Front End

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First, go to http://localhost/joomla15/administrator and log in with the username “admin” and the password you specified during the installation. If you are already logged in, you do not need to do this again. From the “Menus” menu, select “Main Menu.” Click on “Home” to configure the home page. In the “Parameters - Basic” area, there are a number of different options you can configure: “# Leading” is the number of article intros to display on the front page with a “read more” link to see the entire article. These articles will stretch the entire width of the news box. “# Intro” is the number of article intros to display on the front page with a “read more” link to see the entire article. These articles will fill only the width of one column, not the entire page. “Columns” is the number of columns in which articles are displayed. “# Links” is the number of articles to display only as links at the bottom of the page. In “Parameters – Advanced” make sure that “Show a Feed Link” is enabled. This will make the front page accessible by an RSS news feed. In “Parameters – System,” enter a title for the page inside of the “Page Title” field. This will display in the browser's header as well as in the header for that page in the document. For this website, enter “Landscape Smart” to replace the “Welcome to the Frontpage” text. Click “Save” to finish setting up the home page. Go to http://localhost/joomla15 to see the results of your changes. CATEGORIES Next, we need to create four links to the “Trees,” “Bushes,” “Grasses,” and “President” categories that we created. From the “Menus” menu, select “Main Menu.” Click on “New,” select “Articles” and then “Category Blog Layout.” Under “Parameters – Basic” select one of the four categories we created. Name the menu item accordingly. Adjust the settings similarly to the “Home” item and make sure to include a feed link in “Parameters – Advanced.” Title the page in “Parameters – System.” You also may want to change the “Primary Order” to “Title – Alphabetical” in “Parameters – Advanced.” Click “Save” and check out the site for the results. Repeat these steps for “Bushes,” “Grasses,” and “President.” CONTACT Next up, we need to add a link to the “Contact Us” page: From the “Menus” menu, select “Main Menu.” Select “New,” then click “Contacts” followed by “Contact Category Layout.” Name the page “Contact Us” and select “Corporate” for the category. There is no need for a news feed from this page, so disable that option. Under “Parameters – System,” make sure to name the page “Contact Us.” Click “Save” and check out the site for the results. Our next component is “Web Links” From the “Menus” menu, select “Main Menu.” SEARCH The last menu item we need to create is the “Search” page. From the “Menus” menu, select “Main Menu.” Click on “New,” select “Search” and then “Search.” Name the page “Search.” Under “Parameters – System,” make sure to name the page “Search.” Click “Save” and check out the site for the results.

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