Introduction to ExpEYES Junior
ExpEYES stands for Experiments for Young Engineers and Scientists. It is used to perform basic Physics and Electronics experiments.
ExpEYES junior can be used from secondary to graduate level and also in engineering branches.
ExpEYES junior is designed and developed by PHOENIX project of Inter-University Accelerator Centre, New Delhi.
The hardware and software is free and open source. Software is distributed under GNU General public License. The software is available on Linux, Netbook, Android and Windows.
The device gives accurate measurements. The software interface is a four channel oscilloscope. The device is used to perform experiments in various fields of Physics and Electronics like Sound, Electricty, Magnetism, Light, Diodes and Transistors, Logic gates and others.
For details about ExpEYES junior, visit the link: http://expeyes.in.
The Spoken Tutorial Effort for ExpEYES is being contributed by Madhuri Ganapathi and Kaushik Datta from Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay.
Learners: Secondary to Graduate level students and also some engineering branches.
[hide]Tutorials in this series
Basic Level
- Overview of ExpEYES Junior
- Show ExpEYES webpage
- Show list of experiments available on ExpEYES junior webpage
- Content available in various tutorials in ExpEYES series
- Introduction to ExpEYES Junior
- Explanation about ExpEYES Junior device
- Features
- How to buy the device online
- Installation on Linux, Windows, Android and Netbook
- Connection to the system
- Demonstration of a simple experiment
- Panel connections and software interface
- Explain various terminals on the top Panel
- Explain Accessory set
- Explain the Plot Window
- Demonstrate Ohm's law
- Demonstrate Series and Parallel resistances connections
- Show circuit diagrams
- Show the results on the Plot Window
- Communicating to ExpEYES using Python
- Introduction to Python
- Measure AC voltage using Plot window and Python
- Generate a Sine wave
- Measure external and internal voltages using Python
- Measure capacitance and resistance using Plot window & Python
- Generate a Square wave
- Show connections and circuit diagrams for our experiments
- Conductivity of ionic solutions
- Define conductivity of solution
- Conductivity of tap water
- Measure conductivity of copper sulphate solution
- Measure conducity of dilute sulphuric acid
- Meaure conductivity of potassium hydroxide solution
- Calculate resistance of ionic solution
- Electro-Magnetism
- Explain Electromagnetic induction
- Mutual induction of coils
- Show induced emf in the coils
- Demonstrate induced voltage by a rotating magnet
- Resonance of driven pendulum
Intermediate Level
- Characteristics of Sound Waves
- Explain how to generate a sound wave
- Show frequency response of source of Sound
- How to calculate velocity of Sound
- Interference and Beats pattern
- Explain Forced oscillations of Source of Sound
- Show Xmgrace plots
- Show Fourier Transforms
- Show Circuit diagrams
- Steady state response of circuits
- Define Steady state response and phase shift
- Show AC phase shift in RC, RL, LCR Circuits
- Here L is inductance, R is Resistance and C is capacitance.
- Explain Phasor Plot
- Obtain phase shift values in RC, RL, LCR Circuits
- Calculate phase shift values using the formula
- Show circuit diagrams
- Transient Response of Circuits
- Define transient Response
- Demonstrate transient Response of RC, RL and LCR circuits
- Plot Step up and Step down voltage curves of RC circuit
- Charging of capacitor with constant current
- Measure RC in milli Seconds
- Plot Step up and Step down voltage curves of RL circuit
- Show under damping discharge of LCR circuit
- Study RC integration and Differentiation
- Diode-Rectifier-Transistor
- Define a PN junction diode
- Explain working of a PN junction diode
- Diode of as a Half wave rectifier
- Show diode's ripple factor
- Diode IV characteristics and draw plots
- Diode IV characteristics using red, green and white LEDs
- Out of Phase inverting amplifier using 51K resistor
- Transistor CE characteristics