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Title of the script: Specifying design preferences in Osdag

Author: Anandajith TS

Keywords: Osdag, member design, connection design, steel design optimisation, Tension member, Design Preference, bolt design, detailing, gusset plate, video tutorial

Visual Cue Narration

Title Slide

Welcome to the Spoken Tutorial on Specifying design preferences in Osdag.

Learning Objectives

In this tutorial, we will learn to,
  • Design preferences in Osdag
  • Define special preferences
  • Perform design using special preferences
  • Compare the design results


System Requirements

To record this tutorial, I am using
  • Windows 11 OS, and
  • Osdag v2021.02.a.a12f




To follow this tutorial you should have,
  • Osdag installed on your system
  • Basic knowledge of structural steel design

The prerequisite tutorials are available on this website.


Code Files

  • The files used in this tutorial are available in the Code Files' link
  • Please download and extract them
  • Make a copy and then use them while practising
Only narration The user interface of Osdag for Ubuntu Linux, and for Windows is the same.

Annotations are added to the tutorial if there are any differences.

Point to the home page of the Tension Member Design - Bolted to End Gusset module Switch to the home page of the Tension Member Design - Bolted to End Gusset module.
Point toward the Input Dock fields I have loaded the Preference hyphen sample hyphen design dot OSI file.
Only narration Please pause the tutorial and perform the same steps on your computer.
Click on the Design button Click on the Design button below to perform the design.
Only narration Osdag carries out the design.
Point toward the INFO message in the log message window The design is complete and safe.
Point toward the CAD window and the Output Dock The CAD window becomes active, and the Output Dock is populated with results.
Only narration Let us specify some design preferences and check for updated results.

Sample Design Example

Perform a design check by adopting the given design preferences:


  • Material: E300 (Fe 440)


  • Type: Pre-tensioned
  • Hole Type: Over-sized
  • Slip factor: 0.48


Sample Design Example

  • Edge Preparation Method: machine-flame cut
  • Environment: Corrosive


  • Limit State Design

Switch back to Tension Member Design - Bolted to End Gusset module homepage Performing design with above preferences may change the design results completely.
Only narration Design Preference is an advanced feature.

It should be used after due consideration.

Click on the Spacing Details button. Click the Spacing Details button under End Connection in the Output Dock.
Point toward the Spacing Details window The Spacing Details window opens.
Point toward Bolt Rows (nos) Notice that the number of Bolt Rows is 2 on each gusset plate.
Point toward Bolt Columns (nos) And the number of Bolt Columns is 16.
Only narration This means that there are 32 bolts on each gusset plate or 16 bolts per Angle.
Only narration Let us see if the bolt configuration changes after designing with special preferences.
Click on the close button Click on the close button at the top right corner to exit the window.
Point toward Capacity (kN) under Bolt Details output Also, notice the bolt capacity for the given design.

It is 18.78 kN as of now.

Only narration Let us see if the bolt capacity changes after designing with special preferences.
Only narration Let us now define the preferences for our design.
Click on the Edit menu in the menu bar Click on the Edit menu in the menu bar and
Select Design Preferences Select Design Preferences from the list.
Point toward the Design Preference window The Design Preference window will open.
Only narration The Design Preference window is categorised into various sections.
Click on Angle Section Typically, these sections include;* Details of the selected member.

Click on Connector
  • Connector preferences.

Click on Bolt
  • Bolt preferences.

Click on Detailing
  • Detailing preferences, and

Click on Design
  • The design method preference.

Only narration Let's explore the sections and define the corresponding preferences individually.
Click on the Angle Section tab Click on the Angle Section tab to view the selected member details.
Point toward Designation, Section Profile and Conn_Location Here, section details like designation and the profile are shown.
Point toward Mechanical Properties Below section details, we see Mechanical Properties.
Point to the properties. These properties get populated based on inputs in the Input Dock and the codal provisions
Point to Angle properties. We will keep the Angle properties unchanged.
Point toward Dimensions Dimensions of the selected section are listed under the Dimensions section.
Point to the dimensions. These dimensions are fetched from the Indian Standard, IS 808 database of Osdag
Point toward the section image A detailed and representative cross-section drawing of the selected section is shown.
point to the 2D drawing. This 2D drawing is typical and has standard notations marked over it for better visualisation.
Point toward Section Properties The sectional properties corresponding to the selected section are listed under Section Properties.
Point toward Section Properties fields These properties are also fetched from the Osdag database at run-time.
Only narration For a user-defined section not present in the database, properties are calculated by Osdag internally.
Only narration The properties of this user-defined section are inserted into the database for reuse.
Only narration Users can add single or multiple custom sections to the Osdag database and use it in design.
Point toward Add button The Add button at the bottom allows to Add a single custom section to the database.
Point toward the Download xlsx file, and Import xlsx file button For adding multiple sections at once using an excel sheet, use the Download and Import xlsx buttons.
Only narration We will explore this feature in another tutorial.
Point toward the Clear button The Clear button will clear the user-defined inputs in the Design Preference window.
Click on the Connector tab Let us move to the Connector tab.
Point toward the Inputs fields Here, we see the Material properties of the connector material.
Point toward the Material drop-down menu E 250 (Fe 410 W)A is selected by default.
Point toward the Ultimate Strength and Yield Strength field The corresponding values of the ultimate and yield strengths are shown below.
Point to the material grade. We need to change the material grade to E300.
Click on the Material drop-down menu and select E300 (Fe 440) from the list Click on the Material drop-down menu and select E300 (Fe 440) from the list.
Point toward the Ultimate Strength and Yield Strength field Notice the values of the ultimate and yield strength are now updated automatically.
Click on the Bolt tab Let us now move to the Bolt tab.
Point toward Type and Hole Type The default bolt type is Pre-tensioned, and the Hole Type is Standard.
Point to the Hole type. The desired Hole Type is Over-sized.
Click on the Hole Type drop-down menu and select Over-sized from the list Click on the Hole Type drop-down menu and select Over-sized from the list.
Point to the slip factor value. Now, let us change the Slip factor to 0.48.
Click on the Slip factor drop-down menu, scroll and select 0.48 from the list Click on the Slip factor drop-down menu

Scroll down the list and select 0.48.

Point toward the Description text box A description of the slip factor values is shown in the Description text box.
Highlight IS 800 Table 20 The description is referred from the Indian Standard, IS 800, Table 20.
Highlight xi) Sand blasted surface 0.48 in the Description text box We see, for a slip factor of 0.48, the surface treatment is of Sand blasted type.
Point to the bolt preferences. We have defined preferences for the Bolt.
Click on the Detailing tab Let us now move to the Detailing tab.
Click on the Edge Preparation Method drop-down menu and select machine-flame cut from the list Click on the Edge Preparation Method drop-down menu and select machine-flame cut from the list.
Point toward the Gap textbox The Gap preference is not applicable here. We will leave it as default.
Only narration In our design, the members are exposed to corrosive influences.

We need to incorporate this condition in the design.

Point toward the Are the Members Exposed to Corrosive Influences drop-down menu Click on the Corrosive Influences drop-down menu and select Yes.
Point toward the Description text box The Description text box shows a description with reference to the corresponding IS 800 clauses
Only narration Users may refer to this description for a better understanding of these design clauses.
Click on the Design tab Let us now move to the Design tab.
Point toward the Design Method drop-down menu We see the default Design Method is Limit State Design.
Only narration Osdag performs design using the Limit State Method.
Click on the Design Method drop-down menu Other methods of design are not available with this version.
Only narration We have defined all the preferences.


are now ready to perform the design.
Point toward the Defaults button The Defaults button below sets the preferences to the default value.

Do not press this button after defining the preferences.

Point toward the Save button The Save button saves the defined preferences.
Click on the Save button Click on the Save button to save and exit the Design Preferences window.
Only narration We are ready to perform the design with saved preferences.
Click on the Design button Click on the Design button again.
Only narration Osdag carries out the design.
Only narration The design process might take some time to complete.
Point toward the INFO message in the log message window The design is completed successfully.
Only narration Now, let us check if the design results have changed from that recorded previously
Click on the Spacing Details button. Click on the Spacing Details button in the Output Dock under End Connection.
Point toward Bolt Rows (nos) The number of Bolt Rows is 2 on each gusset plate.
Only narration This has not changed.
Point toward Bolt Columns (nos) The number of Bolt Columns is now 12.
Only narration This has been reduced from 16 to 12.
Only narration This means that now there are 24 bolts on each gusset plate or 12 bolts per Angle.
Only narration There is a change in the total number of bolts after designing with special preferences.
Click on the close button Click on the close button at the top right corner to exit the window.
Point toward Capacity (kN) under Bolt Details output Also, notice the bolt capacity has changed to 26.98 kN.
Only narration Users can refer to other design outputs and compare the results similarly.
Only narration This brings us to the end of this tutorial.

Let us summarise.

Slide: Summary

In this tutorial, we have:
  • Learnt design preferences in Osdag
  • Defined special preferences
  • Performed design using special preferences
  • Compared the design results

Slide: Assignment As an assignment, do the following

  • Go to the Tension Member Design - Welded to End Gusset module
  • Use the same input values as this tutorial wherever applicable
  • Explore and define various design preferences
  • Compare the results and make conclusions

Slide: About Spoken Tutorial Project The video at the following link summarizes the Spoken Tutorial Project.

Please download and watch it.

Slide:Spoken Tutorial Workshops The Spoken Tutorial Project team conducts workshops and gives certificates.

For more details, please write to us.

Slide:Answers for THIS Spoken Tutorial Please post your timed queries in this forum.
Slide: FOSSEE Forum For any general or technical questions on Osdag, visit the FOSSEE forum and post your question
Slide: Sample Design Examples


  • The Osdag team at FOSSEE creates sample design examples for self-learning
  • These examples can be practiced using the Osdag software
  • For more details, please visit this link


Slide: Acknowledgement The Spoken Tutorial project was established by the Ministry of Education, Government of India
Slide: Thank you This is Anandajith TS, FOSSEE IIT Bombay signing off

Thanks for joining

Contributors and Content Editors

Anandajitht, Danish, Madhurig