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Courses in Moodle

Welcome to the Spoken Tutorial on Courses in Moodle.
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Learning Objectives:

In this tutorial, we will learn:
  • How to create a course and
  • How to perform actions on courses.
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OS, Web Server and Moodle Versions

To record this tutorial, I will be using:
  • Ubuntu Linux OS 16.04
  • Apache, MariaDB and PHP obtained through XAMPP 5.6.30
  • Moodle 3.3
  • And Firefox web browser

You can use any web browser of your choice.

However, Internet Explorer should be avoided, as it causes some display inconsistencies.

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  • Learners of this tutorial should know how to create categories in Moodle.
  • If not, please refer to the relevant Moodle tutorials on this website.
Switch to the browser.


Switch to the browser and open your Moodle homepage.

Make sure that XAMPP service is running.

Login Login with your admin username and password details.
We are now in the admin dashboard.
Click on the drawer menu.

Click on Site Administration.

Click on Courses -> Manage courses and categories

Click on the drawer menu to open the navigation menu on the left.

On the left side, click on Site Administration.

Click on the Courses tab and then on Manage courses and categories.

Point to Mathematics Note that we have only one category here, which is Mathematics.
Point to the 2 subcategories. And two subcategories: 1st Year Maths and 2nd Year Maths, which we created earlier.
Now, let us create a new course under Mathematics.
Click on Create new course. So click on Create new course.
Click on Expand All

Course full name -> Calculus

And in the Add a new course screen, click on Expand All at the top right, in order to view all the fields.

In the Course full name textbox, we will type Calculus.

Course short name -> Calculus In Course short name, we will again type Calculus.

Course short name will be used in the breadcrumbs and course related emails.

This can also be different from the course full name.
Point to course category Course Category is Mathematics, as we can see.
Point to Course Visibility

Visible: Show

Next option is Course visibility. By default, Show is selected.

The Visible setting determines whether the course will be shown along with other courses, or not.

A hidden course is visible only to those assigned to the course, like-

  • Admin
  • Course creator
  • Teacher
  • Manager

We will leave this setting as it is, for now.

Point to Course Start date Next comes the Course start date.

If the course begins on a particular date like semester start date, select that in the start date.

This means the course will not be visible to the students till the start date.

Point to Course end date Course end date, by default, is enabled and set to the same date that the course is created.

Let me disable it by clicking on the checkbox.

This would mean that the course will never end.

However, if there is an end date for the course, you can enable the checkbox here.

Then select the date as per your requirement.

Important note: The course will not be visible to the students after the selected end date.

I will leave it disabled.

Point to Course ID Number. Course ID number is similar to Category ID number.

Course ID number is an optional field.

This is for admin users to identify the course with offline courses.

If your college uses IDs for courses, then you can use that course ID here.

This field is not visible to other Moodle users.

This field is optional and is not displayed anywhere on the website.

I am going to leave this as blank.

Point to Course Summary and Course Summary files. Next under Description we can see 2 fields: Course Summary and Course Summary files.
Point to Course Summary Course summary is an optional but important field.

That is because the course summary text is also scanned when a user performs a search.

Topics covered in this Calculus course are:
  • Limits
  • Graph of a function
  • Factorial

Listing topic names is a good idea here.

Type the following:

Topics covered in this Calculus course are:

  • Limits
  • Graph of a function
  • Factorial

Course summary is also displayed along with the list of courses.

Point to Course summary files. Course summary files must be uploaded in Course summary files field.

By default, only jpg, gif and png file types are allowed as course summary files.

I will skip this as I do not wish to upload any file.

Click on Course format dropdown Course format refers to the way resources and activities are organized for students.
Point to the 4 options as per narration.

There are 4 options in the Format dropdown -
  • Single Activity Format
  • Social Format
  • Topics Format And
  • Weekly Format.
Point to Weekly format.

There are courses that run week by week.

If your course is like that, then select Weekly format.

Moodle will create a section for each week of the course, with a clear start date and an end date.

Point to Topics format. There are courses that run topic wise.

If your course is like that, then select Topics format.

Moodle will create a section for each topic of the course.

Point to Topics format.

Select 5 in Number of sections

The default for this field is Topics format.

We will let it remain as it is.

The number of sections, by default, is 4.

If you have your course divided in more, or less than 4 topics, change this field as required.

I will make this number as 5.

We will discuss the other formats in later tutorials.
Click on Save and display. Let’s leave the rest of the options, as they are.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the Save and display button.

We are redirected to the Enrolled Users page.

We will learn about user enrollment in a later tutorial.

Point to Calculus under Mathematics. For now, we have successfully created our first course Calculus under the category Mathematics.
Point to the navigation menu While we are on this course page, notice that the menu on the left has changed.
Point to Participants, Grades The navigation menu on the left has menus related to the course we created.

These include Participants, Grades etc.

Click on Calculus on the left. Click on the course name Calculus on the left.
Point to Topic 1, Topic 2 etc We can see that 5 topics are visible here. They are named Topic 1, Topic 2 and so on...

Recall we had given this number 5 earlier.

Click on gear icon at the top right Click on the gear icon at the top right of the page.
Click on Edit settings.

Then click on Edit settings.

This will open a page similar to the page we were on, when we created this course.

Change Course start date to 15th October 2017. We can make changes to the previous settings on this page.

I will change the Course start date to 15th October 2017.

Click on Save and display button. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the Save and display button.
We will explore the other submenus under the gear menu later.
Let us now change the structure of our course a little bit.
Click on Site Administration -> Courses -> Manage courses and categories. Click on Site administration.

Click on Courses and then Manage courses and categories.

Click on Mathematics. Click on Mathematics category to see the course we created.

Notice 3 icons on the right of the course.

Hover over the icons Hover over the icons to see what they are.
Hover over the gear icon.

Hover over the trash icon.

Hover over the eye icon.

The gear icon is for editing a course.

The delete or trash icon is for deleting a course.

And the eye icon is for hiding a course.

Click on the eye icon - once to close and once to open A hidden course will have the eye crossed to indicate the same.
Click on the gear icon. We can click on the gear icon to the right of the course name, to edit the course settings.
Add Binomials at the end of the Course Summary

I want to modify the Course Summary and add Binomials to the existing topics.

Rest of the settings can remain the same.

Click on Save and return

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and this time click on the Save and return button.
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Here is a small assignment for you:

  • Create a new course Linear Algebra under the category Mathematics.
  • Hide this course for now.
  • Mention the following topics in course summary: Linear equations, Matrices and Vectors.
  • Click on Save and Return button.

Pause the tutorial and continue when done with the assignment.

Highlight the down and up arrow icons. We now have 2 courses under Mathematics: Calculus and Linear Algebra.

Notice that a new icon has appeared next to the courses now.

Point to the up and down arrows The up and down arrows are to re-arrange the order of the courses.
Drag and drop as per narration We can also change the order using the drag and drop feature.

Let us move the Calculus course above the Linear Algebra course.

Both these courses are for 1st year students.

So, let us move them under the 1st Year Maths subcategory.

Check the checkboxes next to Calculus and Linear Algebra Check the checkbox to the left of the 2 courses in order to select them.
Select Mathematics / 1st year Maths in the drop down Move selected courses to… Then in the dropdown Move selected courses to…, select Mathematics / 1st year Maths.
Click on Move button. And click on the Move button.
Highlight the success message. We get a success message -

Successfully moved 2 courses into 1st year Maths.

Highlight the number of courses. Note that the number of courses under Mathematics has become 0 and that under 1st year Maths is 2.
Click on 1st year Maths Click on 1st year Maths sub-category.
Highlight the sort options. We can see our courses listed under this subcategory.

This brings us to the end of this tutorial.


Let us summarize.

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In this tutorial, we learnt:
  • How to create a course
  • How to perform actions like edit, move, etc. on courses.
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Here is an assignment for you:
  • Add 2 courses to the subcategory 2nd Year Maths under Mathematics, namely
    • Multivariable calculus and
    • Advanced Algebra.
  • Refer to the Code files link of this tutorial for details.
  • Edit the courses to start on 15th October 2017.
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(About Spoken Tutorial Project)

The video at the following link, summarizes the Spoken Tutorial project.

Please download and watch it.

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(About Spoken Tutorial Project)

The Spoken Tutorial Project Team conducts workshops and gives certificates.

For more details, please write to us.

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(About Spoken Tutorial Forum)

  • Do you have questions in THIS Spoken Tutorial?
  • Please visit
  • Choose the minute and second where you have the question
  • Explain your question briefly
  • Someone from our team will answer them

Please post your timed queries in this forum.
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Spoken Tutorial Project is funded by NMEICT, MHRD, Government of India. More information on this mission is available at the link shown.
This script has been contributed by Priyanka.

And this is Nancy Varkey along with the spoken tutorial team signing off. Thanks for joining.

Contributors and Content Editors

Itspriyanka, Nancyvarkey, Nirmala Venkat