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Visual Cue Narration
Slide Number 1

Title Slide

Welcome to the spoken tutorial on Introduction to Freeplane.
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Learning Objectives

In this tutorial, we will
  • Install Freeplane 1.7.10 on Ubuntu Linux 16.04 OS and Windows 10 OS
  • Open a concept map
  • Learn about nodes and child nodes

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Learning Objectives

  • Move and zoom the map on the canvas
  • Fold and unfold the nodes
  • Learn about the canvas and tool panel
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System and Software Requirement

To record this tutorial, I am using
  • Ubuntu Linux version 16.04 OS
  • Firefox web browser 69
  • Windows 10 OS
  • Microsoft Edge 40 web browser
  • Freeplane 1.7.10
  • A working internet connection to download Freeplane
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To follow this tutorial,
  • Learner must have basic internet and computer skills.

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Code files

  • The files used in this tutorial are provided in the code files link.
  • Please download and extract them.
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Download link

The download link for Freeplane is shown here.
Open web browser. Open your default web browser to download the latest version of Freeplane.
Go to the web address . Go to the web address, as seen on the screen.
Click on the Files tab. Click on the Files tab seen on the bottom left side.
Hover mouse next to Freeplane stable.

Click on the Freeplane stable link.

Locate the Freeplane stable link and click on it.
Cursor on the page. It contains files for the latest stable release and previous versions.
Hover mouse next to .dmg and .exe extension files. Notice the installable files for various operating systems.
Hover mouse next to 1.7.10. When you practice this tutorial, the version number may likely be different.
Point to the archive folder, click on it. The archive folder contain files from the previous releases.
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Download and install Freeplane on Windows 10 OS

Let’s download and install Freeplane on Windows 10 OS.
Click on Freeplane-Setup-1.7.10.exe . Windows users, can click on this file link to download the exe file.
Cursor on the page. A save dialog box prompting to save the file appears on the bottom.
Choose Save file and click Ok. Choose Save button to download the installable file.
Open the file manager and go to the Downloads folder. Wait for the download to complete.
Open the file manager and go to the Downloads folder.
Open the downloaded file, Freeplane-Setup-1.7.10.exe . Double click to open the downloaded exe file.
Click on Yes. Click on Yes, in the dialogue box.
Click on OK. In the Select setup Language Dialogue box I will retain English and Click on OK.
Select, I accept the agreement in the setup dialogue box to highlight Next. Select, I accept the agreement in the setup dialogue box to highlight Next.
Click on Next. Click on Next.
Click on Next. I will retain the defaults in the next step and click on Next.
Click on Install. Click on Install to install Freeplane.
Uncheck the Launch Freeplane checkbox. Uncheck the Launch Freeplane checkbox.
Click on Finish. Click on Finish to complete the installation.

Let’s open the installed Freeplane software.

Press the Windows key. Press the Windows key.
Type freeplane in the search form. Type freeplane in the search form.
Double click on the freeplane icon. Double click on the freeplane icon.

Now we have opened the installed freeplane software.

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Download and install Freeplane on Ubuntu Linux 16.04 OS

Now, let’s download and install Freeplane on Ubuntu Linux 16.04 OS.

Hover mouse over freeplane_1.7.10~upstream-1_all.deb . The required file for Linux operating system is the .deb file.
Click on freeplane_1.1.7.10~upstream-1_all.deb . Click on the file link.
Cursor on the page. A save dialog box prompting to save the file appears as seen here.
Choose Save file and click Ok. Choose Save File option and click on Ok button to download the file.
Cursor on the page. Wait for the file download to complete.

Let's install the software using terminal commands.

Press Ctrl+Alt+T . Open a terminal by pressing Control, Alt and T keys together.

A terminal opens.

Type cd Downloads and press Enter. Let’s change the directory to Downloads folder.
In command line, type sudo dpkg -i freeplane_1.6.15~upstream-1_all.deb and press Enter. Typer the command as seen here to install freeplane.

Press Enter to execute the command.

Type sudo password at prompt and press Enter. If prompted, type the sudo password to continue.

Wait for the installation to complete.

Cursor on the terminal. Let's open the installed Freeplane software.
Press the Windows key. Press the Windows key on the keyboard.
In the search bar type Freeplane. In the search form, type Freeplane.
Open Freeplane by double-clicking on the icon. Double click on the Freeplane icon.
Point to the preloaded map. For the very first time, a preloaded map may appear on the canvas.
Point to the map. For me a map about the software is seen.

It may be different for you.

Editor's note: Text on the screen is required. Let's open the example map provided with this tutorial.
Show screenshot of desktop with file I have saved this file on the Desktop.
Click on File, Open saved map. To open a map, click on File and choose Open saved map.

A dialog box opens.

Navigate to Desktop directory.


Navigate to Desktop and select the file.
Click on Open. Click on Open to open the map.
Added text Let's familiarize ourselves with a few features of the opened map during video editing. Let's familiarize ourselves with a few features of the opened map.
Move cursor to white background. The white background is the canvas where we type our ideas.
Left click, hold down and drag map slightly to left and down. To move the map in the canvas, first left click and hold on the canvas.

Depending on the OS, the cursor shows a palm sign or direction arrows.

Release the mouse button. Then move the cursor on the canvas and position the map where you want it.

Then, release the left mouse button.

Click on View, Zoom. To zoom the map, go to View, Zoom in the menu.
House mouse next to zoom in, zoom out, zoom to fit to page. Three options are available here.
They are zoom in, zoom out and zoom to fit to page.
Hold Ctrl key- turn scroll wheel and show zoom in-out on map. Alternately, hold down the Control key and use the mouse scroll wheel.
Hover mouse next to Water and Air. Each node in the map represent an idea or concept.
Hover mouse to Water and Air. To select a node, click on it or hover the cursor on it.

Then, the node color gets highlighted to light cyan or blue.

Click on Natural Resources. I will select Natural Resources, by clicking on it.
Cursor next to parent node. Our root concept or parent node for this map is Natural Resources.
Move cursor to water, wind, soil, energy, wind. We know water, wind, air, soil, and energy are natural resources.
Hover cursor next to child nodes. They branch as child nodes, from the parent node.

These 5 concepts are sibling nodes.

Hover mouse over Water-Natural Resources connector line. They are connected by a line to their parent node.
Hover mouse next to circle on water node. There is a small circle next to the water node.

This indicates that there are child nodes to water.

Cursor on the canvas. Child nodes are folded, and not seen for clarity.
Hover mouse on water node, show + sign and click on it. Hover the mouse on the water node and notice a plus sign that appears.

Click on this plus sign.

Hover mouse next to Water and it's 5 child nodes. 5 child nodes for water appear on the screen.
Indicate with mouse. The plus sign changes to minus sign.

This indicates fold or hide option on the node.

Moved mouse over 5 child nodes of water. These 5 sibling nodes are grandchildren of Natural Resources.
Right Click on + / - sign. Right click on the circles with plus or minus signs.
Show the fold options. Then more options to fold or unfold the nodes appear on the screen.
Cursor on the map. This is similar to show or hide a node.
Select parent node and select Navigate, fold, Fold all. Select the natural resources node.

Click on Navigate, Fold and Fold all.

Cursor on the canvas. We notice that only parent, child and the floating nodes remain on the canvas.
Click on Navigate, fold, unold all. We now click on Navigate, Fold and Unfold all to show all nodes again.
Hover mouse next to parent, child, grand child, colors. We notice, nodes are color coded and formatted to stand out visually .
Hover mouse next to child nodes. They are classified & grouped according to characteristics or level.
Hover mouse next to Air pollution node and then to Energy node. The concepts in Air pollution are connected to the ones in Energy.
Cursor on the linking line. A link between the contents of 2 nodes can be connected with a linking line.
Hover mouse next to contributing factors. Text on the connecting line specifies the linking concept and brings rigour.
Click on the pdf file. We can attach learning resources to any node.
Hover mouse on the image and the Water node. Learning resources can be of many different kinds.

Examples are plain or formatted text, notes, hyperlinks or images.

Hover mouse to red arrow. Hyperlink can appear as a red arrow next to the node.
Cursor on the red arrow. This feature is useful for teaching and learning purpose.
Hover mouse next to attributes of sustenance. Multiple features can be added as attributes to any single node.
Hover mouse next to attribute. An attribute is a name-value pair of data that can be associated with a node.
Hover mouse over, Edit, Node properties, to show the options. Use the options under Edit and Node properties tab to add node attributes.
Added text, ‘Let’s learn about node formatting options’ during video editing.
Click on View, controls. Click on View and then on Controls.
Hover mouse over the box tick marks. Check the box to show formatting panels as per your requirement.
Click on the arrows on the extreme end of window to show the panels. Click on the arrows at the extreme end of the window to show the panels.
Cursor on the Tool panel. A large formatting palette appears on the screen.
Cursor on icon tool bar. The icon toolbar is on the left and the tool panel is on the right.

Icons can be added to the nodes to improve the visual presentation.

Click on the background canvas, hold and drag the map. To view the nodes that are out of view, move and zoom the map on the canvas.
Hover mouse over Line color, style and width in Edge section. Edges, line color, style and width can also be formatted using the Tool panel.
Cursor on the map. Having many toolbars open on the screen occupies space on the screen.
Click on arrow left button on Tool panel and hide it. Clik on the arrow again to hide the panel.
Click on File, Save. Click on File, Save map to save the map.
Click on File, Exit. Click on File, Quit Freeplane to exit Freeplane.
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Now let’s summarize. In this tutorial we,
  • Installed Freeplane on
    • Ubuntu Linux 16.04 OS and
    • Windows 10 OS
  • Learned about concept map, nodes and child nodes
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* Moved and zoomed the map on canvas
  • Folded and unfolded the nodes in the map and
  • Learned about the Tool panel
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For assignment activity, please do the following.
  • Explore the Freeplane interface and menu options.
  • Browse the user forum and the online help at this site.

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Spoken Tutorial Project

This video summarises the Spoken Tutorial Project.

Please download and watch it.

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Spoken Tutorial workshops

We conduct
  • workshops and
  • give certificates.

For more details, please write to us.

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Forum for questions:

* Do you have questions in THIS Spoken Tutorial?
  • Please visit this site.
  • Choose the minute and second where you have the question.
  • Explain your question briefly.
  • The spoken tutorial project will ensure an answer.

You will have to register to ask questions.

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Forum for specific questions:

* The Spoken Tutorial forum is for specific questions on this tutorial.
  • Please do not post unrelated and general questions on them.
  • This will help reduce the clutter.
  • With less clutter, we can use this discussion as instructional material.
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Spoken Tutorial Project is funded by MHRD, Government of India.
This is Rani from IIT, Bombay. Thank you for joining.

Contributors and Content Editors

Madhurig, PoojaMoolya, Ranipv076, Snehalathak