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/* Slide 1 */

Welcome to this tutorial on User authentication and role in ABT.
Show Slide

Learning Objectives /*Slide 2 */

In this tutorial, you will be able to:
  • Select existing organization
  • Login as a user
  • Understand the Master Menu
  • User authentications
  • Rights of every user role

Show Slide

System Requirements

In this tutorial, I am using
  • ABT 1.0
  • Android 4.2

/*Slide 4*/

For this tutorial, you must be familiar with:
  • The principles of book keeping.
  • How to run and start ABT
  • How to Create a New Organization

If not, for relevant tutorials please visit http://spoken-tutorial.org

Start ABT Select ABT application on Android 4.2
ABT's Welcome screen We will see ABT's welcome screen
Tap on Select Existing Organization button We will choose the Select Existing Organization button
Select Free Accounting Foundation from Organization drop down
  • We had already created an organization called Free Accounting Foundation in Maintaining organization tutorial
  • We will select it from the drop-down list.

Point to the Financial year dates The financial year we had set is shown now.
Tap on Login button Now, we shall tap on Login button and go ahead to the login screen.
  • Select admin for role
  • Type username as admin

Point to security question
  • If you don't remember the password, you can select Forgot Password? option
  • Select your security question
  • Type the respective answer
  • Tap on OK

Point to reset password
  • Type your new password abc
  • Re-type it
  • Tap on Done button to continue
  • Message appears password updated successfully
  • Tap on cancel

Point to Master Menu
  • We are now on the master menu of ABT

  • We will see the username and information about ABT on the left of the screen
  • Organization name, type and financial year is visible at the top

Point to various features of ABT The various features of ABT includes,
  • Create account
  • Transaction
  • Reports
  • Bank Reconciliation
  • Preferences
  • Rollover
  • Export organisation
  • Account settings
  • Help

Point to Slide According to the user role, access to the menus are provided:
  • Admin have access to all the above options.
  • Except User account settings, guest can access all other options.
Point to User account settings option
  • Select User account settings option
  • It prompts a dialog with three options ie. Change username, Change password (to change own username and password) and
  • Add user
Point to Add user
  • As add user is clicked, all the details about last login and logout time of manager and operator are displayed
  • It is as per per the selected radio button ie. manager or operator.

Point to Manager
  • Tap on Add user button
  • Select manager
  • Enter username manager and password also manager
  • Select gender
  • Tap on done

Point to message
  • It says manager added successfully

Point to Operator
  • Tap on Add user button
  • Select operator
  • Enter username Operator and password also Operator
  • Select gender
  • Tap on done

Point to message
  • It says operator added successfully
  • Tap on cancel

Point to Add user
  • Like that,Admin can add user ie. manager or operator using add user button.
  • Admin can change username or password of any user by clicking the respective user row from the list .
  • Lets exit ABT
Point to Select existing organization
  • Select Free Accounting Foundation
  • Lets select manager as login role
  • Enter the username and password as manager
  • Tap on login
  • We will notice,except rollover and edit/delete organization, manager can access all other options.
Point to Select existing organization
  • Manager can add operator using add user button.
  • Manager can change username or password of operator by clicking the respective user row from the list

Point to Select existing organization
  • Select Free Accounting Foundation
  • Lets select operator as login role
  • Enter the username and password as operator
  • Tap on login
  • We will notice,except rollover and edit/delete organization, manager can access all other options.

Point to master menu
  • Operator has access to
    • Create account,
    • Transaction,
    • All reports except Income & Expenditure/Profit & Loss,
    • Add projects,
    • User account settings,
    • Export organisation and
    • Help.

Point to Select existing organization
  • Select Free Accounting Foundation
  • Lets select admin as login role
  • Enter the username and password as admin
  • Tap on login

Point to User account settings
  • Select User account settings
  • We can now view the login,logout and total time of manager and operator


In this tutorial we have learnt about:

  • Select existing organization
  • Login as a user
  • Understand the Master Menu
  • User authentications
  • Rights of every user role

/*Slide 9*/


Create account with:
  • Login as an operator and explore ABT.
  • Login as a manager and explore ABT

/*Slide 10*/

Spoken Tutorial Workshops

/*Slide 11*/

The Spoken Tutorial Project Team

  • Conducts workshops using spoken tutorials
  • Gives certificates to those who pass an online test
  • For more details, please write to contact@spoken-tutorial.org

Show Acknowledgement Slide


  • Spoken Tutorial Project is a part of the Talk to a Teacher project
  • It is supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India
  • More information on this Mission is available at: http://spoken-tutorial.org\NMEICT-Intro

Thanks for joining
  • That’s it for this tutorial. This is Trupti Kini, IIT Bombay.
  • Thank you for watching.

Contributors and Content Editors
