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Slide Number 1

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Welcome to the Spoken Tutorial on Breastfeeding Latching
Image: Deeply attached baby in cross cradle hold.

Image: Mother breastfeeding her baby in cross cradle hold.

In this tutorial we will learn about,
  • Correct latching technique for deep attachment of the baby to the breast and
  • Breastfeeding frequency.
Image: Deeply attached baby in cross cradle hold. Before we begin, please note that-
  • for effective breastfeeding, correct latching is most important.
Image: Poor attachment of the baby to the breast in cross cradle hold. Poor attachment of the baby’s mouth to the breast will allow only nipple feeding.
Image: Expression of milk from the nipple. A drop of milk comes out.

Image: Weak baby.

This will give very little milk to the baby.
Image: Deeply attached baby in cross cradle position.

Image: Breastmilk expression with mother’s fingers at 3 finger distance from the nipple. More milk comes out of the breast.

Image: Healthy baby.

Whereas deep attachment of the baby to the lower part of the areola of the breast,
  • will give sufficient milk to the baby.
Image: Breast. Please note-
  • Areola is the dark area around the nipple.
Image: cross cradle hold Let us begin.

To start with, the mother should hold her baby in a suitable breastfeeding hold.

Image: 5 breastfeeding holds- cross cradle hold, Cradle hold, football hold, side-lying hold and laid-back hold. These holds are explained in detail in other videos of the same series.
Image: cross cradle hold. This tutorial will be explained using the cross cradle hold.
Image: cross cradle hold.

Image: Deeply attached baby in cross cradle hold.

Image: Incorrect cross cradle hold.

Image: Poor attachment of baby to the breast in cross cradle hold.


Positioning the baby correctly is necessary for successful latching and breastfeeding.

Image: cross cradle hold. In this picture, the mother is holding the baby correctly in the cross cradle hold.
Image: Baby’s nose is in line with the nipple. And the baby is ready to latch on for breastfeeding.
Image: Baby’s mouth is wide open like a yawn.

Image: Baby’s mouth is not open widely.

Before latching-

It is important that the baby opens her mouth widely like a yawn.

Image: An adult ready to eat a vada pav or burger by holding it horizontally. Why?

Let’s understand this, by looking at an adult eating vada pav or burger.

Image: Adult’s mouth is wide open as she is ready to take a big bite of the vada pav or burger.

Image: Adult’s mouth is not open completely while she is trying to eat a vada pav or burger.

We open our mouth wide to take a big bite of the vada pav or burger.
Image: Baby’s mouth is not open widely which leads to poor attachment later.

Image: Baby’s mouth is wide open like yawn which leads to deep attachment later.


A wide open mouth will help the baby to take a big part of the breast in her mouth.

Image: Baby’s mouth is wide open like a yawn.

Image: Mother is brushing her nipple against baby’s upper lip.

To encourage the baby to open her mouth widely-
  • Mother should lightly brush her nipple against baby’s upper lip till she opens her mouth widely.
Image: Clock highlighting 2 minutes.

Image: Baby’s mouth is wide open like a yawn.

  • Be patient.
  • Sometimes, it may take a few seconds to 2 minutes for the baby to open her mouth widely.
Image: Baby’s lips are parallel to the mother’s fingers. Remember,

For any breastfeeding position-

  • mother’s fingers and thumb, holding the breast, should always be parallel to the baby’s lips.
Image: Baby’s lower lip is at the base of the areola and mother’s nipple is aimed towards top of the baby’s mouth. When the baby opens her mouth widely,
  • her lower lip should be at the base of the areola
  • And the nipple should be aimed towards the top of her mouth and not the middle of the mouth.
Image: Mother is putting her breast inside baby’s wide open mouth. Now,
  • Mother should quickly put her breast in the baby’s mouth.
  • She should press the baby’s chin into the breast first by slightly bending baby’s head outwards.
Image: Mother bends her back and brings her breast to the baby.

Image: Mother sits straight and gently lifts the baby towards the breast by pushing from behind the baby’s shoulders.

  • She should not bend her back or push her breast to reach the baby’s mouth.
  • Bring the baby to the breast by a gentle push from behind the baby’s shoulders.
Image: Baby is deeply attached to the breast. Lower part of the areola is inside the baby’s mouth.
  • The most important point in latching is that-
  • Lower part of the mother’s aerola should be in the baby’s mouth.
  • This will help the nipple to reach a comfortable area in the baby’s mouth.
Image: Baby is deeply attached to the breast. Baby’s tongue is pressed against the part of areola near her lower lip.
  • Baby should be pressing her tongue against the part of the areola near her lower lip.
Image: Baby is deeply attached to the breast. Baby is compressing the large milk ducts beneath the areola and more milk is coming out in the baby’s mouth.

Image: Baby is attached to the nipple. Nipple is pressed against the hard roof of the baby’s mouth.

  • This will compress the larger milk ducts and more milk will come out.
Image: Baby is deeply attached to the breast.
  • Next step is to check whether the baby is attached deeply to the breast.
Image: Baby is deeply attached to the breast. Baby’s mouth is wide open. To ensure deep attachment, mother should look for the following signs:
  • Baby’s mouth is wide open
Image: The part of the areola visible near a deeply attached baby’s upper lip is more than that near the lower lip.
  • The part of the areola visible near the baby’s upper lip is more than that near the lower lip.
Image: Deeply attached baby’s chin is completely embedded into the mother’s breast.
  • Baby’s lower chin is completely embedded into the mother’s breast.
Gif animation: Deeply attached baby’s jaw drops distinctly as she swallows.
  • Baby’s jaw drops distinctly as she swallows milk.
Image: Deeply attached baby’s lower lip is curled outwards and embedded into the breast.
  • And the baby’s lower lip is curled in the outward direction.
Image: Deeply attached baby’s lower lip is embedded into the breast.
  • Although, it mostly gets hidden in the breast in a very well attached baby.
Image: Mother lightly presses the breast near the lower lip of a deeply attached baby. Baby’s lower lip is curled in the outward direction.
  • In such cases, lightly press the breast near the lower lip of the baby.
  • And check if the baby’s lower lip is curled in the outward direction.
Image: Deeply attached baby’s nose is pressed into mother’s breast. Next, look at the baby’s nose.
  • If the baby’s nose is pressed against mother’s breast, then-
Image: Deeply attached baby’s head is bent slightly outwards and nose is free.
  • mother can bend baby’s head slightly outwards
  • so that the baby’s chin is pushed further into the breast,
  • And the baby’s nose and forehead are pulled away from the breast.
  • Doing so, will deepen the baby’s attachment to the breast.
Image: Mother is pulling her deeply attached baby’s entire face away from the breast.
  • Do not pull baby’s entire face away from the breast.
Image: Poorly attached baby in cross cradle position.
  • This can cause nipple feeding.
Image: Mother is breastfeeding in the cross cradle hold and smiling. Remember-

Breastfeeding should be comfortable for the mother.

Image: Mother painfully feeding her poorly latched baby in cross cradle hold.

Image: Baby pulling the mother’s nipple.

  • She should not feel pinching, pulling, or rubbing on her nipple.
  • If breastfeeding is painful for the mother, then the baby is probably not well attached.
Image: Mother pinches her areola to put the nipple in the middle of the baby’s mouth. Let’s look at one of the common reasons for poor attachment.
  • Many mothers pinch their areola to put only the nipple in the middle of the baby’s mouth.
  • Here, the baby’s mouth is not wide open.
Image: Baby is nipple feeding.
  • Baby gets attached only to the nipple.
  • Here, an equal part of the areola is seen near the upper and lower lip of the baby.
  • Baby’s chin is off the breast.
Gif animation: Fast sucking pattern of a poorly attached baby. Baby has a continuous fast sucking pattern of drinking milk.
Gif animation: Poorly attached baby’s cheeks dimple as she sucks milk. While sucking,
  • Baby’s cheeks dimple,
Gif animation: Poorly attached baby’s jaw does not drop distinctly as she swallows.
  • Her jaw does not drop distinctly as she swallows milk,
Image: Nipple is pressed against the hard roof of a poorly attached baby’s mouth.
  • And the nipple gets pinched and pressed against the hard part of the baby’s mouth.
Image: Red, pointed and injured nipple. This is painful for the mother and may injure the nipple.
Image: Poorly attached baby is unable to get more milk from the larger milk ducts beneath the areola. Also, during nipple-feeding, baby cannot get milk from the larger milk ducts beneath the areola.
Image: Weak baby. Therefore, the baby doesn’t get sufficient milk.
Image: Baby nipple feeding in cross cradle hold.

Image: Mother puts her little finger in the corner of her poorly attached baby’s mouth.

Image: cross cradle hold.

Image: Deeply attached baby in cross cradle hold.

If the baby is feeding only from the nipple then,
  • Mother should put her clean little finger inside the corner of the baby’s mouth.
  • She should use it to release the baby’s pull on her nipple.
  • Then she should re-attach the baby on the same breast ensuring a good latch.
Image: Foremilk.

Image: Hindmilk.

Image: Foremilk stored in the front part of the breast.

Image: Hind milk stored in the back part of the breast.

After proper latching-

mother should ensure that the baby gets both foremilk and hindmilk adequately.

Image: Foremilk

Image: Foremilk stored in the front part of the breast.

  • Foremilk is the watery milk stored in the front part of the breast.
Image: Drops of water.

Image: Protein.

  • It is made up of water and protein.
Image: Strong baby.
  • It is necessary for baby’s growth and for making the baby strong.
Image: Hindmilk.

Image: Hindmilk in the back part of the breast.

  • Hind milk is the thick milk stored in the back part of the breast.
Image: Fat droplets.
  • It is mainly made up of fats.
Image: Baby’s brain.

Image: Baby’s growth.

  • It is necessary for baby’s brain development and weight gain.

Image: Foremilk.

Image: Hindmilk.

Image: Empty breast and breast full of milk.

To ensure that the baby gets both foremilk and hindmilk-
  • mother should feed the baby from one breast completely before offering the other breast.
Image: Mother is expressing milk from her right breast in a U shape hold.

Image: Mother is expressing milk from her right breast in a C shape hold.

To check whether she has fed the baby from one breast completely -
  • mother should express milk from that breast with her hand.
Image: Thin watery foremilk coming out of the breast on hand expression. If thin watery milk comes out of the breast,
Image: Thick hindmilk coming out of the breast on hand expression. Or if there is good flow of thick hindmilk on expression
Image: Mother breastfeeding from her right breast in cross cradle hold. Then,

Mother should re-attach her baby to the same breast.

Image: Few drops of thick hind milk coming out on hand expression. When the flow of thick hindmilk reduces to a few drops on expression with hand,
Image: Empty breast. It means that mother has fed the baby from that breast completely.
Image: Mother is offering her left breast to the baby for breastfeeding. But, before offering the other breast,
Image: Baby is sitting on the mother’s lap with mother’s support. Mother should encourage the baby to burp by-
  • making the baby sit on her lap
  • Then, slightly bending the baby’s torso forward
Image: Mother is cupping the baby’s jaw with her hand.
  • And cupping the baby’s jaw with her hand.
Image: Baby burps.

Image: Clock to highlight 3 minutes.

Baby should burp within 2 to 3 minutes.
Image: Clock to highlight 5 minutes.
  • If there is no burp in the next 5 minutes,
Image: Baby is deeply attached in cross cradle hold.
  • It means that the attachment of the baby to the breast was very good.
  • The baby has not taken in excess air in her stomach while feeding.
Image: Mother is offering her left breast to the baby in cross cradle hold. Now, the mother should offer her other breast to the baby.
Image: Baby is turning her head away and bringing her hands in between the breast and her head.
  • If baby’s stomach is full, she may not feed from the other breast.
Image: Mother is offering right breast and left breast to the baby.
  • But mother should always offer both breasts to the baby for feeding.
  • She should let the baby make the final decision.
Image: Deeply attached baby is sleeping in cross cradle hold. If baby goes to sleep while breastfeeding, mother should wake her up by-
Image: Mother is tapping on the sole of the baby’s feet.
  • Gently tapping the sole of the baby’s feet
Image: Mother is tickling the baby’s back.
  • or gently tickling the baby’s back
Image: Baby’s sitting position during burping.
  • Or by making the baby sit in the position shown for burping.
Image: Mother breastfeeding her baby during the day.

Image: Mother breastfeeding her baby during the night.

  • Along with the right technique, breastfeeding frequency is also important.
  • Mother should breastfeed her baby at least 12 times in 24 hours.
  • Out of which she must breastfeed at least 2 to 3 times in the night.
Image: Baby is stirring.
  • To offer breast milk to the baby, mother should look for baby’s hunger signals like-
  • Stirring
Image: Baby opens her mouth.
  • Mouth opening
Image: Baby turns her head to one side.
  • Head turning
Image: Baby brings her hand to her mouth.
  • Bringing her hand to mouth
Image: Baby sucks fingers.
  • Sucking fingers
Image: Baby is stretching.
  • And stretching her body.
Image: Baby is crying.
  • If the baby starts crying for breast milk, then it means that it is too late.
Image: 2 weeks old baby

Image: 6 weeks old baby

Image: 3 months old baby

Please note-
  • there is a rapid increase in the baby’s growth around 2 weeks, 6 weeks and 3 months of age.
  • And the baby will require more milk.
  • Also, mother’s breast milk output will increase if the baby is fed more frequently.
  • Therefore, mother should feed more often during such rapid growth periods.
Image: Mother breastfeeding in cross cradle hold.

Image: Strong baby.

  • Breast milk is the best nutrition for the baby for the first 6 months of life.
Image: Deeply attached baby in cross cradle hold.
  • And good attachment is the key to successful breastfeeding.
Image: Deeply attached baby in cross cradle hold.

Image: Mother breastfeeding her baby in cross cradle hold.

This brings us to the end of this tutorial.

In this tutorial we learnt about,

  • Correct latching technique for deep attachment of the baby to the breast
  • And breastfeeding frequency.
Image: Spoken tutorial logo.

Image: IIT Bombay logo.

This tutorial has been contributed by the Spoken Tutorial project, IIT Bombay.
Image: NMEICT Logo.

Image: MHRD, Government of India logo.

Spoken Tutorial project is funded by NMEICT, MHRD, Government of India.

More information on this mission is available at this link.

Image: WHEELS Global Foundation Logo. This tutorial is partly funded by a generous contribution from WHEELS Global Foundation.
Image: Maa aur Shishu Poshan Project logo. This tutorial is a part of Maa aur Shishu Poshan project.

The domain reviewer for this tutorial is Dr. Rupal Dalal, MD Pediatrics.

This is dietitian Tasneem Shaikh along with animator Shital Joshi from IIT Bombay signing off.

Thank you for joining.

Contributors and Content Editors
