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Title of the script: How to Write a Persuasive Resume

Author: Saisudha

Narration: Saisudha

Sound: Deepak Jangir

Animation: Amol Dixit, Komal Thakur, Aishwarya

Direction: Khushalsingh Rajput

Keywords: resume writing, dos and don’ts in a resume, resumes for job interviews, convincing resumes, CV, spoken tutorial, video tutorial.

Prerequisite: working knowledge of Google doc and Word processing software

Visual Cue Narration
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Title Slide

Hello and welcome to this Spoken Tutorial on How to write a Persuasive RESUME?
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System Requirements

For this tutorial, you will need a working Internet connection and any web browser.

I will be using the web browser Google Chrome.

You can use any other web browser too to practice.

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What are we going to learn?

Show an image of a newspaper advertisement

Imagine there is an opening for a job in a company.
Show an image of a boy in front of the computer. You want to send your resume.
Show a document next to the boy’s image How should the resume be?
Image of applications and boy’s image. What will increase your chances of getting the job?
boy’s image with dos and don’ts What are the do’s and the don'ts?

Let’s figure it out in this tutorial.

Show a boy and animate many documents around his head To apply for any job, you will have to send your resume.
Show Spoken Tutorial logo At Spoken Tutorial we have come up with simple steps to help you create your resume.

Shall we get started?

image of 1. Read job description. The first step of resume writing is to read the job description.
Show the image of a newspaper with a magnifying lens. Whenever there is an opening in a company, they will share the job description.
Show a boy reading newspaper It will be made available as an advertisement for the job,
Show a newspaper advertisement with a magnifying lens going left and right or through hiring consultants.
On an image of a newspaper, place a magnifying lens.

On the left-hand side animate the following texts:




The job description will have details like:

Role and Responsibilities, and

qualifications required.

On the same image show the following text:



Work Hours

Some companies may also provide details on the salary, perks, location, and work hours.
Show the image of the sample fossee job description This is a sample Job Description for an entry-level web designer.

I have chosen an IT job but the process is the same for any other job as well.

Zoom in and scroll down the job description Okay.

Go through the job description thoroughly.

Reading the job description will give you an idea of what the company is looking for.

It will also help you decide if the job is suitable for you.

Highlight Essential qualifications and Experience and Roles and Responsibilities If you think you have the skills and qualifications for the job,

start making your resume.

Show number 2 and the text What should your resume look like? That brings us to the second step:

What should your resume look like?

Show the screens of the following action:

Google Chrome browser - Google workspace -

Gmail - three by three dots grid - triangle icon - New - Google Docs

Then show File - New - From template gallery - Resume

I’m going to choose the template that’s already provided on Google Docs.

I’m going to make changes to it.

You can access it by clicking the three by three dots gird icon on your Gmail window.

Click the triangle icon there to access your drive.

Press the New button and you can access Google Docs there.

On a Google doc, you can access a resume template by clicking,

file-new-From template gallery-resume.

It can be done offline too by using any word processing software such as LibreOffice Writer.

Don’t forget to a give your document a ‘file name’ before going ahead to save.

On the Google Doc template resume change the name to Rajput K Okay.

Now let's start writing the resume.

Write your name first

On the right hand corner, show the text:

21, Tulsi, IIT Bombay Campus

Powai, Mumbai - 400076

+91 12345 *****

And then your contact information

Your phone number

And then your Email address.

Make sure your email id has your name.

If you do not have a professional looking email ID, create one.

Use it specifically for job interviews.

On top of the document show



Social Media

Show LinkedIn address -

Show blog address -

You can add a link to your LinkedIn page.

You can also share a link to your portfolio for a marketing or social media role.

It could be a link to your blog or your website or a relevant social media account.

Scroll down.

In Education show Insert - table - four by four grid

Show a table with this:

Name of the Institute & University Degree Year of Passing Percentage/ CGPA
Mumbai University B.Sc. IT March/April 2023 74.67%
S M Shetty College XII March/April 2020 69.55%
Campus School X March/April 2018 75%
Next, fill in details about your Education.

In a tabular column fill in your academic details with the latest one on top.

The headings of the tabular column should be:

Name of the institution



Year of passing and

percentage or CGPA.

You can share details up to your 10th standard.

Remember if you get shortlisted for the interview,

you will have to present your certificates.

Highlight the skills section in the sample resume

Type HTML, Javascript, CSS

Show the image of Essential Qualifications and Experiences

And Roles and Responsibilities section from the sample job description

Type Drupal, PHP, Python

GIMP, Photoshop, Coreldraw Inkscape

Next is the skills:

If you are applying for a software job,

mention the languages and applications you know.

Make sure to add your skill sets that match

with the skills mentioned in the job description.

Remember you need to give references,

to these skills later in the work experience section.

Type the below text in the experience section:

FOSSEE Semester Long Internship at IIT Bombay MARCH 2023 -

DECEMBER 2024 Creating websites using HTML, Bootstrap and CSS with Javascript.

Project: Free and OpenSource Creative Art Library JUNE 2019 - JANUARY 2020

Developed a Free and Open Source Creative Art Library CMS project for FOSSEE using Drupal, under the guidance of Prof Kannan Moudgalya.

NSS unit Website Development Role:

Web Designer During my sixth semester I created a website for my college’s NSS unit.

I used PHP and HTML to create the website.

That leads us to Work Experience.

If you are a fresher,

you can fill the work experience section with details about your internships.

The projects you have done.

And papers you have published with your professors.

In a sentence, mention the activity.

And what was your role in the activity?

For example, if you created a website for the NSS unit in college in your 6th semester.

You can write:

During my sixth semester, I created a website for my college’s NSS unit.

I used PHP and HTML to create the website.

Always keep in mind how your experience will be useful for the role that you are applying for.

Highlight your skills that match with the key words and skills listed in the job description.

Show an image of a man working If you have done some part-time jobs to pay for your college fees, mention that too.

It will showcase you as a committed person.

Show the image of an id card If you are not a fresher and have worked for a few years,

Mention the name of the company.

Your designation and the duration for which you worked in the company.

Then in a couple of lines, mention the role you played in the company.

Show a series of images of a group of students working The next section is about extracurricular activities.

If you held any leadership position in your college, add it to the resume.

It could be a role you played in any of the clubs or in your class or any of the committees.

Mention what you did in that role.

For example, if you have headed the marketing team for your college culturals.

Type the text:

I was the head of marketing for my college culturals in the year 2023.

I developed the marketing strategy for the event.

That year we had over 1 lakh students participate in the event from across the country.

It was 25 percent more than the previous year.

You can write:

I was the head of marketing for my college culturals in the year 2023.

I developed the marketing strategy for the event.

That year we had over 1 lakh students participate in the event from across the country.

It was 25 percent more than the previous year.

Show replacing language section in the sample resume doc with Hobbies You can write about your hobbies.

In a line, mention what that hobby means to you.

Show an image of a boy with a cricket bat.


I enjoy playing cricket.

It helps me de-stress and have fun with friends.

For example, if you like playing cricket.

You can write:

I enjoy playing cricket.

It helps me de-stress and have fun with friends.

Hobbies are great conversation starters in an interview.

Mention the things that you are comfortable talking about.

Make sure that whatever you say is true.

You should be able to answer questions with confidence and clarity.

Type this in the awards section of the sample doc:

Internship Certificate of FOSSEE,

IIT Bombay Certificate of Appriciation from FOCAL,

FOSSEE Winner Certificate of Digital Hackathon 2020

Sport Certificate of Cricket - 2022

Sport Certificate of Cricket - 2021

Sport Certificate of Cricket - 2020

The final section is about Awards and recognitions.

List all the certificates and awards you have won.

You can include your academic achievements here.

Even if you don't have awards to show off, it’s ok.

The point of a resume is to highlight your education, skills, and experience.

Think what are you really skillful at? And write that.

Animate number 3 and show the text Proofreading

Scroll down the sample doc.

Now, for the third step: After writing your resume.

It's crucial to proof read it for any spelling or grammatical errors.

Zoom in a girl look at the computer Mistakes in your resume can create a negative impression on recruiters.
Animate number 4 and show text Resume in PDF format The fourth step is to save the ready resume in a pdf format.
Show File - Download - PDF

Show an image with PDF, Printer and an Envelope

PDF format is good to be sent via email as well as for taking printouts.
Animate number 5 and show text Feedback from faculty or mentor Now is the fifth and the final step:
Show an image of a college student with a professor Share your resume with your faculty members or mentors and ask them for feedback.
Scroll down the sample resume If you think their feedback is valid, make the changes to your resume.
Only Narration. Isn’t making a resume actually very simple? Ok.

But before I sign off, I want you to remember a few things while creating your resume

Show a thinking image with the text Don’t.

Transition to an image with certificates

1. Do not lie

For example: If you have received a certificate from a premier institution, add it as a certificate.

Along with the text Don’t, show the image of a boy in the graduation dress

2. Do not call yourself an alumni of that institution.

Along with the text Don’t, show the image of a boy graduating 3. When you exaggerate or lie, you lose credibility.

Show an image of a boy working on a project 4. If you have been part of a team project, mention your contribution

For example, if you are writing about an award your team won for a documentary.

Be specific about your role.

Show an image of recruiters interviewing a student 5. This will help your recruiters know what your strengths are.

In the interview, recruiters will also ask you questions specific to your role.

Show images of text document 6. For each job interview, customize your resume.

Show images of a couple and religious symbols 7. Do not mention irrelevant information like marital status, religious affiliations, etc.

unless it’s asked in the job description.

Show image of the text Generic Statements 8. Don’t use generic statements like Ï’m a highly professional, dedicated, and ambitious person”.

Show an image of certificates and medals 9. Always mention things that you can validate with a proof.

Show the sample resume The sample resume is available for your reference as a code file link.
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As an assignment,

Follow the instructions given in this tutorial and create your resume.

If you already have one, improve it with the given inputs.

Share it with your friends and ask for feedback.

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About Spoken Tutorial Project

The video at the following link summarizes the Spoken Tutorial project.

Please download and watch it.

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Spoken Tutorial workshops

We conduct workshops and give certificates.

For more details, please visit us.

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Answers for THIS Spoken Tutorial

If you have questions in THIS Spoken Tutorial, Please visit our website.

Choose the minute and second where you have the question.

Explain your question briefly

The Spoken Tutorial project will ensure an answer.

You will have to register to ask questions

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Forum for Specific Questions

The Spoken Tutorial forum is for specific questions on this tutorial.

Please do not post unrelated and general questions on them.

This will help us reduce the clutter.

With less clutter, we can use these discussions as instructional material.

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The Spoken Tutorial project was established by the Ministry of Education(MoE), Govt of India
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Thank You

With this, we have come to the end of this tutorial.

Its me Saisudha signing off.

All the best for your interviews.

Contributors and Content Editors
