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Title of the script: Vector Addition

Author: Shraddha Kodavade

Keywords: Phet simulation, vector, number line, Cartesian plane, vector addition, scalar multiplication, angle, solve equations, video tutorial.

Visual Cue Narration
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Title Slide

Welcome to this spoken tutorial on Vector Addition.
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Learning Objectives

In this tutorial, we will learn about:

§ 1D and 2D dimensions of a vector

§ Vector Addition and Scalar multiplication

§ How to arrange vectors graphically to represent vector addition or subtraction.

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System Requirements

This tutorial is recorded using,

Windows 10-64-bit operating system

Chrome version 101.0.49

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To follow this tutorial,

Learners should be familiar with topics in basic mathematics.

Please use the link below to access the tutorials on PhET Simulations.

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Link for Phet Simulations

Please use the given link to download the PhET simulations.
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A vector is a quantity that has both magnitude and direction.
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PhET Simulations

In this tutorial, we will use,

Vector Addition PhET Simulation.

Point to the file in the Downloads folder.

Vector Addition PhET simulation

I have already downloaded the Vector Addition simulation to my Downloads folder.
Only Narration. Let us begin with Vector Addition to understand the vectors. better.
Right-click on the simulation.

Select the Open With Firefox Web Browser option.

Point to the browser address.

To open the simulation, right-click on the downloaded simulation.

Select the option, Open With Chrome Browser.

The file opens in browser.

Cursor on the interface. This is the interface of Vector Addition simulation.
Point to each option on the screen. The interface has four screens,

Explore 1D

Explore 2D

Lab and


Click on the 1D screen. First, let us explore the 1D simulation.
The point on the black number line.

Click on the horizontal and vertical axis buttons.

A black-colored number line is visible on the screen.

We can switch between the horizontal and the vertical number lines.

Click on the horizontal axis. Let us choose the horizontal axis.
Point to the vectors image We can see three vectors available for our use on the interface.
Drag the vectors on the Cartesian plane. Let us drag and place the vector a, b and c on the Cartesian plane.
Click on the Values check box. Click on the Values check box.

The magnitude of each vector appears on the vector.

Select vector a.

Its specifications are listed in the top box.

Point to the magnitude.

Point to the angle.

Drag the arrow head to increase the size of the vector.

Point to the x value

Point to the y value.

By default, the magnitude is 5 units.

The angle is 0 with respect to x axis.

Let us change the magnitude to 10 units, the value of x changes as well.

y value remains 0 due to the absence of the vertical axis.

Click on the Sum check box.

Point to vector s.

Click on the Sum check box.

A new vector ‘s’ appears on the number line.

Drag and arrange vectors a, b and c. Arrange vectors a, b and c, a unit distance above vector s.

The initial point of vector a coincides with that of vector s.

The tail of a meets the starting point of vector b.

Similarly the tail of vector b meets the starting point of vector c.

Point to vector s This vector represents the vector addition, that is a+b+c is equal to vector s.
Drag vector a Reverse the direction of vector a by dragging the arrow tip of vector a to the negative direction of the axis.

The x value becomes -10.

Point to vector s.


We can see that the vector s vanishes.

This happens because a is equal to minus b, minus c.

Drag vector a Change vector a to 5 units in opposite direction.

The s value also changes and takes up 5 units.

Click on the 2D screen. Next let us click on the Explore 2D screen.

On this screen, we see a Cartesian system of axes.

Point to the bottom right side.

Click on the blue option.

Drag and place the vectors in the plane.

Click on the pink option.

Drag and place the vectors in the plane.

Point to vector d, e and f

There are two options visible at the bottom right corner.

Click on the blue option.

Drag and place the vectors in the plane.

The vectors get labeled as a, b and c.

The top box shows the various parameter values for the selected vector.

Click on the pink button.

Drag and place the vectors in the plane.

They get labeled as d, e, and f.

On this screen, there is no difference between the two options.

Point to the Components section. On the right side of the screen we can see 4 options under Components.
Show the annotation by clicking the second option. Let us choose the second option.

Here for each vector, perpendiculars are drawn from the base to its tip.

Show the annotation by clicking the third option. Let us choose the third option.

We can see that base and height get annotated for each vector.

The coordinate values of the vectors are shown on the axes.

Click on the hidden eye option. Select the hidden eye option and remove vector f from the screen.
Point to vector d.

Point to vector e.

For vector d, let us take magnitude as 6 and angle as 50 degrees.

For vector e, let it be 7 and -30 degrees.

Move vector’s tail to the tip of vector d. Drag and place the vector’s tail to touch the tip of vector d.
Click on sum

Point to vector s

Click on the Sum check box.

A new vector s appears.

Point to the displacement vector This addition is different from the previous one.

Earlier, a linear addition took place where the angle for all vectors was 0.

The addition taking place on the screen is an example of displacement vector.

A displacement vector gives the change in position.

Drag the tip of vector s to the tip of d.

Point to the triangle formed.

Point to vector s.

Drag the tip of vector s to the tip of d.

A triangle is formed. The vector s represents the net displacement between the vectors d and e.

Drag vector f.

Point to the triangle formed.

Replace vector s with f that is still to be used from the vectors list.

Change the direction of f.

A closed path of direction is formed, where all vectors travel in the same direction.

Point to vector s. We notice that the vector s disappears.

This is because the initial and terminal points of this triangle coincide.

This leads to zero resultant.

Click on the Equations screen.

Point to vector equations

Now let’s click on the Equations screen.

In this screen vector addition and scalar multiplication are used to form equations.

Point to the bottom right options. There are two options to specify the base vector's parameter values.

The difference between the two lies in the input it takes from the user.

Point to the blue option in the bottom right.

Point to the pink option in the bottom right.

The first option takes coordinate values with respective to x and y axis for each vector.

The second system takes the angle with respect to the x axis and unit magnitude.

Point to the second option.

Click on the pink box at bottom right.

Let us choose the second option.

Click on the pink box at the bottom right.

Point to the selected vector box

Point to the formula box on the top most part.

Drag and place the vectors in the plane.

This simulation can solve three different vector addition equations for us.

Here we have three vectors d, e and f.

It can solve for us d + e = f

It can solve for us d - e = f and

d + e +f =0.

Select d+e=f . Let us understand each equation type.

d+e=f is the vector addition that we explored in 2D screen.

Select d-e=f .

Click on base vectors option.

Click on the Values check box.

Select d-e=f.

Choose base vectors options.

Choose d magnitude as 10 and angle 0.

Choose e magnitude as 4 and angle 0.

The vector f appears.

Click on the Values check box.

Move vector d to y axis = 10

Move vector e at y axis = 5

Move vector f at the tail of vector e.

Place vector d on line with y axis =10.

Place vector e with its initial point same as d at y axis = 5.

Place vector f’s initial point at the tail of vector e.

Point to the resultant vector. The resultant output represents the difference between vectors d and e.
Click on d+e+f=0. Click on d+e+f=0.

Here, the vector addition has sum 0.

This implies that each vector is the negative sum of the other two.

Move vector f to y axis=10

Move vector d and e to y axis=5

Place the vector f on the y = 10 axis line.

Place vector d and vector e next to each other at y=5 axis line with the initial point of d being at terminal point of f.

We can see that d+e=-f, since f is in the opposite direction.

Therefore d+e+f=0.

Click on d-e=f.

Click on the arrows beside d and e.

To perform scalar multiplication, click on the arrows beside vectors d and e.

This will stretch or shrink the vectors.

Let us try 2d-e=f.

Point to resultant vectors. The resultant shape of each vector is formed.
Narration With this, we have come to the end of this tutorial.

Let us summarise.

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In this tutorial, we have learnt about,

§ 1D and 2D dimensions of a vector

§ How to perform Vector Addition and Scalar multiplication

§ How to arrange vectors graphically to represent vector addition or subtraction

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As an assignment,

Explore the Lab screen available at the bottom of the simulation.

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About the Spoken Tutorial Project

The video at the following link summarises the Spoken Tutorial project.

Please download and watch it.

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Spoken Tutorial workshops

The Spoken Tutorial Project team:

conducts workshops using spoken tutorials and

gives certificates on passing online tests.

For more details, please write to us.

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Forum for specific questions:

Questions in THIS Spoken Tutorial?


Choose the minute and second where you have the question

Explain your question briefly

The Spoken Tutorial project will ensure an answer

You will have to register to ask questions

Point to the link

Please post your timed queries in this forum.
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The Spoken Tutorial project is funded by the Ministry of Education, Govt. of India
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Thank you

This is Shraddha Kodavade, a FOSSEE summer fellow 2022, IIT Bombay signing off.

Thanks for joining.

Contributors and Content Editors
