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Title of script: Editing and Cloning of Transactions

Author: Trupti Kini

Keywords: Organisation, GNUKhata, Video Tutorial

Visual Cue
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Display desktop

Hello and welcome to the series of spoken tutorials on Editing and Cloning of Transactions in GNUKhata.
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Learning Objectives

At the end of the tutorial, you will be able to:
  • Search Transactions
  • Edit Transactions
  • Clone Transactions in GNUKhata

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System Requirements

To record this tutorial,

I am using :

* GNUKhata version 1.2

* Ubuntu 12.04 Operating System and

* Firefox version 17.0

If you are using GNUKhata, I would recommend the use of Firefox version 3.6 or above.

It works well with other browsers, too.

Eg-Chromium and Opera

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I assume that you already know
  • To create New Organization
  • To create Accounts
  • To enter Transactions

in GNUKhata

If not, for relevant tutorials, please visit

/* Interface */ Let us open the GNUKhata interface as we did in previous tutorials.
Point to Transaction menu * We have already discussed about entering a Transactions in GNUKhata.

* In this tutorial, we will discuss about editing a Transaction.

Point to Transaction menu.

Click on Contra

* Let us Edit a transaction, which was recorded in the previous tutorial.

* From the Transactions menu, I will select Contra.

Click on

Find/Edit/Delete Record.

To Edit a Transaction, I will click on Find/Edit/Delete Record menu.

Click on Search Record By dropdown

Point to Voucher No and Time Interval

* Click on Search Record By drop down.

* We can see that the records can be searched either by Voucher No or Time Interval (From-To).

Click Voucher No I shall search the transaction by choosing Voucher No.
Point to Enter the Voucher No textbox

Enter C12 in the textbox

* As you can see, a new text box named Enter the Voucher No appears.

* Enter a Voucher No in the text box.

* Let's say I will enter CA12 in textbox.

Click on Search button Now we will click on Search button to search for the transaction.
Point to the table heading * A table with all the details of the transaction appears.

* You will see transaction Voucher No, Voucher Type, Date of Transaction,Dr Account,Cr Account,Amount and Narration.

Click View button I will click on the View button to see the transaction details.
Point to Account name, Debit Amount and Credit Amount As you can see, Contra transaction is displayed.
Point to Edit, Clone and Delete buttons Below the Narration field, notice the buttons Edit, Clone and Delete.
Click Edit button * Let's click on Edit button to edit the transaction.

* The entire transaction will be presented in the editable format.

From the second Account Name dropdown

Select ICICI bank

Let's select the credit account name as ICICI.

Delete third row by selecting checkbox * Select delete checkbox for the third row I.e second credit amount to delete the row.

* Click on Delete Row button

* You will find the row gets deleted

Point to Add Row * Now, click on Add Row

* You will find a row is added

* Select Cash On Hand as account name and type the amount as it is in debit side I.e.1000

Point to Debit Amount and Credit Amount Similarly, we can change Debit Amount and Credit Amount.
Click Confirm button Now, click on Confirm button to save the transaction.
Point to message

Click on Ok

* A dialog box will appear displaying the message Voucher Edited Successfully.

* Click on Ok to get back to the screen.

Click on Search Record By dropdown

Select Time interval

* Now let's search the transaction by date.

* This time I will select Time interval to search records by date.

Point to text-boxes As you can see, there are two rows of text boxes in which you have to enter From and To dates.
* There is default date in the text-boxes as per the financial year

Click on Search button I will click on Search Button to search the transaction for the date entered above.
Point to all the transaction As you can see, all the transactions are listed for the date entered.
Click on View Click view for the Journal Transaction
Point to Clone button


* This time I will show you how to Clone a transaction.

* Cloning a transaction is creating a duplicate of an existing transaction.

Click Clone button

* Click on Clone button.

* Observe that the same transaction is presented in an editable format.

Point to Date, Voucher No, Account Name, Amount, Narration, Project Name We can change the details of the transaction like

* Date

* Voucher No

* Account Name

* Amount

* Narration

* Project Name

I wish to keep these details the same, so I wont edit anything.

Click on Confirm Click on Confirm button to clone it.
Point to message * A dialog box will appear with the message Voucher Cloned Successfully.

* Click Ok to get back to the screen.

Delete button Likewise, if you wish to delete the entire voucher, you can click the Delete button.
Interface Note editing and cloning appear to be similar but they are not.
Slide 5 * In editing you change the original transaction by replacing the original data with new one.

* In cloning you create a copy of the same record/transaction.

* And then you can make required changes to the data.

Slide 6


Now let us summarize what we have completed in tutorial.

We have learnt

* How to edit a transaction

* How to clone a transaction

Slide 7


As an assignment ,

* Select a Contra transaction and try to clone the transaction.

* In cloning change the debit and credit account names and amounts.

* Create two accounts first. The account will have the group name Direct Income and No Sub-group. The account name will be Sales. The second account will be under the group Current Asset and sub-group Sundry Debtors. The second account will have the name New Trading Company.

Slide 8 Watch the video available at

What is a Spoken Tutorial

It summarises the Spoken Tutorial


If you do not have good

bandwidth, you can download

and watch it

Slide 9

Spoken tutorial Workshops

The Spoken Tutorial Project Team

Conducts workshops using spoken tutorials

Gives certificates to those who pass an online test

For more details, please write to

Slide 10


Spoken Tutorial Project is a part of the Talk to a Teacher project

It is supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India

More information on this Mission is available at /NMEICT-Intro

Contributors and Content Editors
