Title of script: Type Conversion in Java
Author: TalentSprint
Keywords: datatype, int, float, char, conversion, video tutorial
Visual Cue | Description |
Slide 1
Welcome |
Welcome to the spoken tutorial on Type Conversion in Java. |
Slide 2
Learning Outcomes |
In this tutorial, you will learn:
Slide 3
Tools Used |
For this tutorial we are using
Slide 4
Prerequisites |
To follow this tutorial, you must have knowledge of data types in Java.
Slide 5
Type Conversion |
Type conversion means converting data from one data type to another.
Minimize Slides and open Eclipse
Eclipse should contain the following code public class TypeConversion { public static void main(String[] args) { } } |
Here we have the Eclipse IDE and the skeleton required for the rest of the code.
In the main method, type
int a = 5; float b; b = a;
int a equal to 5
float b b equal to a
Save and run. Point to output | We can see that the integer 5 has been converted to float 5.0
Change a = 5 to a
Change b to b = 2.5f; Change b = a to a = b;
Remove the 5 float b equal to 2.5f and let us store b in a and print the value of a .
Save the file.
we see that there is an error.
Change a = b to a = (int) b
and point to that line |
We do that by using an int in parentheses.before the variable
save and run. Point to output | save and run the file
Change int a to int a = 5
Change float b = 2.5f to float b; Change a = (int) b to b = (float) a; Change println(a) to println(b)
int a =5, float b, b = float a
System.out.println(b); We are using Explicit conversion to convert integer to a float Save the file and Run it.
we see that the int value has been converted to a float value
Remove everything in the main function and type the following
int a; a = (int) c; System.out.println(a); |
int a, charc char c equal to 'm';
' a equal to (int) c; System dot out dot println ' a. We are convewrting character m to an integer and printing the value Let us save and run it |
Save and run. Point to output | As we can see, the output is 109 which the ascii value of m.
Change c = 'm' to c = ' ' | char c = digit 5
Save it and run it |
Save and run. Point to output | As we can see, the output is 53 which is the ascii value of the character ‘5’
It is not the number 5.
Remove everyting in main function and type the following.
int h = (int) sHeight; System.out.println(h); |
Clean up the main function
int h equal to explicit conversion to int of sHeight and System dot out dot println h Save the file. I’ve created a string variable with value 6 and i am trying to convert it to an integer but we see that their is an error
Point to cross mark on the left | And the error message reads Cannot cast from String to int.
Remove the int h... and type
int h = Integer.parseInt(sHeight); |
Remove the int h... and type Integer dot parseInt sHeight .
Save the file and run it
Save and run. Point to output | we see that value has been successfully converted to an integer.
To do this we use the parseInt method of the integer module. Now let us see what happens if their are more than one digits like 6543 Save the file and run it
Point to console |
We see that again strings contain the number has been successfully converted to an integer Now let us see what happens if the strings is a floating point number Change 6543 to65.43.So we have a floating point number in the string and we are converting it to an integer Save the file run it.
Save and run. Point to output | We see that their is an error This happens beacuse we cannot convert strings which contains floating point number into an integer
We have to convert it TO afloat.Let us see how to do so; First data type should be float, Second we will use float . parsefloat, We are using the Parsefloat methods of the float class to convert the string containing a floating point number into an actual floating point number. Save the file run it. We can see the string containing a floating point number has been successfully converted into floating point number. And this is how we do implicit and explicit conversion and How do we converts strings to numbers |
Minimize the Eclipse window and switch to slides.
Summary |
This brings us to the end of this tutorial.
In this tutorial we have learnt how to convert data from one type to another. What is meant by implicit explicit conversin and How to convert strings to numbers. |
Slide 7Assignment
As an assignment for this tutorial Read about Integer.toString and Float.toString.
Find out What do they do? |
Slide 8About the Spoken Tutorial Project
To know more about the Spoken Tutorial project, watch the video available at the following link, that summarises the project.
if you do not have good bandwidth, you can download and watch it |
Slide 9Spoken Tutorial WorkshopsThe Spoken Tutorial Project Team
The Spoken Tutorial Project Team. Conducts workshops using spoken tutorials and gives certificates for those who pass an online test. For more details, please write to contact AT spoken HYPHEN tutorial DOT org. |
Slide 10Acknowledgement
Spoken Tutorial Project is a part of the Talk to a Teacher project and is supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India. More information on this Mission is available at spoken HYPHEN tutorial DOT org SLASH NMEICT HYPHEN Intro |
Slide 11About the contributor
This tutorial has been contributed by TalentSprint. Thanks for joining.