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Slide Number 1

Title Slide

Introduction to gnuplot

Welcome to the spoken tutorial on Introduction to gnuplot.
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Learning Objectives

In this tutorial, we will learn to
  • Download and install gnuplot 5.2.6
  • Test the installation and
  • Test the terminal capability
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System Requirements

To record this tutorial, I am using
  • Debian Linux 9.3
  • gedit text editor 3.22
  • Firefox web browser 52.5 and
  • Working Internet connection to download gnuplot

However you can use any text editor and web browser of your choice.

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To follow this tutorial, learners must be familiar with high school mathematics.
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Download link

The official download link for gnuplot is gnuplot dot info.

The gnuplot software is available for all operating systems.

I will use Firefox web browser to download the latest version of gnuplot.
Press Windows key. Press the Windows key on the keyboard.
Type firefox >> press Enter In the search bar, type firefox and press Enter.

Firebox web browser opens on the screen.

Type >> press Enter In the address bar, type gnuplot dot info and press Enter.

We are now in the official Homepage of Gnuplot.

Scroll the page I will scroll down the page.
Hover mouse next to current version and release 5.2.6 The current version of this software is 5.2 and release is 5.2.6.

This was the version number at the time of recording this tutorial.

When you practice this tutorial, the current version or release could be different.

Hover mouse over Release notes, User manual and demonstration gallery Notice the links for the Release Notes', User Manual and demo gallery.
Click on link for Release 5.2.6 Click on the link for Release.
Cursor on the browser. We are redirected to another web page.

Next, let's download the required files.

Click on the Parent folder link >> scroll down. Click on the Parent folder link and scroll down.
Point to the different versions. Notice the different versions of the gnuplot software.
Click on 5.2.6 link. I will click on the 5.2.6 link.
Point or highlight The latest version release link is seen in green color.
Scroll the page Scroll down the refreshed page and notice the various downloadable files.
Hover mouse next to .exe , .html readme files Dot exe files are for Windows operating system.
Point and click gnuplot-5.2.6.tar.gz file If you have a Linux system, click on gnuplot hyphen 5 point 2 point 6 dot tar dot gz
Another page We are redirected to another page.
Save dialog box After a short pause, the Save dialog box opens.

In some Linux versions, the download may begin automatically.

Choose Save file >> click Ok In the Save dialog box, choose Save File option.

Then click on the Ok button at the bottom, to download the tar gz file.

Point to download arrow. Wait for the download to complete.

Let's now extract the required files and install gnuplot using the terminal.
Press Ctrl+ Alt + T Let us open a terminal by pressing Control, Alt and T keys together.
Point to the file in Downloads folder. The downloaded file is in my Downloads folder.
Type cd Downloads/ and press Enter In the terminal prompt, I will type,

cd space Downloads slash and press Enter.

Highlight Downloads In case you have saved the file in a different folder, then type that folder name.
>tar -xvf gnuplot-5.2.6.tar.gz and Enter To extract files from the tar gz file, type the following command.

tar space hyphen xvf space gnuplot hyphen 5 dot 2 dot 6 dot tar dot gz.

Then press Enter.

Hover mouse next to newly created directory gnuplot-5.2.6 A new directory gnuplot hyphen 5 dot 2 dot 6 is created in the Downloads folder.

The files are extracted to the new directory.

Ctrl Shift K I will clear the terminal and bring the prompt back to the top.
cd gnuplot-5.2.6/ >> Enter Now, let’s go to the newly created directory.

To do so, type cd space gnuplot hyphen 5 dot 2 dot 6 slash and press Enter.

gedit RELEASE_NOTES Now type

gedit space RELEASE underscore NOTES and press Enter.

I have used gedit text editor. But you may use any text editor of your choice.

Scroll down the file Release_notes Let's scroll down to the Installation section.
Hover mouse next to install section Installation has three parts - build, test and install.
Point to the installation part of the code The commands required for installation are mentioned here.
Close gedit, click on 'x' sign To compile and install, we will use terminal commands.

So, let's close the text editor now.

Go to terminal Go to the terminal.
Press Enter key. From now on-wards, press Enter key after each command to execute it.
Type sudo ./configure >> Press Enter. Type sudo space dot slash configure.
If prompted for password, enter sudo password. If prompted for password, type the sudo password.

Wait for the process to be completed.

Press Ctrl + Shift + K keys Let me clear the terminal.
Type sudo make >> Enter Next type sudo space make.

Let me clear the terminal.

Type sudo make check >> Enter. Then type

sudo space make space check

A graphics window appears and disappears.

And we are back on the terminal.

Press Ctrl + Shift + K keys Let me clear the terminal.
Type sudo make install and enter Now type this command-

sudo space make space install

gnuplot is now getting installed on the computer.

Wait for the installation to complete.

Press Ctrl + Shift + K keys Let me clear the terminal.
Type gnuplot

Hover mouse next to gnuplot prompt Hover mouse next to x11

Type gnuplot and press Enter to get the gnuplot prompt.

This shows the terminal type as x11.

Screenshots of Ubuntu Linux and Windows OS On Ubuntu Linux and Windows OS, the terminal type will be qt.
Type test >> Enter Next we will type test and press Enter.
gnuplot window 0 opens A graphic gnuplot window 0 opens on the screen.

This graphic window allows to view plots and graphs.

The test command shows the capability of the interactive terminal in gnuplot.
Point to the various color options. The various color options available for this terminal is shown.
Point to the symbol or point styles. The symbol or point styles are also indicated.
Point to the line widths and line styles Various line widths and line styles possible in this terminal, are also displayed.
Point to the bar chart The bar chart displays the possible variations in the pattern fill.
Point to the text and label rotation options Text and label rotation are also possible.
Click on x sign in graphic window Close the graphic window by clicking on the 'x' icon on the top right.
Switch back to the terminal >> type q To quit gnuplot, in the terminal type q at the gnuplot prompt.
Type gnuplot >> don’t press Enter To open gnuplot again, open the terminal and type gnuplot.
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Now let's summarize.

In this tutorial, we

  • Downloaded and installed gnuplot 5.2.6 in Debian Linux 9.3 and
  • Tested the terminal capability of the software.
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About the Spoken Tutorial Project

This video summarises the Spoken Tutorial Project

Please download and watch it.

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Spoken Tutorial Workshops

The Spoken Tutorial Project Team conducts workshops and gives certificates.

For more details, please write to us.

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Forum for Specific Questions:

Do you have questions in THIS Spoken Tutorial?

Please visit forums dot spoken hyphen tutorial dot org.

Choose the minute and second where you have the question.

Explain your question briefly.

Someone from our team will answer them.

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Spoken Tutorial Project is funded by NMEICT, MHRD, Government of India.

More information on this mission is available at this link.

This is Rani from IIT Bombay.

Thank you for joining.

Contributors and Content Editors

Madhurig, Nancyvarkey, Rani.parvathy, Ranipv076