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Title of script: CGPA Grading System

Author: Joms Antony

Keywords: CGPA Grading System, calculation of SGPA and CGPA, Course Credits, Grade Point Scheme, Semester Grade Point Average score, Cumulative Grade Point Average score, video tutorial

Visual Cue
Opening slide

Welcome to the Spoken Tutorial on CGPA SGPA Grading System.
Learning Objectives

In this tutorial we will learn:
  • About CGPA Grading System
  • And how to calculate SGPA and CGPA.
CGPA Grading System

In CGPA System, a student's performance is evaluated and represented concisely, as a grade or a score.

The SGPA and CGPA score is calculated based on

  • Course Credits and
  • Grade Point Scheme

Note that here, a course refers to a particular subject.

Course Credits

First, let us learn about Course Credits.

Credit Points are associated with every course for a given programme.

Course Credits Table

As an example, consider the following table.

This table lists the Credit Points associated with each course, in a given semester.

This is actually published as part of the curriculum.

Course Credits Table

(previous slide continues)

In this example, note that Course 1 and Course 2 have the highest Credit Points, that is, 4 each.

Course 3 and 4 have three Credit Points each.

Course 5 and 6 have two Credit Points each.

Grade Point Scheme

A Grade Point Scheme is also published as part of the curriculum.

The following table shows one such Grade Point Scheme.

Sample Grade Point Scheme

Highlight as per narration

The Grade Point Scheme listed here shows the grade points corresponding to a range of marks.

In this Scheme:

  • If a student scores 78 marks for a particular course, it comes in the range of 75-79.99.
  • The corresponding grade point for that course will be 9.
Continue previous slide
  • Similarly, if the marks scored is 72, it comes in the range of 70-74.99.
  • The corresponding grade point for that course will be 8.

Now let us learn about SGPA.
  • SGPA stands for Semester Grade Point Average score.
  • SGPA represents the student's performance in a given semester.
SGPA Calculation

To calculate the SGPA Score, we need to find:
  • the sum of the products of Grade Points obtained
  • and Course Credits in a given semester.

Then, divide it by the sum of Course Credits in that semester.

SGPA Calculation

On the slide, highlight the formula

We can use this formula to calculate SGPA.
Continue the same slide Here
  • n: represents Number of courses in a given semester
  • Ci: Credit Points allocated for ith course
  • Gi: Grade Points obtained for ith course

Now let us learn about CGPA.
  • CGPA stands for Cumulative Grade Point Average score.
  • It represents the student's performance for all the courses he/she has completed.
CGPA Calculation

On the slide, highlight the formula

We use this formula to calculate the CGPA.
Continue the previous slide Here
  • capital N: represents the total number of completed courses in a given semester
  • Ci: Credit Points allocated for ith course
  • Gi: Grade Points obtained for ith course
Now let us see an example of SGPA calculation.

This table lists 6 different courses, Credit Points, and marks scored by a student, in a given semester.

SGPA Calculation Example

It is possible to find the grade points obtained for each course, by refering to the Grade Point Scheme.

For eg:

  • For Course 1, marks scored is 76 and the grade point is 9.
  • For Course 2, marks scored is 60 and grade point is 7.
  • And so on...
Previous slide

Point to the values.

Now, we can list the products of Credit Points and Grade Points, like this.
Previous slide

Point as per narration.

The sum here is ....140.

The sum of Credit Points is ...18.

So, the SGPA is 140/18, that is, 7.77778


The CGPA calculation is also very similar.

CGPA Calculation Example

Point to the rows

Suppose a student has completed 50 courses

in a given programme.

Then we need to list them all, like this.

  • The same method, as in the case of SGPA, is followed.
  • Here, all the completed courses are taken into account.

Let us summarize.

In this tutorial, we learnt:

  • About CGPA Grading System
  • And how to calculate SGPA and CGPA scores.
About Project

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The video at the following link summarizes the Spoken Tutorial Project.

Pls download and watch it.

About Workshops

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The Spoken Tutorial Project Team

• Conducts workshops using spoken tutorials

• Gives certificates on passing the online tests

For more details, please write to us.


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Spoken Tutorial Project is funded by the NMEICT, MHRD, Government of India.

More information on this Mission is available at the link shown.

Contributor slide

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This script has been contributed by:

Dept.of Information

Technology, Amal Jyothi College of Engineering

This is Joms Antony signing off. Thanks for joining.

Contributors and Content Editors

Jomsantony, Nancyvarkey