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Title of script: Account Management

Author: Trupti Kini

Keywords: video tutorial

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/* Slide 1 */

Welcome to this tutorial on Account Management in GNUKhata.
Show Slide

Learning Objectives /*Slide 2 */

In this tutorial, you will be able to:

  • Create Account
  • Edit Account
  • Delete Account

Show Slide

System Requirements

In this tutorial, I am using

  • Ubuntu 12.04 Operating System
  • GNUKhata version 1.2
  • Firefox version 17.0
Show Slide

System Requirements

  • GNUKhata works well on all versions of Ubuntu
  • Starting from 11.04 and above.
  • It has also been tested on Debian Distro of GNU/Linux.

To open GNUKhata interface:

  • We recommend Mozilla Firefox version 3.6 or above.
  • GNUKhata runs smoothly on browsers like Chromium and Opera.


/*Slide 4*/

For this tutorial, you must be familiar with:

  • The principles of book keeping.
  • How to run GNUKhata on your machines and
  • How to Create New Organization in GNUKhata

If not, for relevant tutorials please visit

Open Terminal by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T
  • To start the server open the terminal by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T and type sudo startgk
  • Press Enter
  • Give root password if asked

Open Firefox >> in the address bar, type


GNUKhata's Welcome screen

You will see GNUKhata's welcome screen on the browser

Click on Select Existing Organization button

We will choose the Select Existing Organization button

Select Free Accounting Foundation from Organization drop down
  • We had already created an organization called Free Accounting Foundation in

Welcome to GNUKhata tutorial

  • We will select it from the drop-down list.
Point to the Financial year dates

The financial year we had set is shown now.

Click Proceed button

Now, we shall click on Proceed button and go ahead to the login screen.

Click on Login button
  • For now,let us click on the Login button with default username and password.
Screen 3
  • You will see the organisation name and financial year period at the top
  • You will also see the Main menu
Go to Master menu and select

Account Creation/Find/Edit option.

  • Under Master menu, choose Account Creation/Find/Edit option.
  • You will see the page for Creating Accounts.
Click on the drop-down of Group Name.
  • As you can see there are 13 Group names here.
  • To create an account, we have to first select a Group name.
Point to the Corpus
  • Organization Free Accounting Foundation is of the type NGO
  • So we see Corpus in the Group name list.
  • If our organization type was Profit Making, we would see Capital instead of Corpus.
  • Now let's understand what is Corpus and Capital.
Switch to slides

/*Slide 5*/

  • Corpus is the principal amount of an NGO or a trust.
  • Capital is the amount invested in the business by the owner.
/* Interface */ Click on dropdown of Group Name

Point to Current Liability

  • Liabilities denote the amounts which a business owes to a person or another firm.
  • They are given as credit balances.
Point to Direct Expense
  • Then there are four groups
    • Direct Expenses
    • Direct Income
    • Indirect Expense
    • Indirect Income

which have similar features.

  • They have no opening balance.

I will explain the minor difference between them.

/*Slide 6*/

Direct Expense

Direct expenses are expenses related to production and purchasing of goods.

Direct Income

Direct Income is earned from the business or for the services provided.

Indirect Expense

Indirect Expenses are expenses incurred after the manufacturing process is over.

Indirect Income

Indirect income is one that is earned by way of non-business activities.

eg. sale of old newspaper, sale of cartons.

Switch to slides

/*Slide 7*/

  • Fixed Assets represent everything which a business owns and has money value.
  • Any asset used in business, for more than one year, is considered as a fixed asset.
  • They are always shown as debit balance.

Let us create one account.

Choose Direct Expense from the drop down of Groups

Let's choose Direct Expense from group name

Point there are no sub-groups
  • Notice that the drop-down list for sub-group does not have any sub-groups by default.
  • If you do not wish to create a sub-group, you can select No Sub-group option.
Click on Create New Sub-group under Sub group drop-down

But for this entry, let us choose the Create New Subgroup option.

Point to New sub-group name text-box
  • As soon as we do this, a new text box appears.
  • Here, we can type the name of the subgroup we wish to create.
Type Salary in the New sub-group text-box
  • Let us type Salary in the text-box.
  • Newly created subgroup name appears in the subgroup list after saving the account
Point to Account Name textbox

Type Salary For Employees

I will type Salary For Employees in the account name field

Point to No Opening Balance Option
  • Also note an important point here.
  • There is no provision to enter an opening balance for this account.
  • This is because, an account under the group Direct Expense cannot have an opening balance.
Point to Account Code
  • Notice that the Account Code is automatically generated.
  • You can change this account code if you wish.
I will leave it as it is, for now.
Click Save

For now, click on Save

Point to Confirmation Message at the top

As you can see again, the message confirms that the account was created successfully.

More features – Editing Accounts
  • Now what if we typed the name incorrectly? What do we do?
  • Well, don't worry at all! We can edit as well as delete the accounts.
Click on Find / Edit tab
  • For this, we will click on Find / Edit Accounts tab.
  • Note that, you can also press alt + 2 to go to this page.
  • And alt + 1 to come back to the Add Account page.
Point to Search Account By drop-down
  • Now you can see a drop-down menu - Search Account By
  • The account can be searched by either Account Name or Account Code.
  • There is no provision of this dropdown if Manual Account Codes is not checked in Preferences

Select Account Name from the dropdown

Let us search the account by Account Name.

Select Salary For Employees from Account Name dropdown
  • In the account name dropdown, there is a default account "Income and Expenditure".
  • For organisation type NGO we have "Income and Expenditure" as default account
  • For Profit making we have P & L.
  • These accounts can be edited but cannot be deleted.
Click on Search button

Now, click on the Search button.

Point to the Search result

Here, the details for Salary For Employees is displayed.

Click on Edit button
  • To edit the details of this account, let us click on Edit button. *This will make the account editable.
Change Salary For Employees to Salary for Staffs
  • Salary For Employees is under the Group Direct Expense.
  • Hence, we can only edit the account name and not the opening balance
  • Let us modify the account name to Salary For Staffs.

Click on Confirm

To save the changes made, click on Confirm button.

Point to Confirmation Message
  • On doing so, the confirmation message is displayed at the top.
  • This message shows that you have successfully edited your account.
  • Similarly, you can edit the Account details by searching with Account Code.
Point to Delete Account
  • Now we will see how to delete this account
  • We can delete only those accounts which has no opening balance and no transaction
  • Default accounts cannot be deleted
Point to Search Account By
  • From the Search Account By lets select Account Code
Point to account code textbox
  • A textbox appears below to enter account code
  • Type account code of Salary For Staffs account
Point to search button

Now, click on search button

Point to the search result

As you can see, the details for the account Salary For Staffs is displayed

Click on delete button

To delete the account click on delete button

Point to message confirmation

An alert will pop up "Do you really want to delete Salary For Staffs?"

Click on ok
  • Click on ok button
  • A message appears saying that the account was deleted

We now successfully edited and deleted an account.

/*Slide 8*/


In this tutorial we have learnt about:

  • Groups and Sub-groups
  • To create an account
  • And also to edit and delete an account in GNUKhata.
/*Slide 9*/


  • Create account with Group name - Current Asset, Sub Group name - Bank and Account Name - SBI.
  • Create a second account under the Group name - Current Asset and Sub-group name - Cash.
  • The second account should have the name Cash On Hand.
  • The third account should be under the Group name - Current Asset and Sub-group name - Cash

It should be named Cash.

Replace the auto-generated account code with any code you wish

/*Slide 10*/
Spoken Tutorial Workshops

/*Slide 11*/

The Spoken Tutorial Project Team

  • Conducts workshops using spoken tutorials
  • Gives certificates to those who pass an online test
  • For more details, please write to
Show Acknowledgement Slide


  • Spoken Tutorial Project is a part of the Talk to a Teacher project
  • It is supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India
  • More information on this Mission is available at:\NMEICT-Intro
Thanks for joining
  • That’s it for this tutorial. This is Trupti Kini from the GNUKhata project, IIT Bombay.
  • Thank you for watching.

Contributors and Content Editors

Nancyvarkey, Trupti