Java Business Application
From Script | Spoken-Tutorial
Java Business Application series brings together all the constructs learnt in the Java series and the Netbeans series. Building a Library Management System from scratch has been explained in a very simple manner in this series.
The Spoken Tutorial Effort for Java Business Application series has being contributed by a global IT MNC, through their Corporate Social Responsibility program (CSR). They built the business application and provided domain expertise for the creation of the Spoken Tutorial series on the same.
Learners: UG/PG CSE/IT/CS students and working professionals.
Basic Level
- Overview of Library Management System
- Web application.
- To create a basic inventory system.
- Library Management System
- Example of a Library Management system.
- Need of Library Management System
- Creating a Java web project
- Developing a simple web project
- Deployment descriptor
- Web content folder
- web.xml
- HTML Page
- Run the application
- Java servlets and JSPs
- Definition of web server
- Definition of web container
- Creating a servlet
- Running the servlet
- Including HTML inside Java code
- Running the Project again
- Difference between Servlets and JSPs
- Creating a JSP
- Servlet Methods
- Creating the home page of Library Management System
- Go to index.jsp
- Modify the index.jsp by creating a form
- Create
- Servlet as a controller
- Inside the doGet method retrieve the form data parameters
- Run the project and see the output
- Repeat the same for doPost method
- Difference between doGet and doPost methods
- Database and validation
- Create database library
- Create table users
- Load JDBC Driver
- Run the project
- Login and show successGreeting page
- Explain
- Explain getParameter method
- Explain code for JDBC connection
- To redirect to successGreeting.jsp use RequestDispatcher
- Similarly explain how to print error messages on index.jsp
- Explain about scriptlet in index.jsp
- What is Model
- Explain the User Model
- Register as a new user
- Explain about successUser Page
- Explain
- Explain different errors possible while filling the form
- Creating and viewing inventories
- Modify the login page to redirect to admin page
- Create Book and Checkout model Modifying Creating #* Create listBooks.jsp Fetch all the book details
- Create listBorrowedBooks.jsp Fetch borrowed book details
- To display the books borrowed by logged in user
- Issuing and Returning a book
- Adding more functionalities to the Admin Section Page
- Listing all the users
- Checkout/Return a book
- Modifications in the corresponding servlets
- Interface for checkout and return
- Creating