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Visual Cue Narration
Slide Number 1

Title Slide

Welcome to the tutorial on Basic Video Editing using Blender.
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Learning Objectives

In this tutorial, we will learn the following.
  • Adjust the interface to see the time panel
  • Display the waveform for an audio strip
  • Zoom in and zoom out on the media strips
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Learning Objectives

  • Cut a video strip
  • Select multiple strips
  • Delete part of a video and audio
  • Remove gaps and insert gaps and
  • Trim a video clip
  • We will also learn about few shortcut keys.
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System and Software Requirement

To record this tutorial, I am using
  • Ubuntu Linux v18.04 OS and
  • Blender 2.90.1
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To follow this tutorial,
  • Learner must be familiar with the Blender interface.
  • For pre-requisite tutorials, please visit this site.
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Code files

* Files used in this tutorial are provided in the Code files link.
  • Please download and extract the files.
  • Make a copy and use them while practicing.
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Opening blender

  • Linux users can open the compiled Blender file using the terminal.
  • Windows users can double click on the Blender application to open it.
Open blender interface. I have opened the Blender interface.
Click on File, Open. Click on File, Open to open the saved blender project.

The Blender File View dialog box opens.

I have saved the blender project in my Videos folder.

From the Videos folder, choose first.blend file.

Click on Open.

From the Videos folder, choose firstproject.blend file and click on the Open button.
Show opened project. The video editing interface opens with the media strips in the Sequencer panel.
Place the cursor between the sequencer scroll bar and the menu below. Place the cursor between the sequencer scroll bar and the menu below.

The cursor shows a two direction arrow.

Hold and pull it up. Hold and pull it up to show the time panel.
Hover mouse on the three menus. Notice the three menu options on the interface.

They are on the top, in the sequencer and in the time panel.

Hover mouse on the three menus. When you practice, watch closely which menu is being used.

I will not mention them separately.

Resize the time panel and lower it to earlier position. I will revert and resize the panels on the interface.
Click on the green audio strip. Click on the green audio strip in the sequencer panel to select it.
Click on View, Waveform Displaying and choose Waveform on. Click on View from the options and select Waveform Displaying.

From the sub-menu options, choose Waveform on.

Cursor on the waveform. The audio wave is displayed on the strip.

This is useful while editing videos since the audio waves are visible.

Place the cursor on the time information line (playhead). Let’s zoom into the video strip.

Place the cursor on the video strip, in the sequencer panel.

Using mouse scroll zoom in the video. Use mouse scroll wheel to zoom into the video.
Use lower scroll bar to show scroll. Use the scroll bar seen below the panel, to scroll left or right as seen here.
Hover the Cursor at the 34 seconds mark. Notice that there is no audio for about 4 seconds.
Cursor on the empty audio region. Video also has an error in this part and I want to delete this section.
Place the playhead around the 34 seconds mark and left click. Place the playhead or cursor around the 34 seconds mark.

Playhead can be moved using the sequencer header.

Click on the video strip. First, let’s select more than one strip.

Click on the video strip to select it.

Hold down the shift key and click on the audio strip. Hold down the shift key and click on the audio strip.

Notice the subtle color change in both strips when it is selected.

Press the K key. Press K to cut the video and the audio.

This is called a soft cut.

Cursor on the cut region. Both audio and video clips are cut at this position below.

The cut option is called as blade in blender manual.

Move the playhead by 3-4 seconds. Now move the playhead to about 38 seconds as seen here.

Make sure that both the strips are selected.

Press Shift+K. Press Shift and K keys together to cut the video.

This is called a hard cut.

Cursor next to the cut regions. Now we have 3 video and 3 audio clips.
Hover mouse next to the short video clip between 34-38 seconds. I want to delete the middle sections in the video and audio clip.
Select the cut part of the video and audio to be deleted. Select both the middle cut clips.
Press Delete. Press Delete to delete them as seen here.
Cursor on the gap. I will demonstrate the difference between, hard cut, soft cut and trim options.
Select the video clip on the left side and click on the right end of the clip. Select the video clip on the left side.

Click on the right end of this clip.

Point to the handle on the video in the strip. The short white region is the handle which will allow us to resize of trim.
Left click, Hold and drag it to the right over the gap. Click, hold and drag on the right end of this clip as seen here.
Move the playhead to this region. Move the playhead over this region.

Notice the cut part of the video appearing.

Leave the handle in the initial position. I will revert and leave it in the position as before.

Notice the four direction arrow, while moving the clip.

Choose the right side video clip. Choose the right side video clip.
Click on the left end of the clip.

Hold and drag to left over the gap.

Click on the left end of the clip.

Hold and drag to the left over the gap.

Show the frame repeat. Now the last frame repeats on the end.

Due to the hard cut, the information on the cut frames is lost.

Leave the handle in the initial position. I will revert and leave it in the position as before.

Next, let’s learn the trim option.

Select the video clip on the left side and click on the right end of the clip. Select the video clip on the left side.

Click on the right end of this clip.

Hold and drag it to the left a little. Hold and drag it to the left a little.
Move cursor and show the empty video preview. The video in that region gets hidden. It does not get deleted.
Click on the arrow, hold and drag to right to revert. This is the trim option.

We can recover the video by clicking on the arrow, and dragging it to the right.

I will leave it as it was before.

Cursor on the sequencer panel. Pause the video and practice the following.
Move the cursor position towards the beginning of the video. Move the playhead position towards the beginning of the video.
Cursor on the beginning of the video. Notice, the first 3 seconds of the video can be trimmed.
Demonstrate to trim the beginning of the video. Practice the trim option here.
Cursor on the gap. We can fill or remove the gap between the clips in different ways.
Select the right video strip, left click and hold. Select the video clip on the right side.

Left click and hold to see a four direction arrow.

Move towards right till it touches the video strip on the left. Move towards left, till it touches the video strip on the left.
Show overlap the video clips. Let’s move the video clip firther, to overlap on the left side strip.

Try to overlap the right video on the left video.

Show the jump of the right clip from overlap. The program automatically pushes the clip to the right of the left clip.
Show gap in audio strip.

Press Control Z.

The gap between the audio clip is unchanged.

Hence, press Control Z to revert or undo the change.

Place the playhead on the gap. Place the playhead on the gap.
Right click to open context menu. Click on Remove gaps. Right click to open the context menu.

Click on the remove gaps option.

Notice the gaps removed in audio and video.

Pause the video and practice the following.
Place the playhead on the left side clip.

Right click to open the context menu. Choose insert gaps.

Place the playhead on the clip on the left side.

Practice to insert gaps and also remove the gaps.

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Shortcut keys

Soft knife tool K Hard cut Shift+K Remove gaps Backspace Play video Spacebar Grab handle G Mute audio or video H Unmute Alt+H

Knowledge of shortcut keys are useful and essential for video editing.

Few shortcuts are shown here.

Please study them.

Press Control+S. Press Control S to save the project.
Click on FIle, Quit. Click on FIle, Quit to quit Blender.
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Now let's summarize. In this tutorial, we,
  • Learned about the time panel.
  • Displayed the waveform of an audio strip
  • Cut a region in a video file
  • Removed the gap between video clips
  • Trimmed the video
  • Learned few shortcut keys
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For assignment activity, please do the following.

Using the edit.webm video file provided in the code files link,

  • Trim the video for 5 seconds from the end
  • Cut the region between 20-25 seconds in the video and
  • Save the project
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Assignment /File:Annual_Sea_Ice_Minimum_1979-2013_with_Area_Graph.ogv

  • The file provided for assignment is downloaded from the site shown here.
  • You may also use a video of your choice.
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Spoken Tutorial Project

This video summarises the Spoken Tutorial Project.

Please download and watch it.

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Spoken Tutorial workshops

  • conduct workshops and
  • give certificates.

Please write to us.

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Forum for specific questions:

Please post your timed queries in this forum.
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Spoken Tutorial Project is funded by MHRD, Government of India.
This is Rani from IIT Bombay. Thank you for joining.

Contributors and Content Editors

PoojaMoolya, Ranipv076, Snehalathak