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00:01 Welcome to the spoken tutorial on Basic commands of Git.
00:05 In this tutorial, we will learn about Git repository and some basic commands of Git.
00:13 For this tutorial, I am using:

Ubuntu Linux 14.04 Git 2.3.2. and 'gedit' Text Editor.

00:23 You can use any editor of your choice.
00:27 To follow this tutorial, you must have knowledge of running Linux commands on the Terminal.
00:34 If not, for relevant Linux tutorials, please visit our website.
00:40 Now, we will see what is Git repository.
00:44 Git repository is a folder where all the data of our project will be stored.
00:50 It can be located on the local machine or on a remote machine.
00:55 The difference between normal folder and a Git repository is-
01:00 normal folder contains only files and directories
01:04 but the Git repository contains set of files and directories along with their complete history.
01:11 Now, let us learn to create a Git repository in our local machine.
01:17 Press Ctrl+Alt+Tkeys to open the terminal.
01:22 On my machine, I will create a directory for the Git repository in my Home directory.
01:28 You can create the directory wherever you want on your machine.
01:33 By default, we are in our Home directory.
01:37 Type: mkdir space mywebpage and press Enter.
01:44 So, now we have created a directory "mywebpage" in our Home directory.
01:49 To go into this directory, type: cd space mywebpage and press Enter.
02:00 To make "mywebpage" directory as the Git repository, type: git space init and press Enter.
02:08 You can see the message “Initialized empty Git repository”.
02:13 This indicates that Git is initialized successfully
02:17 and this is the path where Git repository is created in our system.
02:24 After initialization, a hidden folder dot git will be created inside the mywebpage folder.
02:32 To see the hidden folder, type: ls space hyphen a and press Enter.
02:39 It shows the dot git folder. Deleting this dot git folder will delete the whole repository.
02:47 So, you should be very careful with this dot git folder.
02:51 Now, we have to set our identity to Git.
02:55 To set the email address, type: git space config space hyphen hyphen global space user dot email space priya[dot] and press Enter.
03:12 Here, I have used priya[dot]spoken[at]gmail[dot]com.
03:18 You can use your own valid email address.
03:21 To set the username, type: git space config space hyphen hyphen global space user dot name space Priya and press Enter.
03:36 I have used "Priya" as a username. Please use your name instead of "Priya".
03:43 The name and the email address that we set are the identities of the person who is working on Git.
03:51 Next, I will configure the gedit text editor to give the commit message.
03:57 Type: git space config space hyphen hyphen global space core dot editor space gedit and press Enter.
04:09 Now, gedit is configured to Git.
04:14 Here, 'global' flag is optional.
04:17 We will switch back to our slides to know more about global flag.
04:22 Multiple repositories can be created in a single machine.
04:26 If you use hyphen hyphen global flag, the setting will be applied to all the repositories in the machine.
04:34 So, whenever you create a new Git repository, this setting will be applied by default.
04:42 If you want the identity only for a particular repository then do not use hyphen hyphen global flag.
04:49 Switch back to the terminal.
04:51 Now, let us check the configuration details of the identity that we set earlier.
04:57 Type: git space config space hyphen hyphen list and press Enter.
05:04 Now, you can see the editor name, email address and username.
05:10 I will be using 'html' files for demonstration.
05:14 You can use any file type of your choice. For e.g. text files or doc files.
05:22 Switch back to the terminal. Let me clear the prompt.
05:26 Now, type: gedit space mypage.html space ampersand.
05:34 If you are using another file then give that filename instead of "mypage.html".
05:41 We use the '&' (ampersand) to free up the prompt. Now, press Enter.
05:47 I will copy and paste some code into this file, from my Writer document, which I had saved earlier.
05:54 Likewise, add some content into your file.
05:58 Now, I will save my file.
06:00 So, I have an html file with some code in it.
06:05 Note: wherever I use mypage.html, you will have to replace it with your filename.
06:13 Next, we will ask Git to follow the file "mypage.html".
06:18 Switch back to the terminal and type: git space add space mypage.html and press Enter.
06:27 Now, we will check the current status of Git. So, type: git space status and press Enter.
06:36 You can see “new file: mypage.html”. This means that Git has started following the changes made to this file "mypage.html".
06:48 This is called tracking.
06:51 Let us switch back to our file mypage.html
06:55 and add a few more lines of code to this file.
06:58 Like before, I will copy-paste from my Writer file.
07:06 Save and close the file.
07:10 Then switch back to the terminal. As before, to check the current status of Git, type: git space status and press Enter.
07:21 It shows: “Changes not staged for commit:” and “modified: mypage.html”.
07:28 This means that the changes we made, have not been added to the staging area.
07:34 Let us switch back to our slides to know more about Staging area.
07:39 Staging area is a file that stores information of the changes that need to be committed.
07:46 The file contents should be added to the staging area before committing them.
07:51 We will discuss more about commit in the upcoming tutorials.
07:56 Older Git versions used the term index instead of staging area.
08:01 Now, let us see how to add the new changes of the file to the staging area.
08:07 Switch back to the terminal. Let me clear the prompt.
08:11 Type: git space add space mypage dot html and press Enter.
08:19 To check the Git status, type: git space status and press Enter.
08:26 Now you can see the message: “Changes to be committed:”.
08:30 This means that the file has been added to the staging area and is ready to be committed.
08:37 Now, we will freeze our code at this point.
08:40 When we attain a particular stage in our work, we can save them in the repository. This is called commit.
08:49 Each commit is saved with the information of username, email-id, date, time and commit message.
08:57 Now, let us see how to commit. Switch back to the terminal and type: git space commit and press Enter.
09:07 gedit text editor opens up automatically to get the commit message.
09:13 In the first line, I will type: “Initial commit” as the commit message.
09:18 You can type any informative message that you want.
09:22 Here, you can see some lines begin with hash. You can leave them as it is or you can delete them.
09:30 Please write the commit message before or after the hash line.
09:35 In future, with this commit message, we can identify what we did till this stage.
09:41 Let me save and close the editor.
09:44 You will see some details, such as:

The commit message How many files we have changed How many insertions we have done and Name of the file.

09:56 Now, let us see the commit details using git log command.
10:00 Type: git space log and press Enter.
10:06 We have only one commit in our repository.
10:09 It shows a unique ID which is called commit hash or SHA-1 hash.
10:16 Switch back to our slides to know more about SHA-1 hash.
10:20 SHA-1 hash is a unique id of 40 alpha-numeric characters.
10:25 Git stores all the information in its database by the hash value.
10:31 Git commits are identified by the SHA-1 hash.
10:35 You will understand the importance of the SHA-1 hash in future tutorials.
10:41 Let us come back to our terminal.
10:43 It shows the details of the commit such as author name, email address, date, time and the commit message which we gave earlier.
10:56 With this, we come to the end of this tutorial.
11:00 Let us summarize. In this tutorial, we have learnt about:

Git repository and Some basic commands of Git like git init, status, commit and log.

11:14 As an assignment- Create a directory in your machine and make it as a repository.
11:20 Create a text file and add some content into it.
11:25 Add the file to the staging area of the Git repository.
11:29 Commit the file to your repository and
11:32 See the commit details using git log command.
11:35 The video at the following link summarizes the Spoken Tutorial project. Please download and watch it.
11:43 The Spoken Tutorial Project team conducts workshops and gives certificates to those who pass online tests. For more details, please write to us.
11:55 Spoken Tutorial Project is funded by NMEICT, MHRD, Government of India.
12:02 More information on this mission is available at the following link.
12:08 This is Priya from IIT Bombay. Thanks for joining.

Contributors and Content Editors

PoojaMoolya, Sandhya.np14