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Time Narration
00:00 Pdiang sngewbha sha ka spoken-tutorial halor Issuing and returning a book.
00:05 Ha kane ka tutorial, ngin pule kumno ban:
00:08 Ban ïoh ïaki details jong baroh ki user.
00:11 Ban ai ka kot.
00:13 Ban Pynphai ka kot.
00:15 Hangne ngi pyndonkam ka:
00:17 Ubuntu Version 12.04
00:20 Netbeans IDE 7.3
00:23 JDK 1.7
00:25 Firefox web-browser 21.0
00:29 Phi lah ban pyndonkam uno uno u web-browser uba phi kwah.
00:33 Ban bud ïakane ka tutorial, phi dei ban don ka jingtip ïaka:
00:37 Basics jong Java Servlets bad JSPs
00:40 Shna bad peit ïaki Kyrteng jong ki inventories.
00:44 Lada em, na bynta ki tutorial ba kum kane sngewbha leit sha ka website jong ngi.
00:48 Ha ki tutorial ba hashwa, ngi lahdep peit kumno ka Admin Section ka treikam.
00:53 Hangne, ha kane ka tutorial, ngi lah thep shuh ki jingtreikam sha ka Admin Section.
00:59 Te,to ngin leit sha u browser.
01:02 To ngin login biang kum u admin.
01:05 Ngi lah ban ioh ba ngi don sa ar tylli ki jingjied haka Admin Section Page - List Users bad Checkout/Return Book.
01:14 Mynta, to ngin wan sha ka IDE.
01:18 Ngi lah ban iohi ba haka adminsection.jsp ki don sa ar tylli ki radio buttons.
01:24 U wei naka bynta ka List Users bad uwei pat na bynta ka Checkout/Return Book.
01:30 Mynta, phai biang sha u browser.
01:33 Ngin click ha u radio button na bynta ka List Users.
01:38 Ka don ïa baroh ki details kum First Name, Surname, Age, Gender bad Username.
01:48 Ki synjam ki ïasyriem bad ki ar tylli ki jingjied ba hashwa;
01:51 Ngi la iohi ïaki haki tutorial ba hashwa.
01:55 Mynta, to ngin click ha u jingjied babud uba long ban Checkout lane Return Book.
02:01 Ngi ioh ïaka form kaba pynlah ïa phi ban checkout bad ruh ban pynphai ïaki kot.
02:06 Mynta ngin peit ïaki code na bynta kane.
02:09 Phai biang sha ka IDE.
02:11 Ngi la click ha Checkout/Return Book.
02:14 Te menuSelection ka ïaryngkat ïaka checkoutbook.
02:18 KI synjam ki long kumjuh kumba ngi lah iohi haka List Books.
02:23 Hynrei hangne, ngi phah ïaka request sha ka checkOut.jsp pyndonkam ka RequestDispatcher.
02:29 Mynta, to ngin wan sha ka checkOut dot jsp.
02:33 Kane ka page ka ïasyriem bad jong ka listBooks dot jsp
02:38 lait tang ba ngi don ïa u radio button ha man la kawei pa kawei ka book
02:42 Khnang ba ngin lah ban Checkout/Return ïakata ka book.
02:46 Ngi don ruh ïa ka User name field ban ioh ïa ka username jong u user u ba dei ban checkout iaka book.
02:53 Ngi don ruh ïaka Date field ban buh ïaka return date jong ka kot.
02:59 Ngi lah buh ïaka tarik pynphai kum shi taiew naka tarik ba mynta.
03:04 La leh ïakane dakaba pyndonkam ka class Calendar.
03:07 U add() function jong kane ka class u shim ar parameters.
03:13 U ba nyngkong u dei ka sngi ba mynta u snem.
03:16 U ba ar u dei ki sngi ba bud ïa ka sngi ba mynta.
03:21 Ngi lah thep hyññiew sngi.
03:23 Mynta, Peit thuh ba ka form action ka ïaryngkat ïaka CheckOutServlet.
03:29 Mynta, to ngin wan biang sha u browser.
03:32 Ngin click ha Book Id 1.
03:35 Type ka username kum arya.
03:38 Ngi iohi ba ka sngi pynphai kadei shi taiew naka sngi ba mynta.
03:43 Peit thuh ba ka jingdon jong ki kot Available Copies ka long 9.
03:48 Click ha Checkout book.
03:51 Ngi ioh ïaka Checkout Success Page.
03:55 Ngin click ha here ban wan sha ka Admin Section Page.
03:59 click biang ha Checkout/Return Book.
04:03 Ngi lah ban iohi ba ka Available Copies la pynduna sha 8.
04:08 Mynta Ngin peit ïa u code na bynta kane.
04:10 wan biang sha ka IDE.
04:13 Leit sha
04:16 Ngi lah buh ïaka errorMsgs list.
04:19 Ngi lah buh ïaka errorMsgs haka request.
04:23 Ngi ioh ïaka username naka request using getParameter.
04:28 Kumjuh ruh, Ngi ioh ka checkout_book, return_book bad book-id.
04:34 KaBa bud, Ngi Phiah ïaka book_id kum Integer na u id.
04:40 Ngi pynshisha ïa u userName bad book id.
04:44 Ngi pynshisha ruh laki Checkout_book bad Return_Book kidei null.
04:50 Nangta, ngi pynshisha lada uwei naki um dei null.
04:55 Hangne, ngi check lada u user u don haka system pyndonkam ka userExists method.
05:01 Nangta ngi buh ïa ka value ba wanphai jong ka method ha userExists variable.
05:07 Mynta, ngin peit ngi leh aiu hakane ka method.
05:11 Hangne, nyngkong ngi pyntreikam ïaka query ban check lada ka username kala don ha ka table.
05:18 Nangta ngi buhdak sdang ïa u integer variable userExists sha 0.
05:23 Lada ka username ka don, ngi buh userExists sha 1.
05:29 Nangta ngi pynphai ïa ka value jong u userExists.
05:33 Te, lada ka method ka pynphai 0 te ka mut ba u user um don haka system.
05:42 lane, lada u user u don, te ngi khot ka 'bookAlreadyIssued' method.
05:50 Nangta Ngi buh ïaka value ba wanphai jong ka method ha bookIssued.
05:55 Hangne, ngi peit lada ka juh ka book lahdep ai sha u juh u user.
06:01 Mynta, to ngin wan sha bookAlreadyIssued method.
06:05 Hangne, ngi lah buh ïa u integer variable bookAlreadyIssued sha 0.
06:12 NGi Pyntreikam ïaka query ban check lada ka book da kajuh ka book_id la ai da u juh u user.
06:18 Ngi ioh ïaka book_id na ka Checkout table.
06:23 Lada ka BookId ka don, te ngi buh ïaka variable bookAlreadyIssued sha 1.
06:30 Nangta ngi return ïa ka value jong ka bookAlreadyIssued.
06:34 Te, lada ka method ka pynphai 1 te ka mut ba u juh u user u lahdep shim kylliang teng ïa kane ka kot.
06:43 Mynta, wan biang sha u browser.
06:46 Mynta, to ngin pyrshang ban checkout ïa kajuh ka kot da u juh u user.
06:51 Type ka username kum arya.
06:54 Click ha u radio button Pyrshah ïa u Book Id 1.
06:59 Nangta click ha Checkout book.
07:03 Ngi iohi ba ngi ioh ïaka error message ba "The same user has already borrowed this book".
07:10 Mynta, phai biang sha ka IDE.
07:14 Lada u userExists haka system bad lada ka checkout_book kam dei null, ngi ong checkout method.
07:22 To ngin peit ngi leh aiu ha kane ka method.
07:25 Hangne, ngi ioh ïaka availablecopies na bynta ki id ba ïadei bad kane.
07:31 Ngi ioh ïa kane naka Books table.
07:35 Nangta ngi buh ïa ki number jong ka jingdon ki kot hapoh ka variable availableCopies.
07:41 Ngi check lada ka availableCopies ka kham heh ban ïa u 0 bad bookIssued u ïa ryngkat ia u 0.
07:50 Ngi ioh ïaka dateofreturn na ka request bad buh ïaka haka returndate.
07:56 Nangta ngi khot ka insertIntoCheckout.
08:00 Ngin peit aiu ngi leh ha ka insertIntoCheckout method.
08:05 Hangne, ngi buh ïaka book_id, userName bad returndate hapoh ka Checkout table.
08:12 Nangta ngi khot ka decrementAvailableCopies method.
08:16 Ngin peit kaei ngi leh hakane ka method.
08:19 Hangne, ngi pyntreikam ïaka query ban pynduna ïaka Available Copies haka Books table da u 1.
08:26 Nangta, ngi khot ka setCheckoutIntoRequest method.
08:29 To ngin wan sha kane ka method.
08:32 Hakane ka method, ngi buh ïaka checkout attribute sha ka request.
08:38 Nangta ngi phah ïaka request sha ka successCheckout.jsp pyndonkam ka RequestDispatcher.
08:45 Lada ka availableCopies ka long 0 te ngi print "There are no copies of the requested book available".
08:53 Mynta, to ngin wan sha ka successCheckout dot jsp.
08:58 Hangne, ngi shim shwa ïaka checkout attribute naka request.
09:03 Nangta ngi pyni ïaka success message na bynta ka Checkout ba jop.
09:08 Phi lah ban pyrshang ïaki errors bapher ba pher dalade.
09:11 Mynta, to ngin pynphai ïaka kot. Te, Phai sha u browser.
09:15 Click ha Book Id 1 bad type ka username kum "arya".
09:21 Nangta, click ha Return book.
09:24 Ngi ioh ïaka success message ba ka jingpynphai ïaka kot ka long kaba jop.
09:29 Click ha here na bynta kawei pat ka checkout/return.
09:33 Te, ngi wan phai biang sha ka Admin Section Page.
09:36 Click ha Checkout/Return Book.
09:39 Ngi lah ban iohi ba ïaki number jong Available Copies lah pynbun.
09:45 Ngin peit ïa u code na bynta kane.
09:47 Wan biang sha ka IDE.
09:49 Plie ïaka CheckOutServlet dot java.
09:53 Ngi check if userExists ka ïa ryngkat ne em 1 bad return_book kam dei ban ïa ryngkat ïa u null.
10:00 Nangta ngi khot ka returnBook method.
10:03 To ngin wan sha kane ka method.
10:06 Hangne, ngi jied ïaki totalcopies bad availablecopies na ka Books table na bynta ka Book Id.
10:14 Ngi buh ïaka Total Copies bad Available Copies sha totcopies bad availcopies.
10:21 Nangta ngi check lada ki available copies ki tam ïaka total Copies.
10:27 Mynta, to ngin wanphai biang sha u browser.
10:30 To mynta ngin pynphai ïaka kot na bynta u user u bym pat ju shim kylliang ïaka book.
10:35 Type ïa u User name kum mdhusein.
10:39 Click ha Book Id 1.
10:42 Nangta click ha Return book.
10:44 phi lah ban iohi ba ngi ioh ia ka error message: "The given user has not borrowed this book!!"
10:50 Mynta, wan biang sha ka IDE.
10:53 Hangne, ngi check la ka bookIssued ka ïa ryngkat ne em ïa u 1.
10:57 Nangta ngi khot daka removeFromCheckout method.
11:01 To ngin wan mynta sha kane ka method.
11:04 Hangne, ngi pyntreikam ïaka query ban delete naka Checkout table ïaka jingpynrung kaba iaka kot lah wan pynphai.
11:14 Nangta, ngi khot daka incrementAvailableCopies method.
11:18 To ngin wan sha kane ka method.
11:21 Hangne, ngi pynkiew ïaka Available Copies da 1.
11:25 Ngi execute ïaka query ban update ïaka Books table.
11:29 Nangta ngi khot ïaka setReturnIntoRequest method.
11:34 To ngin wan sha kane ka method.
11:37 Hangne, ngi buh ïaka returnBook attribute hapoh ka request.
11:41 Nangta ngi phah sha ka successReturn page Pyndonkam ka RequestDispatcher.
11:48 Ka successReturn page ka ïasyriem ïa kato kaba ngi don haka successCheckout page.
11:53 Mynta, wan biang sha u browser. Wan biang sha ka login page.
11:58 Ngi lah ban iohi ba ngi don ïaka link ba khot ka Visitor’s Home Page.
12:03 Ngi lah ban iohi ba ngi ioh ïaka list jong baroh ki kot kiba don.
12:07 Te, Ha kane ka tutorial, ngi la pule :
12:10 Ban list ïa baroh ki user
12:12 Ban Shim ïaka kot bad ban pynphai ïaka kot.
12:15 Ban tip shuh shaphang ka spoken tutorial project, Peit ïaka video badon haka link harum.
12:20 Ka batai lyngkot ïaka Spoken Tutorial project.
12:24 Lada phim don ka bandwidth ba biang, phi lah ban download bad peit ïaka.
12:28 Ka Spoken Tutorial Project Team:
12:30 Ka pynlong workshops dakaba pyndonkam ki spoken tutorials.
12:32 Ka ai certificates sha kito kiba pass ïaka on-line test.
12:36 Ban tip kham bniah, sngewbha thoh sha:
12:41 Spoken Tutorial project kadei shi bynta jong ka ‘‘‘Talk to a Teacher project.
12:44 La kyrshan ïaka daka National Mission on Education Lyngba ka ICT, MHRD, Sorkar India.
12:50 Khambun ka jingtip halor kane ka mission kadon ha ka
12:58 ïaka Library Management System la noh synniang da ka software MNC ba pawkhmat lyngba ka programme "Corporate Social Responsibility" jong ki.
13:06 Ki la pynkhamti ruh ïaka content na bynta kane ka spoken tutorial.
13:10 ïa kane ka script la pynkylla sha ka ktien Khasi da I Hezekiah Lyngdoh na Shillong.

Khublei ba phi la ïasnohlang.

Contributors and Content Editors
