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Visual Cue Narration
Slide Number 1

Title slide

Welcome to the Spoken tutorial on Panels in Marble.
Slide Number 2

Learning Objectives

In this tutorial we will, learn about
  • Panels and
  • Settings in Panels
Slide Number 3

System Requirements

To record this tutorial, I am using:
  • Ubuntu Linux OS version 16.04
  • Marble version 1.12.20

The process demonstrated in this tutorial is identical in,

  • Ubuntu Linux OS version 18.04
  • Marble version 2.2.20.
Slide Number 4


To follow this tutorial, learner should be familiar with Marble interface.

For the prerequisite Marble tutorials, please visit this site.

Point on Marble interface I have already opened the Marble interface.
Drag the boundary of the left panel. Let us drag the boundary to see the left panel clearly.
Point to Search panel. We will begin with Search panel.

Using this panel we can search different places on the globe.

Point to Location Panel Next we have Location. Click on it.

This panel shows location and position tracking of a place.

Point to Routing Panel Let us click on Routing panel.

This panel shows possible routes and gives driving instructions.

Cursor on Map view. Then we have Map View panel.

It has a Globe view and a drop-down to show various views.

Point on Globe View button.

Cursor on Topographical map.

Globe View is the default view.

It shows a 3D model of the Earth.

Point on the drop down button.

Click on the drop down button

Next to the Globe view, we have a drop-down button.

Click on the drop-down button

This drop-down button has a combination of 2D and 3D Views of the Earth.

Point on

Mercator View Flat View

point on Gnomonic View Stereographic View Lambert Azimuthal equal area view

Azimuthal Equidistant view Perspective Globe view.

For example, Mercator View and Flat view are 2D views.

Gnomonic view, Stereographic view and others are 3d views.

Point on the views.

shows the document for 2 - 3 seconds.

Details about each of these views are available in the Additional material link of this tutorial.
Click on Globe view. Let us go back to the default view.
Cursor on Earth drop-down.

Click on the Moon view.

Zoom in and rotate the moon.

In the Earth drop-down button, we have Earth and Moon views.

Click on the Moon view.

This is the moon’s view.

Let me zoom in and rotate the moon.

Point to bright and dark regions.

Point to Bright region.

Point to Dark regions.

We can see bright and dark regions on the surface of the moon.

Bright region is called Lunar highlands.

Dark regions are called Mare.

Point to Apollo 12, Apollo 14, Apollo 16 and others. Apart from these we can also see the satellites like Apollo 12, Apollo 14, Apollo 16 and others.
We will learn more about the Moon’s view in the upcoming tutorials.
Click on Moon drop-down >> select Earth. Click on the Moon drop-down and select Earth.
Point on the different Map views

Scroll down and show different views.

Marble has various Map views of the Earth.

Atlas is the default Map view.

I will scroll down to show different Map views.

Click on each Map view

Point as per narration.

Let us click on each of these Map views to see them on the right panel.

OpenStreetMap, Satellite view, Earth at Night and others.

Back to default Map view. Let us go back to the default Map view.
Cursor on Legend.

Click on Legend panel

Next panel is Legend. Click on it.

This panel contains symbols that show different features on the map.

Scroll down >> point to each subsection in the Legend.

Point to the blue lines that indicates rivers.

For example,
  • Populated places
  • Urban areas
  • Terrain
  • Places of interest
  • Boundaries and others.
Point to rivers. The symbols used to represent a feature in all maps are universal.

For example, rivers are always represented by blue lines.

Point on Mountains and volcanoes in the Legend panel. If we see black and red triangles in a location, it means that the place has mountains and volcanoes.
Point on the left panel. In addition to these default panels, Marble has 3 more panels.

Those panels are hidden by default.

Point on Settings menu. Hidden panels are available in the Settings menu.
Go to Settings menu >> select Panels.

Point on the tick marks of these panels.

Click on the Settings menu and select Panels.

A sub-menu shows all the panels.

Here we can see that Routing, Location, Search, Map view and Legend panels are selected by default.

Point on File,Edit Maps,and Tour panels Files, Edit Maps and Tour panels are not selected.
Put tick marks on these panels.

Click on Files.

Let me show these 3 panels by clicking them one by one.

Click on Files.

Go to Settings menu and select Panels.

Click on Edit Maps.

Go to Settings menu and select Panels.

Click on Tour.

Again go to Settings menu and select Panels.

Click on Edit Maps.

Similarly I will open the Tour panel.

Point to the File , Edit Maps, and Tour panels on the interface. Notice that all the panels are seen on the interface.
Click on Edit Map.

Point on Add Placemark, Polygon, Add Path, Add Ground Overlay.

Let us go to Edit Maps and click on it. Using this panel we can edit maps.

This panel has Add Placemark, Add Polygon, Add Path, Add Ground Overlay and other icons.

Click on Tour panel.

Point on New Tour, Open Tour , Save Tour, and other options.

Next is Tour panel. Click on it.

This panel gives quick access of our search history on the map.

It has New Tour, Open Tour, Save Tour, and other icons.

Click on Files panel.

Point on GeoData documents.

Scroll down and show the documents.

Now click on Files panel.

Files panel contains the databases of the Marble.

It has a collection of GeoData documents.

GeoData document means geographic datasets of various types available in a common file.

Let me scroll down to show the Geodata documents.

It has the database of cities, mountains, volcanoes and oceans.

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As an Assignment
  • Locate mountains in Africa and Europe.
  • Hint :Use the Legend panel.
Let us summarise,
Slide Number 6


In this tutorial we have learnt about:
  • Panels and
  • Settings in Panels
Slide Number 7

About Spoken Tutorial project

The video at the following link summarizes the Spoken Tutorial project.

Please download and watch it.

Slide Number 8

Spoken Tutorial workshops

The Spoken Tutorial Project team conducts workshops and gives certificates.

For more details, please write to us.

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Forum for specific questions

Please post your timed queries on this forum.
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Spoken Tutorial Project is funded by,

  • National Mission on Education through ICT and
  • Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching,

MHRD,Government of India.

Spoken Tutorial Project is funded by MHRD, Government of India.
This is Viji Nair from, IIT Bombay signing off. Thank you for watching.

Contributors and Content Editors

Madhurig, Nancyvarkey, Vijinair