Arduino OLD
Introduction to Arduino
Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It consists of an on board Atmel micro controller which can be programmed using the Arduino IDE(Integrated Development Environment) and a USB cable. It's intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in electronics.
Advantages of using Arduino
- Breadboard prototyping
The prime advantage of Using Arduino is that you have don't have to solder anything. The circuit to be designed is made using breadboard, components and hookup wires to connect to the Arduino. As a result it is very easy to redesign a circuit.
- No program loader required
Once you are done writing the program, simply dump it on your Arduino from your computer via a USB cable.
- Lots of examples, books, tutorials ,codes available
- Easy to use
One does not have to be an electronic genius to figure out how to use an Arduino. Even 6th graders have used Arduino! Programming is done in C/C++.
- Unlimited capabilities
Feel that your Arduino is lacking some feature or capability? No worries. Just add a shield! So if you want your Arduino to have internet access capabilities, add an Ethernet shield on top of it. It is as simple as that.
Popular Arduino Board Models
1. Duemilanavo
2. Uno
3. Mega
4. Mega2560
5. LilyPad
6. Nano
The spoken tutorial effort for Arduino is being contributed by Jayneil Dalal, Nirma University and Sohil Patel, Nirma University.
Basic Level
1. Introduction
- What is Arduino?
- Advantages of using Arduino
- What can you do with it?
- Show some innovative/popular projects based on arduino(embed those project videos with this tutorial)
- LED Cube (video)
- Turn signal bike jacket (video)
- Laser Harp (video)
- Walking robot (video)
- Using nintendo wii to control a car (video)
- Highlight on what we plan to do in this tutorial series (very very small and concise)
2. Unpacking the Arduino
- Types of Arduino(e.g: Mega, Uno, Lily etc.)
- When to use which type of Arduino?
- Arduino accessories needed
- Arduino Shields(just a very very small insight on it)
- Checking if the seal on Arduino box is intact or not(sign that is has not been used before)
- Opening the Arduino from the box
- Arduino Uno Board layout
- Some precautions
- Where to buy
- Or make your own Arduino(just a very very small insight on it)
3. Hello World
- Arduino IDE(software) introduction
- Downloading the Arduino IDE
- Installing Arduino IDE
- Explain layout of IDE
- Write the hello world program
- How to save the program
- Compiling the program
- Solving the errors if they occur
- How to dump the program on the Arduino board?
- Run 'Hello World' program
- Show the output of the 'Hello World' Program
- Overview of Serial terminal
4. LED blinking
- Very brief recall of things did in the last tutorial
- What is LED
- Show the connection for connecting a LED to Arduino
- Write a program to turn ON a LED
- Run the above program and observe output
- Write a program to turn it OFF
- Run the above program and observe output
- Write a program to blink LED
- Run the above program and observe output
- What is Potentiometer?
- Connection diagram for connecting Potentiometer to Arduino
- Write a program to control LED brightness using a Potentiometer
- Run it and observe output
- Recap of all the experiments done so far
- practical "LED brightness control with the help of a potentiometer(variable resistor)"
- overview of digital and analog input/output pins.