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Visual Cue
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Hello and welcome to this tutorial on Entering a Journal Transaction in GNUKhata.
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Learning Objectives

After watching this tutorial, you will be able to:

* Enter Journal transaction in Gnukhata

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System Requirements

To record this tutorial, I am using
  • Ubuntu 12.04 Operating System
  • GNUKhata version 1.2
  • Firefox version 17.0

GNUKhata works well on all versions of Ubuntu
  • Starting from 11.04 and above.
  • It has also been tested on Debian Distro of GNU/Linux.

To open GNUKhata interface:
  • We recommend Mozilla Firefox version 3.6 or above.
  • GNUKhata can also run smoothly on other browsers like Chromium and Opera.

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I assume that you already know

* Principles of Bookkeeping

* Creating a new organisation

* Creating Accounts in GNUKhata

Open Terminal

Execute on terminal sudo startgk

To run GNUKhata, you need to start the server on your machine.
  • To start the server, open the terminal through Ctrl+Alt+T from the keyboard
  • Then type sudo startgk and hit Enter.

Open Firefox and type in the address bar


To run GNUKhata on your machine, open the Firefox browser

Type in the address bar


If you cannot run GNUKhata with this url, type http://localhost:8080 in the address bar.
Click on Select Existing Organisation and select Free Accounting Foundation Click Select Existing Organisation and select Free Accounting Foundation as organisation.
Click on For Financial Year. Select the financial year for the organisation.
Click on Proceed then login as admin Now click on Proceed

and login as admin.

On the main screen Now we are on the main screen.
Click on Transaction.

Keep pressing the tab button on your keyboard to scroll down through all the options in transaction.

Here you can enter different types of transactions

such as Contra, Journal, Payment, Receipt, Credit Note, Debit Note, Sales, Sales Return, Purchase and Purchase Return.

From the Transaction Menu click on Journal Now let us discuss Journal transaction.

Account Creation

For a Journal entry, we will require 2 accounts. First is Machinery and New Machinery company which are created in Create Account tutorial.

Screen with journal transaction * For Journal we can select any account, except those accounts which fall under sub groups Cash and Bank.

* As you all know journal transaction include all transaction except for cash and bank transaction.

* To record a journal transaction, let us take the example of purchase of machinery on credit from New machinery company worth Rs. 10000 on 01-10-2011.

Enter 01-10-2011 Enter 01-10-2011 in date field.
Enter Voucher No: 01 The first step is to enter a Voucher No. enter 01.
Select Dr from drop down box To debit the Machinery account I will select Dr from this drop down box.
Select Machinery, enter the amount of 10000 * Then I will select Machinery from the next drop down box.

* Here I will enter the amount of Rs. 10,000.

Press tab Then I will press tab key.
Select Credit option Now we will see the other part of the transaction that is credit side.

Select supplier's name that is New machinery company From the Account names, I will select the supplier's name as New Machinery Company.
Enter 10,000 and press tab key * Because I have selected Credit option from the dropdown, the amount will be entered in credit column.

* I will enter Rs 10,000 and press tab key.

Enter Machinery being purchased from New Machinery Company Now we will enter the Narration as Machinery being purchased from New Machinery Company
Poin to Select Projects dropdown * Select Spoken Tutorial from the Select Projects dropdown.

* This voucher is for Spoken Tutorial project.

Press the Save button When you are done with this you press the Save button.
Point to message A message appears saying Transaction Record has been saved.
Point to Transaction Menu * Hence, you can record another transaction.

* That’s it for this tutorial.

* In the next few tutorials, we will learn about how to record other transactions in GNUKhata.

Switch to Slides

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Journal Transaction

In this tutorial, we have completed :

* Entering of Journal Transaction

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As an assignment, Please record

* A journal entry of Purchase of furniture worth Rs.50000 on credit from New Furniture company on 15-06-2011.

* Purchases account with the group name Direct Expense and No Sub-group.

* Bombay Suppliers account with the group name Current Liability and No Sub-group.

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About the Spoken Tutorial Project

Watch the video available at

What is a Spoken Tutorial

It summarises the Spoken Tutorial


If you do not have good

bandwidth, you can download

and watch it

Slide 8 The Spoken Tutorial Project Team

Conducts workshops using spoken tutorials

Gives certificates to those who pass an online test

For more details, please write to

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Spoken Tutorial Project is a part of the Talk to a Teacher project

It is supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India

More information on this Mission is available at /NMEICT-Intro

Contributors and Content Editors
