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00:01 Pdiang sngewbha sha ka spoken tutorial halor Inspection and comparison of Git.
00:06 Ha kane ka tutorial, ngin pule shaphang:

git diff git show git blame bad git help commands.

00:17 Na bynta kane ka tutorial, Nga pyndonkam ka -

Ubuntu Linux 14.04 Git 2.3.2 and gedit Text Editor.

00:29 Phi lah ban pyndonkam kano kano ka editor kaba phi kwah.
00:33 Ban bud ïa kane ka tutorial, phi dei ban don ka jingtip ban run ïaki Linux commands ha u Terminal.
00:40 Lada em, na bynta ka Linux tutorial ba kum kane sngewbha leit shaka website jong ngi.
00:46 To ngin sdang daka git diff command.
00:50 Kane ka command kan pyni ïaki jingpynkylla jong ka jinglong ba mynta jong ki file.
00:55 Mynta, Ngan pyni ïaphi kumno ka treikam. Ñion Ctrl+Alt+T ban plie ïa u terminal.
01:03 Ngin leit sha ka Git repository mywebpage jong ngi kaba ngi la shna hashwa.
01:09 Type: cd space mywebpage bad ñion Enter.
01:15 Ngan bteng ban pyndonkam ïaki html file na bynta ban pyni nuksa.
01:20 Phi lah ban pyndonkam kano kano ka file kaba phi kwah.
01:24 nyngkong, Ngan shna ïaka html file history.html bad ngan commit ïaka naka bynta ban pyni nuksa.
01:32 Type: gedit space history.html space ampersand bad ñion Enter.
01:41 Ngan copy bad paste katto katne ki code sha kane ka file, naka Writer document jong nga kaba nga la save hashwa.
01:48 To ngin save bad khang noh ïaka file.
01:51 Kynmaw biang ba ngi dei ban commit ïa ka kam jong ngi haman ba ngi add lane remove ïa kano kano ka file.
01:58 Ban add ïaka file sha ka staging area, type: git space add space history.html bad ñion Enter.
02:08 Ban commit ïaka kam jong ngi, type: git space commit space hyphen m space hapoh ki double quotes “Added history.html” bad ñion Enter.
02:21 To ngin peit ïaka Git log dakaba type git space log bad ñion Enter.
02:28 Mynta, ngi don ar tylli ki commit haka repository jong ngi.
02:33 Plie ïaki file mypage.html bad history.html dakaba type gedit space mypage.html space history.html space ampersand
02:47 Hangne, ka mypage.html ka dei ka file kaba ngi la shna haka tutorial ba hashwa. Mynta, ñion Enter.
02:56 To ngin add bad delete katto katne ki laiñ ha kine ki file.
03:01 Nangta save bad close ïaki file.
03:05 Kin don ki por ba ngi lah ban ym kynmaw ïaki jingpynkylla ba ngi la leh haki file jong ngi.
03:11 To ngin check ïaka Git status dakaba type git space status bad ñion Enter.
03:19 Ka shu pyni ïaki file bala pher kyrteng, hynrei ngim iohi kiwei pat ki detail.
03:26 Ngi kwah ban tip ïa ki jingkylla ba shisha kiba ngi la leh sha kine ki file. To ngin peit kumno ban check ïaki.
03:35 Type: git space diff bad ñion Enter.
03:40 Kane ka command kan ïa nujor ïa ka jinglong ba mynta jong ki file bad ki commit ba thymmai tam.
03:46 Hangne phin iohi ïaki ar tylli ki version jong ka file history.html.
03:51 Ka a slash history.html kadei ka version jong ka commit ba khadduh. Bad, la pynithuh ïaka da u minus sign.
04:00 Ka b slash history.html ka dei ka version jong ka jinglong kaba mynta. Bad la pynithuh ïaka da u plus sign.
04:09 Te, u laiñ rong saw ryngkat u saiñ minus hangne, u dei ka version barim.
04:15 Bad, U Laiñ rong green ryngkat u saiñ plus u dei ka version ba thymmai.
04:20 ñion u down arrow key ban iohi shuh khambun.
04:23 Kine ki dei ki laiñ kiba ngi la thep haka version ba thymmai.
04:28 Phi lah ruh ban iohi ïa ki jingpynkylla jong ka filemypage.html. Ñion u down arrow key.
04:35 Ñion u q key ban mihnoh.
04:38 Hangne, ïaka output la pyni haki colors.
04:42 Lada ngim lahban ïohï ïaki laiñ badon ki rong, type: git space config space hyphen hyphen global space color dot ui space true bad ñion Enter.
04:57 Lada phim kwah ban iohi ïaki color, sngewbha pyndonkam ka false ha jaka jong ka true ha kane ka command.
05:03 Type: git space diff bad ñion Enter. Mynta, ka output la pyni khlem ki colors.
05:13 Kaba bud, ngan pyni ïaphi kumno ban peit ïaki jingpynkylla haka file ba thmu.
05:18 Type: git space diff space history.html bad ñion Enter.
05:25 Hangne, ngi lah ban iohi ïaki jingpynkylla ba la leh tang ha ka file history.html.
05:31 Mynta to ngin thep ïaki file jong ngi sha ka staging area. Type: git space add space history.html space mypage.html bad ñion Enter.
05:44 To ngin check biang ïaka Git diff dakaba type git space diff bad ñion Enter.
05:52 Ha kane ka kynti, ngim don kano kano ka output namar ïaki file jong ngi lahdep thep sha ka staging area.
05:59 Ha kum kata ka khep, ngi lah ban type: git space diff space hyphen hyphen staged bad ñion Enter.
06:08 Mynta, ngi lah ban iohi ïaka juh ka output kumba ngi ioh ha ka git diff command.
06:15 Ngi lah ruh ban pyndonkam ïa u hyphen hyphen cached haka jaka jong u hyphen hyphen staged ban ioh ïa kajuh ka jingmih.
06:23 Kumno ngin ïa nujor ïaka jinglong ba mynta bad kano kano ka commit ba hashwa?
06:28 Nyngkong, ngin peit ïaka Git log dakaba type git space log space hyphen hyphen oneline bad ñion Enter.
06:38 Mynta, lehse, nga kwah ban ïa nujor ïaka jinglong ba mynta bad ka Initial commit.
06:43 Te, type: git space diff space, nangta copy bad paste ïaka commit hash jong ka Initial commit bad ñion Enter.
06:52 Hangne, ngi lah ban ïohi ïaka jingïapher.
06:55 Ha kane ka rukom, ngi lah ban ïa nujor ïaka jinglong ba mynta bad kano kano ka Commit ba hashwa haka repository jong ngi.
07:02 Ha kane ka rukom, pyndonkam ka git diff command ngi lah ban iohi ïa baroh ki jingkylla haki file bala pynpher.
07:09 kan ïarap ïa ngi ban tip thikna kaei ka jingpynkylla kaba ngi la leh shwa ban commit.
07:15 To ngin freeze ïaka kam jong ngi hangne.
07:19 Ban commit, type: git space commit space hyphen m space hapoh ki double quotes “Added colors” bad ñion Enter.
07:30 Kaba bud, to ngin pule kumno ban peit ïa ki jingïapher hapdeng ar tylli ki commit.
07:35 To ngin check ïaka Git log dakaba type git space log space hyphen hyphen oneline bad ñion Enter.
07:44 Type: git space diff space nangta copy bad paste ïa u commit hash jong ka “Initial commit” space.

Mynta, copy bad paste ïa u commit hash jong ki “Added colors” bad ñion Enter.

07:58 Ngi lah ban ïohi ïaki jingïapher hapdeng jong ki artylli ki commit mynta.
08:03 Kaba bud, ngin ïa nujor ïa ka jingpynbeit ba thymmai tam bad ka jingpynbeit ba ar na kaba khadduh.
08:08 Type: git space diff space HEAD space HEAD tilde bad ñion Enter.
08:16 HEAD Ka kdew ïaka jingpynbeit ba khadduh kaba don ïaka commit message “Added colors”.
08:22 HEAD tilde Ka kdew ïaka jingpynbeit ba ar nakaba khadduh kaba don ïaka commit message “Added history.html”.
08:30 Ka jingpynbeit ba thymmai tam barabor ka don ïaka HEAD. Ka jingpynbeit minus 1 ba thymmai tam kadei beit HEAD tilde.
08:39 Kumjuh ruh,latest minus 2 kadei HEAD tilde 2, latest minus 3 kadei HEAD tilde 3 bad ter ter.
08:50 Phai biang sha u terminal.
08:53 To mynta ngin pule shaphang ka git show command kaba ïarap ban peit ïa baroh ki detail jong ka commit.
09:00 Type: git space show bad ñion Enter.
09:04 Kane ka command kan pyni ïaki detail jong ka commit ba thymmai tam haka repository.
09:10 Ka pyni kiei ki jingpynkylla bala leh sha ki file ryngkat bad ki commit detail.
09:16 Kane ka jinglong kan ïarap bha ynda ngi treikam lang bad kiwei.
09:20 Mynta, to ngin peit ïaka Git log dakaba type git space log space hyphen hyphen oneline bad ñion Enter.
09:30 Ban peit ïaki detail jong ka Initial commit, type: git space show space . Nangta copy bad paste ïa ka commit hash jong ka Initial commit bad ñion Enter.
09:42 Hangne, phi lah ban iohi ïaki detail jong ka Initial commit.
09:46 Ha kane ka rukom, ngi lah ban iohi ïaki detail jong kano kano ka commit jong ka repository jong ngi.
09:51 Kaba bud, to ngin pule kumno ban peit ïaka history jong ka file baroh kawei.
09:56 Ban peit ïaka history jong ka mypage.html baroh kawei, type: git space blame space mypage.html bad ñion Enter.
10:07 Hangne, ngi lah ban iohi ïa ka history jong ka file mypage.html baroh kawei, kata naduh ka point ba shna haduh ka stage ba mynta.
10:17 Kumjuh ruh, phi lah ban peit ïa ki detail ba pura jong kano kano ka file ha ka repository jong phi.
10:22 Khadduh, ngin peit kumno ban ioh ïaka jingïarap naka Git.
10:27 Ka syntax ban ioh ka jingïarap ka long kumne harum: -

git help <verb> Lane

git <verb> hyphen hyphen help lane

man git <verb>

10:40 Kum ka nuksa: git help show.
10:44 To ngan pyni nuksa ïa kane. Phai biang sha u terminal bad type: git space help space show bad ñion Enter.
10:55 Hangne, ngi lah ban iohi ïaka manual jong ka show command.
10:59 Da kane, ngi lahpoi sha kaba kut jong kane ka tutorial.
11:03 To ngin batai lyngkot. Ha kane ka tutorial, ngi la pule shaphang:

git diff git show git blame bad git help commands.

11:15 Kum ka assignment, wad shuh ïa ki command harum:

git reflog git diff HEAD tilde HEAD git show HEAD bad man git diff.

11:29 Ka video badon haka link harum, Ka batai lyngkot ïaka Spoken Tutorial project. sngewbha download bad peit ïaka.
11:37 Ka Spoken Tutorial Project team Ka pynlong workshops bad Ka ai certificates sha kito kiba pass ïaka on-line test. Ban tip kham bniah, sngewbha thoh sha ngi.
11:48 ïaka Spoken Tutorial Project la bei tyngka daka NMEICT, MHRD, Sorkar India.
11:55 Khambun ka jingtip halor kane ka mission kadon ha ka link harum.
12:00 ïa kane ka script la pynkylla sha ka ktien Khasi da I Hezekiah Lyngdoh na Shillong.

Khublei ba phi la ïasnohlang.

Contributors and Content Editors

Hezekiah2016, PoojaMoolya