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Tutorial Name: Installation of OBS in Windows

Author: Arvind Pillai

Novice reviewer: Nancy Varkey

Domain reviewer: Nancy Varkey

Visual Cue Narration
Slide: Title Slide Welcome to this tutorial on the Installation of OBS Studio in Linux OS.
Slide: Learning Objectives In this tutorial, we will learn to
  • Install FFmpeg
  • Install v4l2loopback driver
  • Enable the multiverse repo in Ubuntu's Software Centre and
  • Install OBS Studio in the Linux Operating System.
Slide: Learning Objectives We will also learn about
  • OBS Studio workspace
  • Scenes and Sources in OBS and
  • How to start and stop a recording in OBS.
Slide: Prerequisite To practice this tutorial, you should have basic knowledge of computers.

You should also know how to use a web browser.

Slide: System Requirement This tutorial is recorded using
  • Ubuntu Linux OS version 18.04 and
  • OBS Studio version: 27.0.1
  • We also need a working Internet connection for the installation.
Narration only Now, let’s begin to install OBS in Linux OS.

The entire process may take some time, depending upon your Internet speed.

SLIDE: Installation Steps Before installing OBS, we need to install a few other components.

First, we will see how to install FFmpeg in our system.

We will be installing all the components and OBS through the terminal.

Press Ctrl + Alt + T keys together Open the terminal by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T keys simultaneously.
Point to the Terminal. The terminal opens up.
Type sudo apt install ffmpeg.

Press Enter key

To install FFmpeg type sudo apt install ffmpeg.

And press Enter.

Enter System password

Press Enter.

Enter the system password if prompted and then again press Enter.
Type Y If asked whether to continue, type Y and press Enter.
Point to the Terminal. FFmpeg has been installed now. Let’s crosscheck.
Type ffmpeg -version

Scroll up and highlight the ffmpeg version.

On the terminal, type ffmpeg -version

Scroll up. Here we can see the version of ffmpeg installed.

You may see a different version number when you do the installation.

This output indicates that FFmpeg is successfully installed.

Narration Only If we want virtual camera support, we will need to install v4l2loopback-dkms.

Do this by typing the following command.

Type sudo apt install v4l2loopback-dkms

>> Press Enter

sudo apt install v4l2loopback-dkms

Press Enter.

Type Y If asked whether to continue, type Y and press Enter.
Point to the Terminal. We can see that the v4l2loopback driver is installed.
Narration Only Now let's install OBS with the following commands.

First we will update the repositories.

Type sudo apt update

Press Enter Key

On the Terminal, type the command sudo apt update

Press Enter.

Type Y If asked for the system password, type the password and press Enter.
Narration Only Next let's add OBS project repositories.
Type sudo add-apt-repository ppa:obsproject/obs-studio

>> Press Enter

To do so, type this command.

Press Enter.

Press Enter key again It will prompt us again to press Enter.

So press the Enter key again.

Narration Only Now we have installed and created all components required for OBS installation.

Next, let's install OBS Studio.

Type sudo apt install obs-studio

>> Press Enter

Type sudo apt install obs-studio

Press Enter.

Type Y The commnd prompt will ask permission YES or No to proceed ahead. Type Y and press Enter.
Narration Only OBS Studio is installed successfully.

Let's check it by opening the OBS interface.

Click on the Show Applications icon

Type OBS

Click on the Show Applications icon at the bottom left corner of the screen.

In Type to search text field at the top, type OBS.

Point to OBS icon

Click on OBS icon

We can see the OBS icon in the list.

Click on it.

Point to OBS interface The OBS Studio interface opens up.
Point to Auto Configuration wizard dialog box. At the start, we can see the Auto Configuration wizard dialog box.
Point to Usage information section

Point to Optimize for streaming, recording is secondary

Point to Optimize for streaming, I will not be streaming

Point to I will only be using the virtual camera

Under Usage information section, three options are available
  • Optimize for streaming, recording is secondary
  • Optimize just for recording, I will not be streaming
  • I will only be using the virtual camera.

Select Optimize just for recording, I will be not streaming radio button

Click on the Next button

As of now, we will be using OBS only for screen recording.

So, select the radio button Optimize just for recording, I will not be streaming.

Then click on the Next button at the bottom.

Point to Video settings section

Click on the Next button

In the Video settings section, keep the default values.

Then click on the Next button.

We can see the Auto Configuration wizard is setting up.
Point to Final Results section

Click on the Apply settings button

Now we are at the Final Results section.

Click on the Apply settings button at the bottom.

Narration only OBS Studio is installed successfully and ready for screen recording.
Narration only An empty profile named "Untitled" is before us.

First, let us familiarize ourselves with the OBS workspace or the OBS window now.

Point to Menu bar at the top and the Canvas Preview area in the middle

Point to Scene management and Control options at the bottom

We see the Menu bar at the top and the Canvas Preview area in the middle.

The Scene management and Control options are at the bottom.

Point to the Scene management and Control options

Hover the mouse over each tab

The Scene management and Control options have various sub-tabs.

Scenes, Sources, Audio Mixer, Scene transitions and Controls.

We will learn how to use each section as the series progresses.

SLIDE Let us briefly understand the Sources and Scenes tabs.

Scenes are specific layouts for how we want our sources to be displayed.

Sources are the things/elements shown on our screen.

Slide: Sources and Scenes (show image pointing the scene and source) Let us understand this with an example.

Here, the footage is the scene and the camera is the source.

Point to Scenes Panel>>Click on +

Point to Scenes Panel>>Right click>>Add option.

Let’s learn how to create a scene in OBS.

To do so, click the +plus icon at the bottom left of the Scenes panel.

Alternatively, right-click on the empty space of the Scenes list and choose Add option.

Point towards Add Scene dialog box

Type Scene 001

Click on the Ok button.

The Add Scene dialog box appears.

It prompts us to enter the name of the scene.

I will type the name of the scene as Scene 001.

Click on the Ok button at the bottom.

Point to Sources Panel>>Click on +

Select Display Capture.

Next, let’s learn to add a source to the scene.

To do so, click the +plus icon at the bottom left of the Sources panel.

It shows a list of options for recording. We’ll select Screen Capture.

Select Create New Radio button

Click on the Ok button.

In the dialog box, the Create New radio button is selected by default.

If not, please select it.

Then click on the Ok button at the bottom right of the window.

Point towards Properties for Display Picture dialog box.

Click on the Ok button

The Properties for Screen Picture dialog box pops up.

We will not do anything here.

Click on the Ok button. at the bottom right of the window.

Controls>>Start Recording button

In the Preview section, we see multiple windows showcased.

Under the Controls panel at the bottom right, click on the Start Recording option.

  • If you get an error that says-
    • Failed to open NVENC codec: Unknown error occurred
    • Please check your video drivers are up to date.
  • Then refer to the Additional Reading Material to fix it.
Minimize the OBS window Minimize the OBS window and record any other window of your choice.
Open Firefox web browser >> Narrate a sentence Here, I am recording my Firefox web browser screen.
Click on the Stop Recording button After the recording is done, switch back to the OBS window and click on the Stop Recording button.
Click on File

Click on Show Recordings.

To view the recorded clip, click on the File menu on the left of the OBS interface.

Click on Show Recordings.

It will automatically take us to the folder where the recording is saved.

Right click on it >> Open with option

Select VLC.

To view the recording, right-click on it.

From the context menu select Open with option.

From the sub-menu select any Player available on your machine.

I will select VLC player and click the Play button.

Back to OBS >> click X icon That is what I recorded.

Come back to OBS interface.

Close it by clicking in the X icon.

Narration only With this, we have come to the end of the installation tutorial.

Let us summarize.

Slide: Summary In this tutorial, we have learnt to:
  • Install FFmpeg
  • Install v4l2loopback driver
  • Enable the multiverse repo in Ubuntu's Software Centre and
  • Install OBS

in the Linux Operating System.

Slide: Summary We also learnt about
  • OBS Studio workspace
  • Scenes and Sources in OBS and
  • How to start and stop a recording in OBS.
Slide: Assignment As an assignment
  • Create a new scene in OBS.
  • Name it as Scene 002.
  • Record your Desktop screen.
  • Save and close the file.
  • Go to the saved location and play the recording.
Slide: About Spoken Tutorial Project
  • The video at the following link summarises the Spoken Tutorial project.
  • Please download and watch it
Slide: Spoken tutorial workshops
  • We conduct workshops using spoken tutorials and give certificates.
  • For more details, please write to us.
Slide: Answers for THIS Spoken Tutorial
  • Do you have questions in THIS Spoken Tutorial?
  • Please visit this site.
  • Choose the minute and second where you have the question.
  • Explain your question briefly and someone from our team will answer them.
  • You will have to register on this website to ask questions.
Slide: Forum
  • The Spoken Tutorial forum is for specific questions on this tutorial.
  • Please do not post unrelated and general questions on them.
  • This will help reduce the clutter.
  • With less clutter, we can use these discussions as instructional material.
Slide: Acknowledgement Spoken Tutorial Project is funded by Ministry of Education (MoE), Government of India
This is Arvind Pillai from IIT Bombay signing off.

Thank you for joining.

Contributors and Content Editors

Arvindpillai90, Nancyvarkey, PoojaMoolya