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Visual Cue Narration
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Title Slide

Welcome to the spoken tutorial on Setup for Sales in FrontAccounting.
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Learning objective

In this tutorial, we will learn to setup:
  • Sales Types
  • Sales Persons
  • Sales Areas
  • Add and Manage Customers and
  • Customer Branches
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System Requirements

To record this tutorial, I am using
  • Ubuntu Linux OS version 16.04
  • FrontAccounting version 2.4.7
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Pre -requisites

To practise this tutorial, you must have knowledge of:

  • Higher secondary commerce & accounting
  • Principles of Bookkeeping
To practise this tutorial you must have knowledge of
  • Higher secondary commerce and accounting and
  • Principles of Bookkeeping
You should have already
  • Set up an Organisation/Company in FrontAccounting

If not, for relevant FrontAccounting tutorials please visit

And you should have already set up an Organisation or Company in FrontAccounting.

If not, for relevant FrontAccounting tutorials please visit this website.

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Start XAMPP service

Start the XAMPP services before you begin working on FrontAccounting interface.
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  • Sales is an activity related to selling
  • It is the amount of goods or services sold in a given time period.
Narration Now, let us open the FrontAccounting interface.
Click on browser >>localhost/account >> Press Enter Open the browser.

Type localhost/account and press Enter.

Point to the page The login page appears.
Enter Username and Password >>

Click>>Login button>>

Type the username as admin and the password.

Then click on the Login button.


Point and click on the >> Sales Tab>>

FrontAccounting interface opens.

Click on the Sales tab.

Highlight with a red colour box Maintenance Panel. Maintenance panel is used for setup of Sales and Customer details.
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Flowchart for Entry in Sales


Let us now see the steps for setup in Sales.

This comprises of 2 steps.

  • Step 1 - Setup Sales
  • Step2 - Setup Customers
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Setup-Sales-Part I (image)


In Setup Sales, we need to set the following options.
  • Sales Types
  • Sales Persons and
  • Sales Areas

So, let us learn how to do so.

Return back to the FrontAccounting interface. Switch back to the FrontAccounting interface.
Point & Click >> Sales Types option In the Maintenance panel, click on Sales Types link.

This allows us to define the pricing level for the specific customers.

Point to the details according to


We can see Retail and Wholesale as Sales Types.

For example, let’s consider that the majority of our business is Retail.

So, we can keep the retail pricing as Base price list.

By default, Tax included field is set to Yes.

This means tax will always be included in sales.

Click on the Edit icon of the wholesale Locate Wholesale and click on the Edit icon.
Click >> Calculation factor>>


Go to the Calculation Factor field.

Type in the Calculation factor to adjust the base pricing if you wish to.

We will keep it the same.

Point to Tax included Next is Tax included field.

Check this box if taxes should be a factor when making the calculation.

check Tax included I’ll check the Tax included check-box.
Click >> Add new button Then click on the Update button at the bottom of the window.
Point to the message>>New Sales type has been added>> We can see a message, which indicates that the details have been updated.
Click to the Back link Click on the Back link to return back to the FrontAccounting interface.

Click >> Sales Persons

Now, let us learn how to add a new Sales Person.

In the Maintenance panel, click on Sales Persons link.

Narration Here, we need to fill in the necessary information, related to the Sales Person.
Type in the details
  • Salesperson name - Rahul
  • Telephone number -3452934234
  • E-mail Id -
Fill the details as shown here.
Point to the Provision field


The Provision field is used by a Sales Person.

He gets a commission or provision on what they sell.

Type>> 5 % So, I will type 5% as commission in the Provision field.
Point to Turnover Break Pt Level.


Next is Turnover Break Point Level.

This is used for a Sales Person.

He gets the provision only if the amount exceeds the break point.

In the Break Pt. type 1,00,000


So, in the Break point field, I will type one lakh.

If the Sales Person sells above the break point, he will get a commission of 5%.

In our case, it is one lakh rupees.

Point to Provision 2 field

Narration Point to the New Sales person data have been added bar

Provision 2 field is used if the Sales Person sells below the break point.

I will type 3 here.

That means, if the Sales Person sells below 1 lakh, he will get a commission of 3%.

Click>> Add new button>> Click on Add new button at the bottom of the window.
Click to the Back option Then click on the Back link, to return back to the FrontAccounting interface.
Narration Now, we will learn how to create a new Sales Area.
Point to the Sales Area option

Click on the Sales Areas

In the Maintenance panel, click on the Sales Areas link.

Based on the Sales Area, we can create sales orders and make dispatches.

Show>> Area Name>> South Mumbai Type the new Area Name which we want to create.

I will type South Mumbai.

Click >>Add new button>>

Point to a message as

New Sales area has been added>>

Save these changes by clicking the Add new button at the bottom of the window.
Show the bar showing the entries in the table. We can also see the table with the updated entry.
Click to the Back option Click on the Back link, to return back to the FrontAccounting interface.
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Show the flowchart Step-II

Add and Manage Customers

Before we quote a Sales Order, we have to set up:
  • Add and Manage Customers and
  • Customer Branches
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  • Customer is an individual or business that purchases goods or services
  • We need to add customers to sell our products.
Return back to the FrontAccounting interface. Switch back to the FrontAccounting interface.
Click the options available under Maintenance bar. At the bottom left of the Maintenance panel, click on Add and Manage Customers.
Highlight with a red box
  • Customer Name - Amit Brothers & Co.
  • Customer Short Name - Amit
  • Address -9, Morar Baug, Ghatkopar East, Mumbai
  • GST No: 34DERGH1234F2Z5
Fill in all the necessary details of the Customer as shown.
Click>> Customer’s Currency>> dropdown box. In the Customer’s Currency drop-down box, I will select Indian Rupees.
Click>> Sales Type/Price List field>> Retail In the Sales Type or Price List dropdown box, I will select the option Retail.
Highlight with a red box
  • Phone number - 9788834256
  • Secondary phone number if any,
  • Fax number and
  • E-mail Id of the customer. -
  • Sales person -Rahul
Fill the contact details of the customer as shown.

I have selected the Sales Person name as Rahul which I had created earlier.

Point to Sales bar on the right side>>


Credit limit - 1000

We can see the Sales column on the right hand side.

Fill out the Discount, Credit and other conditions applicable for that customer.

Point>> details which are already filled>> I will keep the default settings, as they are.
Click>> Add New Customer >> Scroll down.

Click on Add New Customer button at the bottom of the window.

Highlight with a red box

A default Branch has been automatically created, please check default Branch values by using the link below.

We can also see another message which shows that the default branch is added.
Narration A customer must have one customer branch to issue sales or delivery orders.

Click>> Update Customer >>

First, we need to apply these changes for the new Sales Entry.

Scroll down.

Click on the Update Customer button at the bottom of the window.

Point to the message bar

Customer has been updated.

The success message indicates that we have updated the customer details.
Click >> Back option>> Click on the Back link, to return back to the FrontAccounting interface.
Narration Now, let us see whether the default branch is added or not.
Point to Customer Branches In the Maintenance panel, click on the Customer Branches link.
Point to the table showing new Customer Branch - Global We can see that a default branch Global has been added to the customer.
Click on the Edit icon Click on the Edit icon at the right, to make changes in the given entry.
In Sales Area box >>select South Mumbai. In the Sales panel, click on Sales Area drop-down box and select South Mumbai.
Narration only Keep the other field entries as they are.
Highlight the addresses on the right Mailing address and the Billing address will be the same as customer address.

If you have a different address, you can change it here.

Click on Update button Then click on the Update button at the bottom of the window to save this change.
Point to the message

Selected customer branch has been updated.

The branch gets updated and the success message appears at the top.
narration This brings us to the end of this tutorial.

Let us summarize. 

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In this tutorial, we have learnt to setup:
  • Sales Types
  • Sales Persons
  • Sales Areas
  • Add and manage Customers and
  • Customer Branches
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  • Add a customer
  • Refer to the Assignment link of this tutorial for customer details
As an assignment,
  • Add another customer
  • Refer to the Assignment link of this tutorial for the new customer details.
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  • The video at the following link summarises the Spoken Tutorial project.
  • Please download and watch it
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About workshops

The Spoken Tutorial Project Team conducts workshops and gives certificates.

For more details, please write to us.

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Forum for specific questions:

Please post your timed queries in this forum.
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The Spoken Tutorial Project is funded by NMEICT, MHRD Government of India.

The script and video has been contributed by Spoken Tutorial team.

This is Arvind pillai signing off. Thanks for joining.

Contributors and Content Editors

Nancyvarkey, Nirmala Venkat