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TIme Narration
00:01 Welcome to the spoken tutorial on installation of QGIS .
00:07 In this tutorial we will learn to install QGIS on,

Ubuntu Linux

00:15 Windows and Mac Operating System.
00:20 For the installation, I am using,

Ubuntu Linux version 16.04

00:28 Windows 10
00:30 Mac OS X 10.10 and
00:33 A working Internet connection.
00:36 Open the terminal by pressing Ctrl, Alt and T keys simultaneously.
00:43 At the prompt, Type sudo space su and press Enter.
00:52 A message appears which prompts you to enter your system password.
00:58 Type the password and press Enter.
01:02 Now we have to execute few commands for the installation.
01:08 Here I have the file with the list of necessary commands.
01:13 This file is provided in the Code files link with the name QGIS Installation Repositories.
01:21 Let's now add QGIS repositories to the sources.list file.
01:28 Copy the following command. Use Ctrl C to copy.
01:34 At the terminal prompt, right-click and select paste.

And press Enter.

01:43 Gedit editor will open with sources.list file.
01:48 Go back to the QGIS Installation Repositories file.
01:53 Now add two lines highlighted here at the end of the sources.list file.
02:00 Copy the two lines shown here.
02:04 Paste at the end of the sources.list file.
02:09 Press Ctrl S to save the file.
02:13 Now close this file by clicking on the cross at the top left corner of your window.
02:20 At the terminal prompt, type sudo space apt-get space update and press Enter.
02:32 This process may take some time. The update is now complete.
02:39 At this point we need to execute a few more commands.
02:44 Let us go back to the QGIS Installation Repositories file.
02:49 The following three commands are shown here.
02:53 We need to execute them one by one.
02:57 Copy one command at a time and paste them in the terminal.
03:03 Press Enter after pasting each command at the prompt.
03:27 After execution of the third command, you will see an OK message.
03:32 Now execute the last command from the QGIS Installation Repositories file.

Copy the following command.

03:41 Paste it at the terminal prompt and press Enter.
03:47 Press Y to continue and press Enter.
03:53 This process will take some time.
03:57 The installation is now complete.
04:01 Press Windows key on your keyboard and type QGIS in the Search bar.
04:09 You should be able to see QGIS Desktop Application.

Click on it to open QGIS.

04:18 This is the QGIS interface.
04:22 Now let’s move on to the QGIS installation on Windows.
04:27 Go back to the QGIS Installation Repositories file. Copy the following link.
04:35 Open any web browser in your system. I am opening Chrome.
04:42 Paste the copied link into a web browser and press Enter.
04:49 Ignore this error message and click on OK.
04:55 Scroll down to Long term release repository most stable section.
05:01 Choose appropriate setup between, 64 bit or 32 bit according to your system.
05:09 Click on the Download icon, given on the left side of the respective setup file.
05:16 Download of installer file will take some time, depending upon your Internet speed.
05:23 I have already downloaded this setup file and saved it to the Downloads folder.
05:30 Now let’s navigate to the Downloads folder.
05:34 In the search box available on the task bar, type downloads.
05:40 Click on the Downloads option.
05:43 Downloads folder opens.
05:46 Find QGIS installer file.
05:50 Double click on it to start the installation process.
05:55 A dialog-box will open on your system.

Click Yes to proceed.

06:02 Installation Wizard opens.
06:05 Read the instructions and click on Next button.
06:10 In the software license agreement page, click on I Agree button.
06:16 Choose where to install the software, leave default location if not sure.
06:24 You need not select any extra components for installation, just proceed with QGIS.
06:32 Click on Install button.
06:35 The installation will take some time.
06:40 Once done, click on Finish button to complete the installation.

QGIS would be installed on your systems now.

06:51 In the search box available on the taskbar, type QGIS.
06:57 In the list, you should be able to see QGIS Desktop Application.
07:04 Click on it to open QGIS.
07:09 This is the QGIS interface.
07:13 Now let’s move on to the QGIS installation on Mac OS.
07:19 Go back to the QGIS download web page we had opened earlier.
07:25 Open Download for Mac OS X tab.
07:29 Scroll down to Long term release most stable section.
07:34 Click on the download icon given on the left side of the respective setup file.
07:40 A dialog box opens.
07:43 Let us not change the default file name.
07:47 Choose Downloads folder as a location to save this file.
07:52 Click on Save button.
07:55 Download of installer file will take some time, depending upon your Internet speed.
08:02 I have already downloaded this setup file and saved it to the Downloads folder.
08:08 Now let’s navigate to the Downloads folder.
08:12 Click on search icon at the top-right corner of the screen.
08:18 Type Downloads, double-click on the Downloads folder option.
08:25 Find QGIS Installer file, click on it to start the installation process.
08:33 A setup folder opens with many files.
08:37 There are four packages, each starts with a number.
08:42 This tells you the order to install the packages.
08:46 To allow installation of non-Apple developer recognized software,

First change your Mac Security Preferences to Allow apps downloaded from: Anywhere.

08:58 Click on search icon at the top-right corner on the screen. Type System Preferences and press Enter.
09:09 A window with system preferences will open.
09:13 Click on Security & Privacy.
09:17 From the Security & Privacy window, in General tab. Click the lock icon in the bottom-left corner to allow changes.
09:28 Enter your system password in the dialog box.
09:32 Then click on Unlock button.
09:35 In the Allow apps downloaded from section, click on Anywhere radio button.
09:42 A dialog box open, click on Allow from anywhere button.
09:49 Click on the opened lock icon in the bottom-left corner to lock the settings.
09:55 Close the window.
09:57 Now go to the setup folder and Double click on package number 1.
10:03 Follow the instructions in this Installation wizard and install the package.
10:09 Click on Continue.
10:12 Read the given important instructions and click on Continue.
10:17 Read the license agreement and click on Continue.
10:22 Agree the software license agreement by clicking on Agree button in the opened dialog box.
10:30 Click on install.
10:33 Type the system password in the opened dialog box.
10:38 And click on Install Software button.
10:45 Once the installation completes, Click on Close button.
10:50 Repeat this process for package numbers 2,3 and 4.
11:19 Once the installations for all four packages are complete, QGIS would be installed on your system.
11:27 Click on search icon. Type QGIS.
11:33 Double-click on QGIS application to launch QGIS.
11:39 Here is the QGIS interface.
11:43 More information about the interface and features will be covered in the upcoming tutorials.
11:51 Let us summarize. In this tutorial, we have learnt:
11:57 Installation of QGIS version 2.18 on, Ubuntu Linux version 16.04, Windows 10 and Mac OS X 10.10.
12:11 As an assignment,

Install QGIS on your machine.

12:17 Open QGIS interface and explore.
12:21 Go through the menus and toolbars.
12:25 The video at the following link summarizes the Spoken Tutorial project.

Please download and watch it.

12:34 The Spoken Tutorial Project Team, conducts workshops and gives certificates to those who pass our online tests.

For details, please write to us.

12:48 Do you have questions in THIS Spoken Tutorial?

Please visit this website.

12:55 Choose the minute and second where you have the question.

Explain your question briefly. Someone from our team will answer them.

13:07 The Spoken Tutorial forum is for specific questions on this tutorial.
13:13 Please do not post unrelated and general questions on them.

This will help reduce the clutter.

13:21 With less clutter, we can use these discussions as instructional material.
13:27 Spoken Tutorial Project is funded by NMEICT, MHRD, Government of India.

For details on this mission, visit the link shown.

13:40 This is Amrata from IIT Bombay signing off. Thank you.

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