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Visual Cue Narration
Slide Number 1

Title slide

Welcome to the Spoken Tutorial on Customize the Route Maps.
Slide Number 2

Learning Objectives

In this tutorial, we will learn to,
  • Customize an existing route
  • Create a reverse route
  • Track the location of a route
Slide Number 3

Learning Objectives

  • Save a track and open a track
  • Clear the track
  • Disable the position tracking from the map
Slide Number 4

System Requirements

To record this tutorial, I am using,
  • Ubuntu Linux OS, version 16.04
  • Marble version 1.12.20 and
  • A working Internet connection.

The process demonstrated in this tutorial is identical in,

Ubuntu Linux OS version 18.04

Marble version 2.2.20

Slide Number 5


To practise this tutorial, the learner should be familiar with the Marble interface.

For the prerequisite Marble tutorials, please visit this site.

Slide Number 6

Code Files

The file used in this tutorial is given in the Code files link.

Please download and extract the file to Desktop.

Point to the file on the Desktop. I have already downloaded and saved the file to the Desktop folder.
Right click on the file and select Open with Marble option. Right-click on the file and select Open with Marble option.
Point to the Route map from Mumbai to Pune. Earlier in this series we had created a route map from Mumbai to Pune.
Point to the Route map.

Point to Aurangabad on the Map.

Now we will see how to change an existing route.

We will change the destination from Pune to Aurangabad in the existing route.

Point to the Route map. This can be done using drag-and-drop method.
Move your mouse pointer on the route.

Point to the green flag icon with + symbol appears.

Move your mouse pointer on the route.

A green flag icon with + symbol appears.

Point to the Route map.

Click with the left mouse button on the route.

Move the pointer and drop it to the desired location, Aurangabad.

This indicates that it is possible to add new routes.

Click with the left mouse button on the route.

Move the pointer and drop it at the new location, Aurangabad.

Point t o the B icon appeared on the location of Aurangabad. B icon appears on the location of Aurangabad.
Right-click on the ending point Pune. Now we have to delete the ending point Pune.

Right-click on the ending point Pune, in the existing route.

Point to the context menu.

Select Remove this destination option.

A context menu appears.

Select Remove this destination option.

Point to the dotted lines in the existing route. Notice that the existing route is seen as a dotted line.
Point to the new route map created from Mumbai to Aurangabad on the map. A new route from Mumbai to Aurangabad is created on the map.
Point to the plus green symbol on the routing panel.

Click on the Add via option.

An existing route can also be changed using the Add via icon.

We can see this icon as a plus green symbol in the Routing panel.

Click on the Add Via icon.

Point to the input bar with C icon on the routing panel. An input bar with C icon appears in the Routing panel.

In the new input bar we can enter the name of the new destination.

Click on the down arrow button next to C.

Point to the drop down menu.

SelectFrom Map option.

Click on the down arrow button next to C.

A drop-down menu opens with different options.

Select From Map option.

Type Vadodara in the input bar

Click on the Get Directions button

I will enter the destination as Vadodara.

Click on the Get Directions button.

Point to the C icon appeared on the location of Vadodara on the map.

Right click on the ending point Aurangabad.

C icon appears on the location of Vadodara on the map.

Right-click on the ending point Aurangabad in the existing route.

Point to the context menu.

Select Remove this destination option.

Select Remove this destination option from the context menu.
Point to the new route from Mumbai to Vadodaraon the map. A new route from Mumbai to Vadodara appears on the map.

Here Mumbai is the starting point and Vadodara is the destination.

Point to the existing route map.

Click on the Reverse Route icon in the Routing panel.

Now we will see how to find a reverse route.

Click on the Reverse Route icon in the Routing panel.

Point to the Mumbai to Vadodara route map. Notice that the existing route is shown as a dotted line.

A reverse route from Vadodara to Mumbai is seen on the map.

Now source is Vadodara and destination is Mumbai.

Click on the Clear Route option.

Point to the interface.

To clear this route from the map, click on Clear Route icon.

Notice that the route from Mumbai to Vadodara has been cleared.

Click on the Open Route option.

Point to Open Route dialog box.

Now we will see how to open a route that we had saved earlier.

Click on the Open Route icon.

Open Route dialog box appears.

Select Mumbai-Pune.kml file from the Desktop folder Select Mumbai-Pune.kml file from the Desktop.
Click on the Open button.

Point to Route map from Delhi to Pune.

Click on the Open button to open this file.

Route map from Mumbai to Pune opens.

Cursor on the map. Now we will learn about location tracking of a route.
Once we start our trip, we can track our location.

Click on the Location panel.

Once we start our trip we can track our location.

Click on the Location panel.

Click on the drop-down button below Position Tracking

Select Current Route option.

Check Show Track check box.

Click on the drop down button below Position Tracking.

Select Current Route option.

Check the Show Track check box.

Point to the arrow on the route.

This indicates the current location of the route.

We can see a moving arrow with a blue circle on the route.

This arrow indicates the current location of the route.

Point to the Longitude and Latitude in the Location Panel. Longitude and Latitude of the current location are shown in the Location panel.
Point to Speed and Distance in the Location panel. Speed and Distance covered by the vehicle are also seen in the Location panel.

Now let us save the track.

Click on the Save Track icon.

Point to Save Track dialog box.

Double-click on the Desktop folder.

A Save Track dialog box appears.

Select a location to save the track.

I will select the Desktop folder.

In the File Name field, type the name as Track-1.kml.

Point to the Files of type filed.

In the File Name field, type the name as Track-1.kml.

Please note that the file extension should be .kml.

Click on the Save button. Click on the Save button.
Close the Marble application. Let us open our saved track.

I will close this Marble application.

Go to the Desktop folder. Go to the Desktop folder.
Point to Track-1.kml. File on the desktop.

To open the file right-click on it.

Select Open with Marble application.

Track-1.kml file has been saved on the Desktop.

To open this file right-click on it.

Select the option Open with Marble.

Cursor on the track on the interface. Notice that the current track from Mumbai to Pune has been saved.
Click on the Clear Track button in the Location Panel. Next we will clear the current track from the map.

Click on the Clear Track button in the Location panel.

Point to Clear current track dialog box.

Point to the message.

Click on the Yes button.

Clear current track dialog box appears.

A message “Are you sure you want to clear the current track?” appears.

Click on the Yes button.

Cursor near current track. Current track has been removed from the map.

Observe that Track-1 is still seen on the route.

Locate the drop-down button below Position Tracking and select Disabled option.

Point to the map. Point to the position tracking arrow.

Let us disable the position tracking.

Go to the drop down button below Position Tracking and select Disabled option.

The position tracking arrow has now disappeared.

Even though the arrow has disappeared, route from Mumbai to Pune is still seen.

Slide Number 7


Let us summarize.

In this tutorial we have learnt to,

  • Customize an existing route
  • Create a reverse route
  • Track the location of a route
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  • Save a track and open a track
  • Clear the track
  • Disable the position tracking from the map
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As an Assignment,

Create a route map from Delhi to Agra and do the following

a) Change the route from Delhi to Kanpur.

b)Find its reverse route

c)Save the track in .kml file format.

Slide Number 10

About Spoken Tutorial Project

The video at the following link summarizes the Spoken Tutorial project.

Please download and watch it.

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Spoken Tutorial workshops

The Spoken Tutorial Project team:

conducts workshops and gives certificates.

For more details, please write to us.

Slide Number 12

Forum for specific questionsQuestions in THIS Spoken Tutorial?


Choose the minute and second where you have the question

Explain your question briefly

The Spoken Tutorial project will ensure an answer

You will have to register to ask questions

Please post your timed queries in this forum.
Slide Number 13


Spoken Tutorial Project is supported by National Mission on Education through ICT (NMEICT)

Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT)

MHRD, Government of India

Spoken Tutorial Project is funded by,

MHRD, Government of India.

This tutorial is contributed by Viji Nair and Madhuri Ganapathi from IIT Bombay.

Contributors and Content Editors

Madhurig, Nancyvarkey, Snehalathak, Vijinair