From Script | Spoken-Tutorial
Time | Narration |
00:23 | Welcome to the spoken tutorial of Meet the GIMP. My name is Rolf Steinort and I am recording this in Bremen, Northern Germany. |
00:31 | For today’s tutorial I promised you with question and answer edition so let’s start with some news. I have already informed you about and they have great news about a video podcast of the GIMP but I think you know that podcast already. |
00:55 | So let’s go to the download page and here you see that gimp 2.4.0 release candidate and is available for windows and I think for apple Macintosh and insource for most linux systems except for mine because Ubuntu is not able to cope with some libraries that are needed so gimp 2.4.0 is on the way and when you are on, look at this area on the screen. It’s a mirror of two mailing list that gives lot of information about the gimp. First the gimp user mailing list and I recommend you to read that. |
2:02 | The gimp developer list is above my head and perhaps above yours too. |
2:12 | And here is a discussion which answers a question and I didn’t know about that. Let’s see it here. |
2:22 | The 1st question here is asked by Alex Burs and he asks what the sample point tab did? And I didn’t understand that question. But I knew Alex because he tried to help me with providing the files for you and set up google site for me. |
2:51 | The answer here is from Tim Jedlicka & I know TIM too because Tim has big server in the internet and a big pipe through the internet and we are just now in the process of setting up possibility for you to download the files that I use here. I’ll keep you informing about it & just look into the block at and look if you find a download icon there. |
3:26 | Here Tim answers the question of Alex. And I thank both of you for this question and answer conversation here. |
3:41 | Tim writes that sample point are created similar to guide except you have to hold down the ctrl key & you can create a sample point by placing the cursor in the measurement bar and holding down ctrl key while you drag the point you want to sample. |
4:03 | And there are some further question but I will go through them later. |
4:08 | I never had heard about that and I have to try it. To do that I started the gimp and load the image into it which is prepared to know as My Ship in the Fog. Now I shall go to the ruler on the left side, press the ctrl key and pull the ruler out and you can see here that the mouse cursor changes to an eye dropper and I get two lines instead of one. Just leave the mouse button and ctrl key and you get a point with number one on it. And when I pull out the ruler with the mouse button pressed and without pressing the ctrl key, I get only one line here which is used for adjusting things on it. |
5:09 | Let’s try to do the same procedure from the ruler on the top. I press the ctrl key and mouse button and pull down the ruler and release it here. So here I have number two and number one is already there but I can’t see no dialog here. |
5:25 | So click on the tool options and select the color picker from the tool box but I don’t see anything here. But remember there was a dialog mentioned in the files, so I click on file, go to dialogs and here’s a dialog called sample points. |
5:53 | When you click on it, you have got here sample points from 1 and 2. And this is one method of getting color information about different points in the image. And now I know a better way for getting the color information. I can change here pixel to RGB and I get the values for red, green, blue and alpha are displayed in terms of percent. Here with pixel you see the actual numerical value of colors and when RGB selected you see here the Hex code for HTML and I can change RGB in HSV color model or in CMYK color model and I will cover that later . |
7:04 | The next question is also related to color and the color picker. I had mentioned in my broadcast of ‘Ship in the Fog’ that you can take the color picker and get color information of the image and Glulio asks here how to get the colors information of resulting color and not the color of one layer. |
7:37 | One way of that you just saw but there is a different way also. |
7:41 | I have the color picker selected and when I press shift and click into the image, I get the current color information, and you see here the ship, the trees are white and also the sky, which is not very satisfactory result. And it’s because I have selected the white background selected. So I go to layers dialog and change it to the original back ground layer in dialog and you see its fully different color from what you see on the screen. |
8:18 | There’s an option in layers dialog called sample merged and When you activate that you get the result of all stack layers and with the sample merged you see in the color picker information in the foreground color as it keeps on changes all the time. With sample merged activated you get results of all layers. |
8:54 | when you de-activate the sample merge option you get only the color information from the active layer and I forgot to tell that you in previous show and when you select the blue layer you get information of blue color. So go back, select sample merged and you get result of all layers. |
9:20 | There another option here called sample average and when you select it you get a large color picker and get an average of all the pixels in that area. It’s good option for getting color information for noisy image where you have big difference between the single pixels. |
9:54 | Glulio has another tip for the GIMP. If you use not only .xcf as a file name but xcf.pz2 or xcf.bz2 the gimp compresses the image and you get a smaller file size. I don’t know if this works also on windows machine and you have to try that. Perhaps on windows it would work if you name the file but I don’t know if it is true. Perhaps somebody should try it and post on the blog. |
10:44 | Another quest comes from Dmitry. |
10:47 | He asks if I can increase the quality of the video by trying different codec. But I didn’t find this codec H 264 for linux in a free version. There is a commercial version but it’s too expensive for me. This is just a hobby and I pay for uploading the stuff and it’s not much but I don’t want to spend money on this here. |
11:23 | But I have a quality question for you. M recording this in 800/600 pixels and scale it down to 640/480 pixels just because everyone does it and this way it works on apple tv and so on. |
11:44 | My question to you is do you prefer the original file size 800/600? The image is clearer and you could see it better. The files get a bit larger and there are people out there who can’t really see this bigger files. |
12:09 | I’ll make a test file in 800/600 and upload it, perhaps you can try it and give me some feedback . |
12:21 | I am very happy about the next comment here from Rodrigo who says that, he is thinking not to buy photoshop but to take the GIMP for his graphic work. |
12:37 | I got a question from Vitaly via email which says is there any way to use the curve tool in an non destructive way?? |
12:48 | Answer to this question is no, not in GIMP. Photoshop can do that with this adjustment layer and there are lot of GIMP programmers who are working on that and trying to implement it. |
13:03 | But upto now if you change your colors with levels tool, it is in a way that you can’t undo your work, without undoing all the steps you did after that. |
13:20 | Another quest is from Dudley and he came with tips from the top floor to my podcast here and installed GIMP 2.2.17 on his computer and I would recommend him 2.3 or now 2.4 released candidate because they are far better than 2.2 series. |
13:55 | And he is asking about a book Beginning GIMP from Novice to Professional by Akkana Peck and I have this book. It is really good if you are starting with the gimp or you have a bit knowledge then it’s a very good book and its hands on the book. And I can really recommend that book. |
14:25 | And if you want to buy it and you are staying in United States, I will put a link into the block where you can buy this book via offer and the shop owner gets some money out of that. |
14:43 | Yesterday I got a nasty shock when I started my work again after the summer break and that should be shocking enough but I looked the 1st time in meet the gimp block with a windows computer and in internet explorer. And I was really shocked because all the image were blown up and nothing was fitting into the frames and so on. |
15:18 | As a last thing in the show I have a link tip for you. |
15:23 | The photocast network is a greater source for photo podcast and I am already a member but I am not on the website. |
15:38 | Check out the website, there is a podcast made by the members of the photocast network and it’s called Focus ring and just today episode 8 came out. And eventually Meet The Gimp will pop out here on the left side. |
15:59 | I want to ask you for favor spread the word about meet he gimp, and if you want to send a comment, please write to and for more information is available at |
16:22 | This is Hemant Waidande dubbing for the Spoken Tutorial Project. |