50 grams of horse gram gives 135 milligrams of calcium.
07:07 Finger millet is also a rich source of calcium.
07:11 30 grams of finger millet provides 110 milligrams of calcium.
07:18 Along with food intake, calcium absorption is equally important.
07:24 Presence of oxalates, phytates and fiber affect calcium absorption.
07:30 They are present in nuts, seeds, beans, and green leafy vegetables.
07:38 These substances may bind with calcium to form an insoluble complex.
07:45 As a result, calcium absorption in the body is inhibited.
07:50 The absorption can be enhanced by using various cooking techniques.
07:56 For example: soaking, sprouting, boiling, roasting and fermentation.
08:05 For calcium absorption, avoid tea, coffee and cola with calcium rich food.
08:13 They contain caffeine which enhances calcium excretion through urine.
08:20 For maximum calcium absorption, few other nutrients are required.
08:25 For example: vitamin D, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus.
08:32 Apart from nutrients, adequate physical activity and exercise are also required.
08:39 This will enhance the bone mass and bone strength.
08:44 In addition to all this, age also influences calcium absorption.
08:50 It is highest during infancy and childhood.
08:55 During adulthood, absorption is moderate and then it decreases with age.
09:02 Therefore, adequate intake of calcium rich food from an early age is essential.
09:09 This brings us to the end of the tutorial.

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