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Title: Inserting Pictures and Tables

Author: Nancy Varkey, Manish Naik

Novice Reviewer: Nikita Misal and Pooja Moolya

Domain Reviewer: Praveen S and Nancy Varkey


LibreOffice,Impress,Spoken Tutorial,Video Tutorial,Alternative of Microsoft Powerpoint,Save Image from Website,Inserting Picture in Impress presentation,Resize Picture in Impress,Hyperlink in Impress,Hyperlink to Web page in Impress,Inserting Tables in Impress presentation

Visual Cues Narration
Slide: Title Welcome to the spoken tutorial on Inserting Pictures and Tables.
Slide: Learning Objectives

In this tutorial we will learn to:
  • Insert Pictures
  • Format Pictures
  • Hyperlink within and outside the presentation and
  • Insert Tables
Slide: System Requirements This tutorial is recorded using
  • Ubuntu Linux OS version 18.04 and
  • LibreOffice Suite version 6.3.5
Double-click on ‘Sample-Impress.odt’ Let's open the presentation Sample-Impress.odp which we saved earlier.
Slide: Code files
  • This file and an image file have been provided to you in the Code files link on this tutorial page
  • Pls download and extract the files
  • Make a copy and then use them for practicing
Narration only Let’s learn how to insert a picture into the presentation.
Click on ‘slide 4’ in Slides Pane. First, let’s select slide 4 from the Slides Pane.
Click on the Duplicate Slide icon Make a duplicate slide by clicking on the Duplicate Slide icon in the Standard toolbar.
Click on the Title textbox.

Select the text in the Title textbox -> Type ‘Open Source Funny’ in it.

Click on the Title textbox of the slide.

Change the title from “Long Term Goal” to “Open Source Funny”.

Click inside the Body textbox below.
Go to Standard toolbar -> Point to Insert Image icon.

Click on the Insert -> Image.

Click on the Insert Image icon in the Standard toolbar.

Alternatively, click on Insert menu in the menu bar and then on the Image option.

Point to the Insert Image dialog box. The Insert Image dialog box appears.
Go to Desktop -> opensource-bart.png

Click -> Open.

Point to the picture in the slide.

Go to the location where your picture is saved.

I will go to Desktop and select the picture opensource-bart.png.

Click on the Open button at the top right corner.

The picture gets inserted into the slide.

Narration only As mentioned earlier, this image has been provided in the Code files link.
Press CTRL + Z Let's undo the change by pressing Ctrl+Z keys.
Go to the centre of the Body textbox ->

Point to the small box with 4 icons.

In the centre of the Body textbox, notice a small box with 4 icons.

This is the quick access Insert Toolbar.

Point to the bottom left icon and click on it. Click on the bottom left icon in the Insert Toolbar named “Insert Image” to insert an image.
Choose opensource-bart.png by clicking on it -> Open.

Point to the picture in the slide.

Select opensource-bart.png and click on the Open button at the top right.

The image gets inserted into the slide.

Narration only: Let’s learn how to change the shape and size of the image.
Point to the eight handles around the picture. There are eight handles named ‘Control Points’ around the corners of the image.
Hover the mouse on Control Point. Hover the mouse on any Control Point till the cursor turns into a ‘double vertical arrow’.
Hold the left mouse button on the Control Point.

Drag the Control Point downward or upward.

Now click and hold the left mouse button on any one Control Point.

Drag the Control Point either down, up, left or right to resize the image as per your requirement.

Drag the top right corner Control Point downward Dragging the corner Control points helps us to scale the length and breadth proportionally.
Click anywhere in the textbox. Once you finish resizing the image, click anywhere in the textbox.
Press Ctrl+Z keys Let's undo the change by pressing on Ctrl and Z keys.
Click on the previous slide titled ‘Long Term Goal’ in the Slides Pane.
Go to the Insert Toolbar ->

Point to the right-side icons named ‘Insert Charts’ and ‘Insert Audio or Video’.

Likewise, we can insert other objects like charts and audio-video clips into the slide.

Explore all these possibilities on your own later.

Slide: Hyperlink

Next, let’s learn about hyperlink.

Hyperlinking allows us to:

  • Easily move from slide to slide
  • Open a document from the presentation
  • Open a web page from the presentation
Narration only: First, we will learn how to hyperlink to another slide within a presentation.
Click on the Title textbox

Type “Table of Contents”.

Click on the Title textbox of the slide.

We will first change the title from “Long term Goal” to “Table of Contents”.

Move this slide to no. 2 position by clicking on it in the Slides pane >>

drag upward to no.2 position >>

release the mouse button.

Then we will move this slide to no. 2 position by clicking on it in the Slides pane.

WIthout releasing the mouse button, drag it upward to no. 2 position.

Now release the mouse button.

Click on the Body textbox. Type following :


Short Term Strategy<Enter>

Open Source Funny<Enter>

Long Term Goal

Click on the Body textbox and type the following text:


Short Term Strategy

Open Source Funny

Long Term Goal

Select the line of text “Overview”. Now select the line of text Overview.
Go to the Standard Toolbar -> Insert Hyperlink icon.

Point to the Hyperlink dialog box.

Click on the Insert Hyperlink icon in the Standard Toolbar.

The Hyperlink dialog box appears on the screen.

Go to the left pane -> Select Document.

Point to the Target in Document -> go to the right side of the Target field.

Click on the Circle icon.

On the left pane of the dialog box, select the Document option.

Under the Target in Document section, go to the right side of the Target field.

Click on the Circle icon named Target in document.

Point to the ‘Target in document’ dialog box.

Move the cursor down the list.

The Target in document dialog box appears on the screen.

It contains a list of all slides present in the presentation.

You can select any slide from the list which you want to hyperlink.

Double click on the “Slide 2”.

Click on the Apply -> Close.

I’m selecting Slide 3 from the list by double-clicking on it.

Click on the Apply button and then click on the Close button on this list.

Go to Target field -> Point to ‘Slide 2’.

Click on the Apply button -> Close button.

Now we see that Slide 3 is displayed in the Target field.

At the bottom, click on the Apply button and then on Close button.

Click outside the Body textbox. Then click anywhere outside the Body textbox.
Hover the cursor over the hyperlinked text.

Now, when you hover the cursor over the hyperlinked text, the cursor turns into a pointing finger.

This means that the hyperlinking was successful!

Press Ctrl + click on hyperlinked text.

Press Ctrl key and click on the hyperlinked text.

We will be redirected to the relevant slide.

Narration only: Next we’ll learn how to hyperlink to another document from this presentation.
Click on the Slide “Table of Content”.

Click on Body Textbox.

Type “External Document” in the last line.

First, go back to the slide titled “Table of Contents”.

Click inside the Body textbox.

Type “External Document” as the last line.

Select the sentence “External Document” Now select the sentence “External Document”.
Go to the Standard Toolbar -> Insert Hyperlink icon. Click on the Insert Hyperlink icon in the Standard Toolbar.
Go to the left pane -> select Document.

Go to the right side of the Path field

Click on the Folder icon.

In the Hyperlink dialog box, on the left pane select the Document section.

Now, go to the right side of the Path field.

Click on the Folder icon named ‘Open File’.

Point to the Open dialog box.

Choose “resume.odt” by clicking on it >> Click on Open.

The Open dialog box appears on the screen.

Here we have to select the document which we want to hyperlink.

I will go to Desktop and choose Resume.odt file.

Then click on the “Open” button at the top right corner.

Point to the Path field.

Click on the Apply -> Close.

Notice that the full location of Resume.odt appears in the Path field.

At the bottom, click on the Apply button and then on Close button.

Click outside the Body textbox. Now, click anywhere outside the Body textbox.
Point to hyperlinked text. Observe that the text External Document becomes a hyperlinked text.
Press Ctrl + click on hyperlinked text.

Press Ctrl key and click on the hyperlinked text.

We will be redirected to the relevant document which we had selected.

Point to the resume.odt document. In our case, it takes us to Resume.odt
Switch back to Impress Window. Hyperlinking to a web page is similar.
Click on Body textbox ->

type “Ubuntu LibreOffice”.

Click on the Body textbox once again.

Type Ubuntu LibreOffice in another line.

Select the sentence “Ubuntu LibreOffice”. Select the sentence Ubuntu LibreOffice.
Click on Insert >> Hyperlink option Click on Insert menu in the menu bar and then click on Hyperlink option.
Go to the left pane -> Point to the Internet.

Go to the Hyperlink Type -> Point to Web.

In the Hyperlink dialog box, by default, the Internet section is selected in the left pane.

And in the Hyperlink Type section, the Web radio button is also selected.

Type ‘’ in the URL field.

Click on the Apply -> Close.

Now in the URL field, type ‘’.

At the bottom, click on the Apply button and then on Close button.

Click anywhere outside the Body textbox. Click anywhere outside the Body textbox.
Point to hyperlinked text. Observe that the text Ubuntu LibreOffice becomes a hyperlinked text.
For the next part of this demonstration, you will need internet connectivity.

If you don’t have it, then skip this part.

Press Ctrl + click on hyperlinked text.

Press Ctrl key and click on the hyperlinked text.

We will be redirected to the relevant URL.


Next, we will learn how to insert tables into our presentation.
Switch back to the Impress window. Tables are used to organize data in columns and rows.
Select the slide entitled Short Term Strategy. Select the slide titled Short Term Strategy from the Slides pane.
Go to the Standard Toolbar -> Slide Layout icon.

Click on the ‘Title and 2 Content’.

Click on the Slide Layout icon in the Standard Toolbar.

Click on the Title and 2 Content layout.

Go to the right side Body textbox -> click on the Insert table icon.

Now, go to the left side Body textbox of the slide.

Click on the icon named ‘Insert Table’ in the Insert Toolbar.

Point to the Insert Table dialog box.

Point to the Number of Columns and Number of Rows.

The Insert Table dialog box appears on the screen.

By default, it shows the Number of columns as 5 and Number of rows as 2.

Point to the minus “-” and plus ’+’ and buttons.

Press “-” button next to Number of columns until it appear ‘2’

Press “+” button next to Number of rows until it appear ‘5’.

We can increase or decrease the numbers using the plus and minus buttons.

I will set the Number of columns as 2 and

Number of rows as 5.

Click on the Ok.

Point to the inserted table.

Click on the ‘Ok’ button at the right hand side corner.

That’s one way that a table is inserted into the slide.

Click on the Table icon in the Standard Toolbar.

Hover on the grid


Another way to insert a table is by clicking on the Table icon in the Standard toolbar.

Here we can manually select the rows and columns for the table in the displayed grid.

Point to the Control Points.

Hold the left mouse button on the Control Point anddrag it downward.

Notice that there are Control Points around the table.

Let’s elongate the table so that the typed text is more readable.

Click and hold the left mouse button on the lower Control Point and drag it downwards.

Enter data into the table as shown:

In first column, type following:






In 2nd column, type following:

Year %





Now type some text into the table as shown here.

Narration only: Let's change the font of the header row to Bold and center the text.
Select the text in the top row.

Click on the Properties,

Go to Character -> Bold.

Go to the Paragraph -> Align Center.

Select the text in the top row.

Click on the Properties section in the Sidebar.

Click on the Bold icon and then click on the Align Center icon.

Narration only: Next, let’s change the color of the table.
Select all the texts. First select all the text in the table by dragging the mouse like this.
Go to the Table Design -> point to the table styles.

Click on the blue and white table style.

In the Properties section, go to the Table Design property and select any table style.

I will select a table style of my choice, from the list.

Close the Properties section
Click outside the Body textbox.

Point to the table.

Click anywhere outside the Body textbox.

See how the Table looks now.

Go to the Standard toolbar -> Save.

click on the X icon at the top right.

Let us save all the changes we made in our presentation by clicking on the Save icon.

And then close the file.

Narration only: With this, we have come to the end of this spoken tutorial.

Let us summarize.

Slide: Summary

In this tutorial, we learnt about:
  • Insert Pictures
  • Format Pictures
  • Hyperlink within and outside the presentation and
  • Insert Tables
Slide: Assignment.

As an assignment.
  • Open “Practice-Impress.odp” file.
  • Insert a picture on the 3rd slide.
  • On the 4th slide, create a table of 2 rows and three columns.
  • In row 2 of column 2, type ‘slide 3’ and hyperlink this text to the 3rd slide.
Slide: About the Spoken Tutorial Project
  • The video at the following link summarises the Spoken Tutorial project.
  • Please download and watch it.
Slide: Spoken Tutorial Workshops
  • We conduct workshops using spoken tutorials and give certificates.
  • For more details, please contact us.
Slide: Forum Please post your timed queries in this forum
Slide: Acknowledgements The Spoken Tutorial project is funded by MHRD, Govt. of India.
Slide: Thank you

Acknowledgment to DesiCrew

This tutorial was originally contributed by DesiCrew Solutions Pvt. Ltd. in 2011

This is Arvind and Manish from IIT Bombay signing off. Thank you for watching.

Contributors and Content Editors

Manishnaik, Nancyvarkey