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Time Narration
00:00 Welcome to the tutorial of Mozilla Firefox.
00:04 In this tutorial, we will learn how to: set General preferences, set Privacy preferences.
00:11 In this tutorial, we are using Firefox version 7.0 on Ubuntu 10.04.
00:18 Preferences within Mozilla Firefox allows us to perform repetitive tasks with ease.
00:24 For Windows users, this feature is called Options.
00:29 Say for example, we want to set our email login page as our home page.
00:33 So, we will click on Edit and Preferences.
00:37 Windows users should click on Tools and Options.
00:42 The Preferences or Options dialog box opens. At the top of the dialog box, there are a number of tabs.
00:50 Each one has a different function.
00:53 The General panel contains preferences related to the most commonly used settings such as : setting Firefox home page, setting file download location.
01:04 Let us learn how to set 'Gmail' as our default home page.
01:08 Under Start up, in the When Firefox starts drop-down menu, select ‘Show my home page’.
01:16 By default, the Home page field is set to ‘Mozilla Firefox Start Page’.
01:22 Click on the Home Page field and type ‘’.
01:29 Click on the Close button to close the dialog box.
01:33 Our settings will be saved automatically.
01:36 Now, close this Firefox window.
01:40 And open a new Firefox window.
01:42 You will notice that the 'Gmail login page' is the homepage.
01:46 Next, let us now learn how Mozilla Firefox handles downloads.
01:51 Click on Edit and Preferences.
01:54 As before, Windows users, please click on Tools > Options.
01:58 Click on the ‘General’ tab.
02:02 In the ‘Downloads’ option, put a check on the check box ‘Show the Downloads window when downloading a file’.
02:09 Now check the radio-button that says ‘Save files to’.
02:12 Click the Browse button and change the default folder to Desktop. Click on the Open button.
02:18 Click on the Close button to close the dialog box.
02:24 As before, our settings will be saved automatically.
02:28 In the browser’s Search bar, type ‘Flowers’ and click the magnifying lens to the right.
02:34 Right-click on the first search result that appears.
02:38 And click on ‘Save Link As’.
02:40 You notice that by default the link would be downloaded to Desktop.
02:46 Click Save and the file will be saved on the Desktop.
02:51 The Tabs panel contains preferences related to the tabbed browsing feature.
02:56 The Content panel contains preferences related to how websites are displayed.
03:02 The Applications panel lets you decide how Mozilla Firefox should handle different types of files.
03:11 It could be a PDF document or an audio file .
03:13 As an assignment, explore these tabs and the options therein.
03:19 The Privacy panel contains preferences related to your web-privacy.
03:25 Under Tracking, let's put a check on ‘Tell web sites I do not want to be tracked’.
03:30 Selecting this option will stop websites from storing information about your browsing behavior.
03:37 Under History, there are many options.
03:41 In the ‘Firefox will’ field, choose ‘Never remember history’.
03:45 Enabling this option means that the history of your browsing will not be retained in your computer.
03:53 If we click on ‘Clear all current history’ then all the browsing history stored on your computer will be cleared.
04:01 Coming down to the Location Bar-
04:04 In the ‘When using the location bar, suggest:’ field, we will click on the drop down-menu and select 'Nothing'.
04:11 On doing so, whenever you enter a new URL in the address bar, you will not be prompted with suggestions.
04:19 Click Close to close the dialog box.
04:23 your privacy is now completely protected.
04:26 The Security panel contains preferences related to keeping your web browsing safe.
04:32 The Sync panel lets you set up or manage a “Firefox Sync” account.
04:36 Firefox Sync lets us use our history, bookmarks and passwords across different devices.
04:45 The Advanced panel contains some important Firefox settings.
04:49 It has Browsing and System Default settings to control the behavior of Firefox.
04:57 We can also configure the way Firefox connects to the Internet using the Network option.
05:03 Within the Network tab, under Connections, click on the Settings button.
05:09 This opens up the Connection Settings dialog box.
05:11 Here, you can configure the Proxies.
05:15 Proxies are used to improve performance and provide better security.
05:21 By default, the ‘Use system proxy settings’ radio-button is selected.
05:26 This option uses the settings configured for your operating system.
05:31 To enter the proxy settings manually, click on Manual proxy configuration radio-button.
05:38 You can now enter the proxy settings in these fields.
05:42 Click on the Close button to close the Connection Settings dialog box.
05:49 Again click on the Close button to close the Preferences or Options dialog box.
05:55 Your settings will be saved automatically.
05:58 Lastly, we can update Firefox using the Update tab in the Advanced panel.
06:05 This brings us to the end of this tutorial.
06:08 In this tutorial, we learnt how to: set General preferences, set Privacy preferences.
06:15 Try this comprehension test assignment.
06:19 Open a new browser window.
06:21 Change your home page to ‘’.
06:28 Change your default download location to ‘Home Folder’ and
06:30 change your ‘When using the location bar, suggest:’ setting to History and Bookmarks.
06:38 Watch the video available at the following link:
06:41 It summarizes the Spoken Tutorial project.
06:45 If you do not have good bandwidth, you can download and watch it.
06:48 The Spoken Tutorial Project team:
06:50 Conducts workshops using spoken tutorials.
06:54 Gives certificates for those who pass an online test.
06:58 For more details, please write to: contact at spoken hyphen tutorial dot org.
07:04 Spoken Tutorial project is a part of the Talk to a Teacher project.
07:07 It is supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India.
07:12 More information on this mission is available at:
07:27 This tutorial has been contributed by DesiCrew Solutions Pvt.Ltd. Thanks for joining.

Contributors and Content Editors

Madhurig, Pratik kamble, Sandhya.np14, Sneha, Vasudeva ahitanal