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Title: Navigation of 3D Cursor

Author: Pooja Jha and Arthi Varadarajan

Keywords: Blender, 3D Cursor, Splash Screen, Blender, Snapping objects, 3D viewport. Video tutorial.

Visual Cue Narration
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Title Slide

Welcome to the Spoken tutorial on Navigation of 3D Cursor in Blender 4.1.
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Learning Objectives

In this tutorial, we will learn,
  • About 3D cursor
  • How to add new objects to the 3D viewport at the place of 3D cursor and
  • About the snapping options for the 3D cursor in Blender
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Software and System Requirement

To record this tutorial, I am using:
  • Mac OS version 14.5
  • Blender version 4.1
  • It is recommended to install Blender version 4.1 or higher.

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To follow this tutorial,
  • The learner must be familiar with basic computer skills
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3D cursor

The 3D Cursor is the red and white ring with the cross-hair.

We can see this at the centre of the Blender screen.

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3D cursor

The primary purpose of the 3D cursor is to specify the location of a new object.
Only Narration Let us see the 3D cursor in Blender.

For that, we need to launch Blender.

Go to Launchpad. Type Blender. Left click the Blender icon. Go to Launchpad.

Type Blender. Left click on the Blender icon.

Point to the Blender interface. We see the Blender interface.
Hover around the splash screen This is known as the welcome page or splash screen.

It shows some useful reference links for Blender file opening and creating.

Video editor: Press ESC.

Only Narration

To remove the splash screen, press ESC on your keyboard.

Or click anywhere on the Blender interface other than the splash screen.

Only Narration Now you can see the default Blender Layout workspace.
Click on the cube. By default you can see three objects on the 3D viewport.

In the middle of the window a cube is present.

Only narration Orange outline on the cube indicates that the object is selected.
Only narration On the left side of the cube a camera is seen.
Click on Lamp A light source is located at the top right side of the cube.
Hover the cursor on the 3D cursor The 3D cursor is right at the centre of the screen surrounded by the cube.
Hover the cursor over the cube

Video editor: X

We can’t see the cursor properly so we must delete the cube.

By default, the cube is already selected. Press X key on the keyboard, a menu opens. Click on Delete from the shown options.

Point to the 3D cursor. Now we can see the 3D cursor clearly.
Click on Add menu

Mesh>> Cube

Let us add a cube.

Go to the 3D viewport menu bar and click on Add. From the dropdown menu, select Mesh and from the submenu select Cube. A new cube object will appear at the centre of the 3D cursor.

Only Narration There are more ways to add 3D objects to the 3D viewport.
Video editor:

Press Ctrl + Z

Let us undo the changes. Press Ctrl and Z keys together.

You can also use a keyboard shortcut to add a cube.

Video editor:

Press Shift + A

For this, press Shift and A keys to add new objects to the 3D viewport.
Hover the cursor over the added cube You can see that a new cube has appeared at the same location as the 3D cursor.
Point to a new locations on the view Now, let us see how to add a new object to a new location.
Point to a new locations on the view First we need to move the 3D cursor to a new location.
Click on left side of the cube Click on any location in the 3D viewport.

I am clicking on the left side of the cube.

Point to the cube. Observe, the cube gets deselected.
Hover the cursor over the tool box.

Point to the various tools on the tool box.

Go to the left side of the 3D viewport.

Here we see various tools in the left tool box.

Click on Cursor tool

Click anywhere in the 3D viewport

Select the Cursor tool.

Click anywhere on the 3D viewport to move the 3D cursor.

Hover the cursor on 3D cursor Observe that the 3D cursor is at a new location.
Only Narration There is another way to move the 3D cursor.
Click on Select box tool Click on the Select Box tool from the left toolbox of the 3D viewport.
Video editor: Press Shift + Right click Press and hold the Shift key and right click at a new place on the 3D viewport.

We will see the new location of the 3D cursor.

Video editor: Press Shift + A

Mesh>>UV sphere

Press Shift and A keys to open the Add menu.

To add a new object select Mesh from the menu. Then click on the UV sphere option.

Hover the cursor over the UV sphere The UV sphere appears at the new location of the 3D cursor.
Point to the 3 D cursor Now, we shall see the snapping options for the 3D cursor.
Only Narration Snapping involves placing the 3D cursor at the centre of the viewport.

It also aligns the object of the 3D cursor.

Press Shift + Right click Press and hold the Shift key and right click the mouse.

Place the cursor in a different location.

Hover the cursor over the 3D viewport menubar.

Click on Object

Go to the 3D viewport menu bar and click on the Object menu.
Point to the dropdown menu.

Click on Snap

A dropdown menu appears.

Navigate to Snap. A submenu opens. This is the Snap menu with various options.

Click on the cube. Now, let us snap the cube to the 3D cursor.

Click on the cube to select the cube.

Video editor:

Press Shift + S

You can also use the keyboard shortcut, Shift and S keys to open the snap menu.
Click on Selection to cursor option. Click on Selection to cursor option.
Point to the new location of the cube. The cube snaps to the location of the 3D cursor.
Only Narration Now, let's move the cube to the right.
Click on the Move tool from the tool box. Click on Move tool from the tool box
Click the green handle

Hold and drag your mouse to the right.

Click on the green handle.

Hold and drag your mouse to the right.

Video Editor:

Press G+Y

For keyboard shortcut, Press G and Y keys together.
Only Narration This action will grab the selected cube.

Then it will move along the y-axis with mouse movement.

Video editor:

Press Shift + S Click cursor to selected option.

Press Shift and S keys to open up the snap menu.

Click on the cursor to selected option.

Point to the new location. The 3D cursor snaps itself to the centre of the cube in the new location.
Point to the centre of the two objects. Now, let’s snap the 3D cursor at the centre of the two selected objects.
Click to select the cube.

Video editor:Press Shift + click on UV sphere

As we can see, the cube is already selected.

Press Shift key and click on the UV sphere to select the UV sphere too.

Point to the selected objects.( do this while video editing). Now, we can see two objects are selected at the same time.
Video editor:

Press Shift+ S Click on Cursor to selected option

Next, press Shift and S keys to open up the snap menu.

Click on Cursor to selected option.

Point to the snapped 3D cursor. We see the 3D cursor snaps to the centre of the two selected objects.
Only Narration Now, let’s snap the 3D cursor at the centre of the three selected objects.
Press Shift + click on lamp.

Video Editor: Press Shift + S. Click Cursor to Selected option

Press the Shift key and click the lamp.

Lamp also gets selected. Press Shift and S keys to open up the snap menu. Click on Cursor to Selected option.

Point to the new location of the 3D cursor. The 3D cursor now snaps to the centre of the 3 selected objects.
Click on the Cursor tool. Next, select the Cursor tool from the left toolbox of the 3D viewport.
Click on the bottom right of 3D viewport Click on any point in the 3D viewport to move the 3D cursor.
Video editor: Press Shift + S

Click on Cursor to World origin option.

Press Shift and S keys to open up the snap menu.

Click on the Cursor to World origin option.

Point to the 3D cursor’s position. Observe that the 3D cursor snaps to the centre of the 3D viewport.
Point to all the objects. Let us deselect all the selected objects.
Click on Select box option Select the Select box option from the left toolbox of the 3D viewport.
Click anywhere on the 3D viewport Click anywhere on empty space on the 3D viewport.
Click on UV sphere Now, click the UV sphere.
Video editor:Press Shift and S Press Shift and S keys to open up the snap menu.
Click Cursor to active.

Point to the position of the 3D cursor.

Click on Cursor to active.

The 3D cursor snaps to the centre of the UV sphere. This was the last active selection.

Bring the 3D cursor to a different place in 3D view port and

Point to the 3D cursor

The 3D cursor provides additional benefits.

It can be used as a pivot point while modelling.

Only Narration This brings us to the end of the tutorial.

Let us summarise.

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In this tutorial, we have learnt,,
  • About 3D cursor
  • How to add new objects to the 3D viewport at the place of 3D cursor and
  • About the snapping options for the 3D cursor in Blender

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As an assignment, please do the following
  • Add new objects to the 3D viewport in different locations.
  • Explore the Snap menu.
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About the Spoken Tutorial Project

The video at the following link summarises the Spoken Tutorial project.

Please download and watch it.

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Spoken Tutorial workshops

The Spoken Tutorial Project team conducts workshops and gives certificates.

For more details, please write to us.

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Answers for THIS Spoken Tutorial

Please post your timed queries in this forum.
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For any general or technical questions on Blender, visit the FOSSEE forum and post your question.
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The Spoken Tutorial project was established by the Ministry of Education, Government of India.

This is Arthi along with Pooja from IIT Bombay signing off. Thanks for joining.

Contributors and Content Editors

Arthi, Madhurig