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Time' Narration
00:01 Welcome to the spoken tutorial on Numerical Datatypes in Java.
00:07 In this tutorial, we will learn about:
00:10 The various Numerical Datatypes available in Java and
00:13 How to use them to store numerical data.

00:18 For this tutorial we are using
  • Ubuntu 11.10,
  • JDK 1.6 and
  • Eclipse 3.7.0

00:27 To follow this tutorial, you must know how to write and run a simple java program in Eclipse.

00:34 If not, for relevant tutorial please visit our website as shown

00:42 The data type used to store integers is called int

00:47 The data type used to store decimal numbers is called float.

00:52 Let us define and use integers first.
01:02 Here, we have the Eclipse IDE and the skeleton required for the rest of the code.
01:10 We have created a class NumericalData and added the main method to it.

01:15 Now let us see how to store a number.
01:20 int distance equal to 28

01:27 This statement stores the integer value in the name distance.
01:33 The name distance is called an integer variable.

01:37 Now we shall use the variable distance to print the value stored in it.
01:47 System dot out dot println. In parentheses distance.

02:01 This statement prints the value of the variable distance
02:06 Save the file and Run it
02:14 We can see that the value 28 has been stored in distance and it has been printed.

02:21 Now let us change the value stored in the variable.
02:25 change 28 to 24

02:29 Save and Run
02:34 We see that the output has changed accordingly.
02:39 int can also store negative values.

02:42 Change 24 to minus 25

02:48 Save and Run '.
02:56 As we can see, even negative values can be stored in variables of the type int.
03:02 The Data type int is enough for most of our programming needs.

03:06 But it can only store values up to a limit.

03:10 Let us try to store a large value and see what happens.
03:25 As we can see, there is a red line below the number which indicates an error.
03:34 The error message says,the number is out of range for a variable of the type int

03:42 int takes 32 bits of memory and can store values only from -2 power 31 to 2 power 31.
03:49 To store large numbers, Java provides the long data type.

03:54 Let us use it to store a large value.
03:59 Change int to long and
04:04 add a capital L at the end of the number.

04:11 Save it with Ctrl, S

04:16 We see that now there is no error.

04:19 Let us run it with Ctrl, F11. The value has been printed

04:27 We can see that large numbers can be stored in a long variable.
04:32 Now let us store a decimal number in a int variable.

04:37 Change long to int and change the number to 23.5;
04:50 As we can see, there is an error. That is because int can only store integers.

05:00 To store decimal numbers, we have to use float.
05:05 change the data type to float.

05:10 And add an f at the end of the value.
05:17 save it.

05:19 We see that now their is no error.

05:22 run it with Control F11
05:29 As we can see, the decimal value has been stored and the value has been printed.
05:37 Now let us change the value of the variable distance

05:46 Add a lot of numbers after the decimal point as shown.
05:53 Save it and Run it

06:01 we see, that the output is little different from what has been stored.

06:06 This happens because there is a limit to the precision of a floating point number.

06:11 It is rounded off to the closest possible number if it cannot be stored accurately.
06:18 Now let us see the naming rules for variables.

06:23 Add a number 2 before the name.

06:30 we see that, there is a syntax error.

06:34 This is because a variable name must only start with an alphabet or an underscore.

06:40 But generally underscore is not used to start a variable name.
06:45 Now let us add the number at the end of the variable name.

06:55 We see that, there is no error.

06:59 A variable name can have digits but not at the beginning.
07:04 Now add an 'underscore' in the middle of the name
07:15 we see that there is no error.

07:17 Which means an underscore is permitted in a variable name.

07:22 But any other punctuation in a variable name that give an syntax error or other errors.

07:28 This is how you store numerical data in Java.
07:35 This brings us to the end of the tutorial.
07:38 In this tutorial we have learnt about the various numerical datatypes.
07:44 And How tostore numerical data.
07:46 And We have also learnt the rules for naming a variable.
07:51 As an assignment for this tutorial,

07:53 Read about other numerical data types and
07:56 see how they are different from int and float.

08:00 Java tutorials are available at the following link.
08:05 To know more about the Spoken Tutorial project, watch the video available at the following link. [1]
08:11 It summarises the Spoken Tutorial project
08:14 If you do not have good bandwidth, you can download and watch it

08:20 The Spoken Tutorial Project Team. Conducts workshops using spoken tutorials.

08:24 Gives certificates to those who pass an online test. For more details, please write to contact AT spoken HYPHEN tutorial DOT org.
08:35 Spoken Tutorial Project is a part of the Talk to a Teacher project.

08:39 It supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India.

08:45 More information on this Mission is available at the following link.
08:51 This tutorial has been contributed by TalentSprint. Thanks for joining.

Contributors and Content Editors

Jyotisolanki, Krupali, PoojaMoolya