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Time Narration
00:01 Paralok baieid, ngi pdiang sngewbha ia phi sha ka Spoken tutorial halor ka Introduction to BASH shell scripting.
00:08 Ha kane ka jinghikai, ngin pule:
00:10 Shaphang ki Shells bapher bapher
00:13 Ban thoh ia ka Bash Shell script bad
00:16 Ban execute ia ka
00:18 Ban bud ia kane ka jinghikai, phi dei ban tip bad nang ia ka Linux Operating System.
00:25 Lada phim pat tip, te na ka bynta ki jinghikai ba iadei bad ka Linux, peit ia ka website jong ngi kumba la pyni hangne
00:32 Na ka bynta kane ka jinghikai, nga pyndonkam:
00:35 Ubuntu Linux 12.04 OS bad
00:39 GNU Bash version 4.1.10.
00:43 Sngewbha kynmaw, ka GNU Bash version 4 lane kiba kham shajrong la ai jingmut na ka bynta ka jinghikai
00:50 To ngin sdang da ka lamphrang
00:53 Ngin iapeit ka Bash Shell kadei kaei
00:56 Bash Shell kadei ka command language interpreter kaba executes ia kicommands.
01:02 Kine ki commands la shim na ka standard input device.
01:07 Ka input device ka lah ban dei
01:09 Ka keyboard jong phi
01:11 Lane ka text file kaba suk.
01:14 To ngan pyni ia phi kaei ka Bash Shell.
01:16 Plie ia ka terminal window da kaba nion Ctrl+Alt+T keys ha kajuh ka por na ka keyboard jong phi.
01:24 Kane kan plié ia ka Gnome terminal.
01:27 Ban khmih bad peit ka type jong ka shell kaba ngi pyndonkam , type: echo space dollar sign SHELL (ha ki dak heh)
01:38 Nion Enter.
01:40 Phin iohi ia ka output ba la print ha ka line babud kum : slash bin slash bash.
01:47 Kane ka kdew ba ngi pyndonkam da ka Bash Shell.
01:51 Mynta, to ngin ia peit ia ki jait Shells bapher bapher kiba don
01:56 To ngin phai biang sha ki slides jong ngi. Bourne Shell-
02:00 Kane kadei ka UNIX shell ba tynrai ba la thoh da u Stephen Bourne.
02:06 Ka duna ia ka jing suk ban sngewthuh bad treikam kaba kiwei ki shells ba mynta ki ai.
02:11 C Shell – ka ai ia ki jinglong lane features kibym don ha Bourne Shell .
02:16 K Shell- la shna ia ka da u David Korn.
02:20 Ka don ia ki jinglong jong baroh ar, B Shell bad C Shell ryngkat bad kiwei pat ki jinglong.
02:27 Bash Shell-
02:30 Ka Bash Shell- la shna da ka GNU Project.
02:32 Ka shong nongrim ha ka B Shell language.
02:35 Ka don ia ki jinglong jong ka C bad K Shells.
02:40 TC Shell- ka dei ka default Shell jong ka FreeBSD bad ki pateng jong ka.
02:46 Z shell-
02:49 Kadei ka Shell ba la pynwandur na ka bynta ka rukom treikam ba suk bad ba sngewtynad.
02:52 Kadon shibun iaki jinglong ba iarap jong ka ksh, bash bad tcsh.
02:58 Mynta to ngin peit ka Bash Shell script kadei kaei
03:02 Ka Bash Shell script kadon ia ki series jong ki Bash commands ha ka plain text file.
03:08 Ka batai ia ka Shell ban execute ia kane ka text file ha ka jaka ban type ia ki commands.
03:15 To ngin peit kumno ban thoh ia ka Bash script kaba suk.
03:20 Ngin ia test ia ka echo command kaban print ia ka Hello World ha katerminal.
03:25 Phai biang sha ka terminal.
03:29 Mynta , type: echo space bad hapoh double quotes Hello world
03:35 Bad nion Enter.
03:37 Kane kan print Hello World ha ka terminal.
03:40 Ka command ka treikam kumba ngi khmihlynti.
03:43 Mynta ,kan long kumno lada ngi pyndonkam ia kane ka command ha ka file?
03:47 Shu buh ia kane ka command ha ka file bad execute ia kata ka file.
03:52 Nga pyndonkam da ka gedit text-editor na ka bynta kane ka kam.
03:57 Phi long laitluid ban pyndonkam ia ka text-editor kaba phi sngewtynnad.
04:00 Nga kwah ban shna ia ka file jong nga ha ka Desktop.
04:03 Te, type: cd space Desktop
04:07 Nion Enter.
04:09 Mynta , type: gedit space hello underscore world dot sh space &(ampersand sign).
04:20 gedit kadei ka text editor. 'Hello underscore world dot sh' kadei ka file name bad
04:27 Ngi pyndonkam ia u & (ampersand) ban clear ia ka prompt.
04:32 Mynta nion Enter. Ngi la plié ia ka file ba thymmmai kaba kyrteng da kaba pyndonkam gedit.
04:40 Mynta, type: hash exclamation mark front slash bin front slash bash
04:47 Kane kadei ka line banyngkong jong baroh ki bash script.
04:51 La ju khot ia ka kum shebang lane bang line.
04:55 Nion Enter.
04:57 Mynta ,to ngin add ka comment sha ka file da kaba type:
05:00 hash space My first Bash script
05:06 Kynmaw ba kano kano ka line hadien u hash la shim bad khein kum u comment.
05:11 Bad comments la kyntait noh da ka Bash interpreter.
05:15 Mynta ngi lah ban add ia ka command kaba ngi la pyndonkam hashwa.
05:19 Nion Enter bad type: echo space hapoh double quotes Hello world.
05:27 Nion Enter.Type: echo space dollar-sign SHELL (ha ki dak heh)
05:34 Nion Enter.Type: echo space backtick date backtick
05:41 backtick symbol ka kdew ia u key ba don ia u tilde character.
05:47 Mynta , nion ha Save ban save ia ka file.
05:50 To ngin execute. Phai biang sha ka terminal jong ngi.
05:55 Nyngkong , ngi hap ban pynlong ia ka file executable.
05:58 Na ka bynta kane, type: chmod space plus x space hello underscore world dot sh
06:09 Bad nion Enter.
06:12 Mynta, type:
06:14 dot slash hello underscore world dot sh
06:19 Nion Enter.
06:22 Phi iohi Hello World lah pynpaw ha ka terminal.
06:27 Ka shell type la pynpaw ha ka line babud kata slash bin slash bash
06:32 Bad ka sngi , u bnai, ka por bad ka time zone bad u snem la pynpaw
06:38 Ka output ka lah ban iapher katkum ka system.
06:43 To ngin phai biang sha ki slides jong ngi bad batai kyllum.
06:46 Ha kane ka jinghikai, ngi la pule shaphang:
06:48 Ki jait Shells bapher bapher
06:50 Bash Shell .Bash Shell script.
06:52 Ban thoh ia ka Shell script ba suk bad ban executeia ka script.
06:57 Kum ka kam na bynta jong phi- thoh ia ka script basuk ban pyni ia ka message -“Welcome to Bash learning
07:03 Bad “***************” (asterisks) ha kawei pat ka line.
07:06 Peit ia ka video ba don ha ka link ba la ai harum
07:10 Ka batai kyllum ia ka Spoken-Tutorial project.
07:13 Lada phim don ia ka bandwidth kaba biang , phi lah ban shu download bad peit ia ka .
07:17 Ka kynhun jong ka Spoken-Tutorial Project
07:20 Ka pynlong ia ki workshops da kaba pyndonkam da ki spoken tutorials.
07:22 Ka ai sertiphikate sha kito kiba pass ha ka online test.
07:26 Na ka bynta ki jingtip ba bniah, sngewbha thoh sha ka
07:34 Spoken Tutorial Projek kadei shibynta jong ka "Talk to a Teacher" projek.
07:39 La kyrshan ia ka da ka National Mission on Education lyngba ka ICT, MHRD, Sorkar India.
07:45 Kham bun ki jingtip halor kane ka mission kidon ha ka link ba la ai harum
07:51 Kane ka script la noh synniang da ka FOSSEE bad ka kynhun jong ka Spoken-Tutorial .
07:56 Bad nga I Meboreen na Shillong , nga pynkut ia kane. Khublei shibun ia ka jingsnohkti lang jong phi.

Contributors and Content Editors

Meboreen Mary