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Title of script: More on Arrays in BASH Shell Scripting

Author: Lavitha Pereira

Keywords: video tutorial, Bash shell, Array

Visual Cue
Display Slide 1 Welcome to the spoken tutorial on

More on Arrays in BASH

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Learning Objectives

In this tutorial, we will learn to
  • Extract an element from an Array
  • Replace an element in an Array
  • Add an element to an Array
  • Remove an element from an Array

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To follow this tutorial,

You should be familiar with the Linux Operating System.

If not, for relevant tutorials please visit spoken hyphen tutorial dot org.

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System Requirements

For this tutorial I am using
  • Ubuntu Linux 12.04 OS and
  • GNU Bash version 4.1.10

GNU Bash version 4 or above is recommended to practice this tutorial.

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“Extract of element from an Array”

* The elements in an Array can be extracted from any position
  • Here, position is the index number.
  • Note that index number always starts from zero

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ArrayName[@]:position:Number of elements

The syntax is as follows:

ArrayName opening square bracket At sign closing square bracket colon position colon Number of elements to be extracted from the position mentioned.

Let us understand with the help of an example.
Press Ctrl+Alt+T Open the terminal by pressingCtrl+Alt+T keys simultaneously
On Terminal >>Type gedit Type:

gedit space on the terminal.

Now type the code as shown here in your file.


This is the Shenbang line

declare -a Linux=('Debian' 'Redhat' 'Ubuntu' 'Fedora')

This declare command declares an array named Linux with elements
  • Debian,
  • Redhat,
  • Ubuntu and
  • Fedora

echo -e "Original elements in an array Linux: ${Linux[@]} \n" This echo command will print the list of all the elements in the array.
echo -e "The two elements starting from index one(Redhat): ${Linux[@]:1:2}\n"

The next echo command will print the extracted elements.

The command


will print two elements starting from index one which is Redhat.

Switch to Terminal>>Type chmod +x>> Press Enter Switch to Terminal.

First let's make the file executable by typingchmod space plus x space Enter.

Type ./>> Press Enter Now let's execute it by typing

dot slash

Press Enter.



Original elements in an array Linux: Debian Redhat Ubuntu Fedora

We get the output as shown -

Original elements in the array Linux: Debian Redhat Ubuntu Fedora



The two elements starting from index one(Redhat): Redhat Ubuntu

The two elements starting from index one(Redhat): Redhat Ubuntu
Let us switch back to the slides
===== Display Slide 7 =====
“Replace an element in an Array”


An existing element in an Array can be replaced using the following syntax.ArrayName opening square bracket n closing square bracket equal to within single quote, NewWord.

Here 'n' is the index number or element number.

Come back to the text editor.



This command will replace the third element Ubuntu with Mandriva.

echo -e "All elements after replacement: ${Linux[@]} \n" This echo command will display all elements of array Linux after replacement.
Now come back to the terminal

Let us execute as we did before.


All elements after replacement: Debian Redhat Mandriva Fedora

This displays all elements after Ubuntu was replaced with Mandriva
Switch to slides
===== Display Slide 8 =====

“Add an element to an Array”


ArrayName=("${ArrayName[@]}" "New_word_1" "New_word_2")

We can append an element using the following syntax -

ArrayName equal to opening round bracket within double quote dollar symbol opening curly bracket ArrayName opening square bracket At sign closing square bracket closing curly bracket .

space within double quote New_Word_1 space within double quote New_Word_2 closing round bracket.

Let us understand this with the help of our example.

Switch to the code file.


Linux=("${Linux[@]}" "Suse")

The highlighted command will append a new element Suse to the array Linux
echo -e "All elements After appending Suse: ${Linux[@]} \n" Then we will echo all the elements after appending Suse.
Switch to the terminal.

We will execute again.


All elements After appending Suse: Debian Redhat Mandriva Fedora Suse

Here we can see all the elements after appending Suse to the array
Now, come back to the slides
Display Slide 9

Remove an element from an Array

unset ArrayName[Index number]

An element can be removed from an array by using the following syntax -

Unset space ArrayName opening square bracket index number closing square bracket.

Let us switch to the code file.

unset Linux[2]

Here we are using the unset command.

And we will remove the third element Mandriva from the array Linux.

echo -e "All elements after removal of third element: ${Linux[@]} \n" Then we will echo all the elements again after the removal of Mandriva.
Switch to the terminal and observe the output.
All elements after removal of third element: Debian Redhat Fedora Suse Here is the list of elements after removing Mandriva


Let us summarize.
Display slide 10


In this tutorial, we learned to
  • Extract an element from an Array
  • Replace an element in an Array
  • Add element to an Array
  • Remove element from an Array

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As an assignment.
  1. Declare an array names of length 7 and perform following operations
  • extract three elements starting from index two
  • Replace third element with 'debian' and display all the elements
  • Append any new name at the end of Array

Display Slide 12 Watch the video available at the link shown below

It summarizes the Spoken Tutorial project

If you do not have good bandwidth, you can download and watch it

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Spoken Tutorial Workshops

The Spoken Tutorial Project Team

Conducts workshops using spoken tutorials

Gives certificates to those who pass an online test

For more details, please write to

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Spoken Tutorial Project is a part of the Talk to a Teacher project

It is supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India

More information on this Mission is available at:

The script has been contributed by FOSSEE and spoken-tutorial team.

This is Ashwini from IIT Bombay.

Thank you for joining.

Contributors and Content Editors
