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00:00 Welcome to the spoken tutorial on reasons for increase in junk food consumption.
00:08 In this tutorial, we will learn about:
00:11 Factors increasing the consumption of junk food.
00:15 Ways to avoid junk food from our diet.
00:20 Junk food contains a high amount of sugar, salt, refined fat and refined flour.
00:28 Harmful effects of junk food has been discussed in another tutorial.
00:34 Please visit our website for more details.
00:38 Let us understand the factors that increase the consumption of junk food.
00:45 Junk food has become easily available these days.
00:49 You can find it in shops,
00:52 school canteens,

roadside vendors

00:54 and restaurants.
00:56 Let us look at another reason for the increased consumption of junk food.
01:02 Mothers may be busy with job and household work.
01:06 They may not get time to prepare a proper home made meal for their kids.
01:14 Instead, they may give them money to buy food from outside.
01:20 Kids may choose to buy chocolates, ice-creams or chips with that money.
01:26 Moreover, junk food is often cheaper as compared to healthy meals.
01:33 For example, a plate of chapatis, lentils and vegetables will cost slightly more.
01:42 Therefore, people may choose something cheap such as samosa, chips, biscuits.
01:50 Sometimes, parents ignore the child’s likes and dislikes.
01:56 Children often get bored with traditional homemade meals.
02:01 Due to a lack of variety in homemade meals, they may want to eat junk food.
02:08 They may find these food tastier.
02:11 On eating junk food high in sugar, the brain releases chemicals like dopamine.
02:19 It is released in large amounts which gives us a feeling of joy and comfort.
02:26 That is why we get addicted to junk food and crave to eat more and more.
02:34 We seek comfort by overeating junk food.
02:38 This is common during periods of stress,
02:42 depression,


02:44 and anxiety.
02:47 Another reason that attracts us to junk food are its advertisements.
02:53 These advertisements are often attractive
02:56 and misleading.
02:59 Children and adolescents get easily influenced by them.
03:05 Friends also affect our food choices.
03:08 For example, a student carries chapati and vegetables to school.
03:14 If her friends bring junk food, then she will also want to bring those items.
03:22 This shows that our eating habits get affected by what people around us eat.
03:29 Moving ahead, let us look at some ways to avoid junk food.
03:35 Parents should understand that children learn and follow what they see.
03:41 If they see parents eating healthy, they will also be motivated to eat right.
03:48 Therefore, parents should be a good role model for them.
03:53 Please remember to never use junk food as a reward.
03:58 Parents often give junk food as rewards to children in some situations.
04:05 For example: to complete their school work or to score well in exams.
04:12 This gives the children a message that it is okay to eat these food.
04:18 As they grow older, this can develop into a habit.
04:23 Hence, never offer junk food as a reward to children.
04:29 Care should be taken to avoid eating food while watching T.V or using phones.
04:37 Eating while watching T.V distracts our mind.
04:41 Therefore, we don’t feel satisfied and tend to overeat.
04:46 Another thing which the mothers should consider is to bring variety in meals.
04:53 The child’s regular meal can be made exciting.
04:58 Make it more colorful and nutrient-dense.
05:02 Use a combination of ingredients from different food groups.
05:08 Let me give you an example.
05:11 Plain rice can be modified by adding lentils, vegetables or eggs.
05:19 This way, the child will look forward to having homemade meals.
05:26 Before planning meals, consider the child's likes and dislikes.
05:31 If they do not like a specific ingredient, disguise it in other dishes.
05:39 For example, some children are fussy about eating vegetables.
05:45 You can disguise vegetables in the form of vegetable paratha, cheela or cutlets.
05:54 Vegetables can be chopped or pureed and served in the form of soup.
06:00 Try to replace junk food with healthy food.
06:04 For example: vada, samosa or a pack of biscuits costs 5-10 Rs.
06:13 For the same amount of money, you can buy two eggs or a glass of milk.
06:19 Do not add taste enhancing powders available in the market in children's milk.
06:26 Instead, you can add turmeric powder or nuts and seeds powder.
06:33 You can also have chutney made of nuts and seeds instead of ketchup and sauces.
06:41 Roasted peanuts or bengal gram can be eaten instead of chips and fried chivda.
06:50 You can also have boiled green gram, bengal gram, corn, etc.
06:58 Avoid fried puris made of refined flour.
07:02 Instead, have chapatis or parathas made of whole grains, sorghum or pearl millet.
07:11 Replace bad fats like refined vegetable oils with good fats.
07:19 Examples of good fat are coconut oil, pure ghee and butter.
07:26 Nuts, seeds, eggs and fish also have good fats in them.
07:32 Avoid drinking cold drinks and juices.
07:36 Instead, you can drink water, lime water, coconut water, buttermilk or milk.
07:44 Encourage children to eat whole seasonal fruits instead of fruit juices.
07:51 Fruit juices and sugary drinks should not be given to children below 2 years.
07:58 In a day, the consumption of tea and coffee should be restricted.
08:04 Half a cup or 100 ml can be given to 5-9 year old children.
08:12 For adolescents, one cup or 200 ml can be given.
08:18 Whereas, tea and coffee should be avoided by children up to 5 years.
08:26 Children and adolescents should completely avoid energy and carbonated drinks.
08:33 The intake of junk food should be restricted to 1 serving per week.
08:40 A homemade meal with the right ingredients is healthier than outside junk food.
08:47 Always remember that it takes time to develop habits.
08:52 Therefore, children must be taught to choose healthy food from a young age.
08:59 This brings us to the end of the tutorial.

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