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Title of script: Install Drupal on Local Server

Author: Leena Mulye and Rahul Singla

Keywords: drupal, cms, drupal installation

Click here for slides

Visual Cue
Slide 1 Welcome to the Spoken tutorial on Installing Drupal on Local Server
Switch to slide 2


To Install drupal in your system

You should have a system supporting

IIS or Apache web server

PHP 4.4.0 or later &

MySql 5.0 or later

Switch to Slide 3

Server Environment

Web server distribution for e.g. XAMPP, WAMP or LAMP,

Will give you all these applications bundled in one.

Please check tutorial on installing web server in your system available on spoken-tutorial site here


Switch to slide 4

Lesson Outline

In this tutorial we will see

  • Obtaining drupal version
  • Creating database using phpmyadmin
  • Installing Drupal
  • Changing permissions for www folder

Switch to slide 5


For this tutorial I am using

  • Ubuntu version 10.04 LTS
  • Drupal version 7

We will use Apache/MySql for the purpose of demonstration in this tutorial.

Switch to slide 6

Obtain drupal

Let us start with downloading drupal.

Go to following site www.drupal.org/project/drupal

Go down on this page, click on tar.gz file next to version 7.9.

and download the latest drupal version.

save the file on your system.

I already have it downloaded to my downloads folder.

Let us extract contents to the document root folder which is www.

Depending on your server environment, it could be htdocs or www folder.

I will go here and double click on the file,

and extract it here at var/www.

This is my document root directory.

This will create the folder by name 'drupal-7.9', by version name.

we can rename the folder by any name we want or by the site name.

Let us change it to 'drupal'.

Switch to phpMyAdmin Before we go ahead with installation,

we will need an empty database ready where drupal can create tables at the time of installation.

Assuming you have phpmyadmin installed, we will use it to create new database.

Please note that phpmyadmin is a graphical user interface for drupal.

Alternately you can the create database using MySql command line if you are familiar with that.

Also note that PhpMyadmin is lot easier, since it is graphical.

To open PhpMyAdmin,

Go to browser at url bar type localhost/phmyadmin.

Here create a new database.

Please note that, it is important to not leave spaces in between the lines. You may replace the spaces with characters.

(Leena, Please check if the above sentence has conveyed the right meaning because what had been typed before did not convey the right meaning. If you think that this sentence does not convey the right meaning, please feel free to change it accordingly)

I will name it drupal7

and click on 'create'.

As you can see on left hand side, the database is displayed by the name created.

Here 0 is displayed.

This means there are 0 tables or no tables.

(Again please check if the meaning conveyed is right)

When we install drupal, installation script will create tables here.

Create new user

Next, we will create a new user for the database.

Click Privileges in the top-right hand side in phpMyAdmin.

Click on the “Create a new User” link.

Enter a valid username in Username textbox, let’s say “user1”

Select “Local” from “Host” drop-down list.

Enter a password in the “password” textbox, let’s say “MyPass”

Please enter the same password again in “Re-type” textbox.

Leave all other options as default and please click “Go”

Switch to browser OK so we have drupal files unzipped to www folder,

we have created database and user for this database.

now we are ready to start the installation.

Go to browser type in localhost here.

Then type forward slash and name of the drupal folder that you just unzipped into www directory.

I had renamed this folder to 'drupal'.

So after forward slash I will type 'drupal'.

And hit enter.

Drupal installation screen is displayed.

On the left hand side here we see steps involved in actual installation.

As we go along this, will get checked against the steps mentioned.

Here we will go by the default option-standard which is selected.

Click on continue.

Yes you can install drupal in many languages.

For this tutorial we will install Drupal in English.

So click on continue at the screen.

Please notice that on the left hand side, as we go through the steps,

there are green check marks which appears in front of it.

Requirements screen Here this screen displays that there are some requirement problems.

Here in front of a red mark the messages displayed is "installer requires to create settings file".

To solve this, we need to copy default.settings.php file and rename it to settings.php.

This is an important step in installation.

Going forward,

the details of our information for our database such as the Username, password etc,

are stored in this file.

(Please check if the meaning conveyed in the above sentence is right.I have made the sentence short.)

Let us go to var/www and drupal directory.

It says go to sites/default

and here is the file we need to rename.

Please note that here we will be asked to copy it first and then rename.

(Please see if the meaning conveyed is right?)

Let's go back to browser and refresh.

We have moved to next the step.

that is Database configuration step.

Database configuration In the first text box, for the database name,

we will enter the database which we just created using phpmyadmin.

I will enter drupal7 here, as that is name of my database which I had created.

For the database username and password I will type in the details of the new user.

Please recall that we had created this database using phpmyadmin in our earlier step.

(Please check if the meaning of the above sentences is right. I have split the sentences into two)

Click on 'go' and it will start initilizing the database.

A warning is displayed which is about settings.php file.

This is writable.

(Please check if the above 2 sentences convey the right meaning)

I need to change permissions for this.

I will ignore this since it is in my local machine.

But if you are installing drupal on another web host,

you will need to take care of this rightaway in order to protect configuration file.

Site Configuration

Let us make the changes in the site configuration.

Enter site name as you wish, let's say “My first drupal site”.

Enter your email address. - leena@example.com

Now enter username in the box here, I will enter Leena

Enter your password

and re-confirm it in the password boxes.

Please make a note of the Username and password details which you entered in this step.

These details should be remembered for security reasons

because these are the details of a super user account for your site.

Also note that these details are very important for the administrative activities of your site.

(Please check if the meaning conveyed is right. I have split the sentences)

Site Configuration Select default country-

I am choosing India

and default time zone- go down to asia

and I will select kolkata which is closet to my time zone.

Now save and continue.

Installation complete Drupal will show you an “installation complete” message.

Click on link “Visit your new site” to access your site.

Congratulations, you have installed your first Drupal site successfully.

Switch to slide 7


Let's come to the assignment part.

Install Drupal 7 using standard options.

Do second installation with minimal options

Compare the difference.

Please make the changes in the slide too

Switch to Slide 8

(About Spoken Tutorial Project)

The video available at[http://spoken-tutorial.org/What_is_a_Spoken_Tutorial


summarizes the spoken tutorial project If you do not have good bandwidth, you can download and watch it

Switch to Slide 9

(About Spoken Tutorial Project)

We conduct workshops using spoken tutorials We also give certificates for those who pass an on-line test

Please contact us for more details

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I would like to acknowledge the spoken tutorial project which is part of the talk to a teacher project.

It is supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD government of India.

For more information on this please visit following website.


Switch to Slide 11

Thank you.

This is Leena signing off.

Contributors and Content Editors

Chandrika, Nancyvarkey, PoojaMoolya