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Time Narration
00:01 Welcome to the spoken tutorial on FrontAccounting installation on Windows OS.
00:07 In this tutorial, we will learn to Install XAMPP
00:12 Download FrontAccounting software
00:15 Do the database setup and

Install FrontAccounting in Windows OS

00:21 To record this tutorial, I‘m using:

Windows OS version 10

00:26 Apache, MySQL and PHP obtained through XAMPP 5.5.19
00:32 FrontAccounting version 2.4.7
00:36 Firefox web browser and A working Internet connection.
00:41 You can use any web browser of your choice.
00:44 FrontAccounting is a server based Accounting System.

So we will be using XAMPP to setup the web server on our machine.

00:52 Open a web browser.

In the address bar, type this URL and press Enter.

00:59 This will take us to the XAMPP download page.
01:03 Here XAMPP is available to download for all operating systems.
01:08 The latest version of XAMPP can be downloaded by clicking this green button.
01:13 However, depending upon your software requirement, you may need a different version of XAMPP.
01:19 In my case I need XAMPP version 5.5.19.
01:24 Click on XAMPP Windows link.
01:28 The redirected page will display all the XAMPP versions till date.
01:32 For this installation, I will select the XAMPP version 5.5.19
01:39 Click on the link to download.
01:43 Now, click on Save file button.

The exe file will get downloaded on our machine.

01:51 Open the folder where you have downloaded the file.
01:55 Double-click on the file to start the installation.
01:59 A User Account Control dialog box opens up.

Click on the Yes button.

02:06 If you have installed any antivirus software on your machine, you may get another popup window.

Click on the Yes button.

02:15 In the next window, click on the OK button to ignore the warning message.
02:21 Now the Setup wizard dialog box opens.
02:25 Click on the Next button whenever prompted and follow the installation steps as shown.
02:31 Uncheck the Learn more about Bitnami for XAMPP check box.

Then continue by clicking on the Next button.

02:40 Once the installation is done, uncheck the Do you want to start the Control Panel now? checkbox.
02:47 Lastly, click on Finish button.
02:51 Now we should check whether XAMPP is successfully installed on our machine or not.
02:56 Click on the Windows search bar at the bottom left of the screen and type xampp.
03:02 We can see the XAMPP Control Panel in the search list.
03:06 Right-click on the XAMPP Control Panel and select Run as administrator.
03:12 In the XAMPP Control Panel, make sure that Apache and MySQL services are running.
03:18 If not, then start these services by clicking on the START button of the respective services.
03:24 You may get some error messages like:

Apache shutdown unexpectedly

03:30 Port 80 in use for Apache Server'
03:34 Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts for MySQL database.”
03:41 This is because the default port allotted to Apache and MySQL are taken by another software.
03:47 Default port number for Apache is 80 and for MySQL is 3306.
03:55 To change these ports, refer to the Additional Reading Material of this tutorial.
04:00 And allot the proper port numbers before proceeding further.

For eg: 8080

04:07 Now, open Firefox web browser.
04:11 In the address bar, type localhost and press Enter.

We should be able to see the XAMPP screen.

04:19 If prompted for language selection, select English.

We are now in the XAMPP homepage.

04:27 Let's start downloading FrontAccounting.
04:30 Open another tab in the web browser and go to this URL.
04:37 Click on
04:42 Immediately, the download begins.

Click on the Save File button and then click on OK button.

04:49 Once the download completes, open the folder where you have downloaded the file.
04:54 Here is the file which I have downloaded.
04:57 Right-click on the file and select Extract Here.
05:01 Once extracted, I will rename the extracted FrontAccounting folder as account.
05:07 Renaming of the folder name is optional.

However, it helps to identify multiple instances of FrontAccounting installed on a single machine.

05:17 Now we have to move the folder account into the web server's root directory.
05:22 The path for the root directory is “c:\xampp\htdocs
05:29 Right-click on the folder account and select Copy.
05:33 In the left pane, click on “This PC” which is also called as “My Computer”.
05:39 Then double click on “Local Disk (C:)” that is C drive

And go to xampp and htdocs.

05:47 Inside htdocs, right-click on an empty space and select Paste.
05:53 We have successfully installed the XAMPP server.
05:57 Make sure that the FrontAccounting installer is in the web server’s root directory.
06:02 Next we need to create a database for FrontAccounting to proceed further.
06:07 We will do this in phpmyadmin, which is the graphical user interface for MySQL.

It comes along with the XAMPP installation.

06:17 Let us go back to the XAMPP Page in the web browser.
06:21 On the XAMPP page, in the menu at the left, click on phpMyadmin.
06:27 Click on Users in the top menu and then click on Add User.
06:33 In the new window that opens enter a User name of your choice.

I will type frontacc as my User name.

06:42 From the Host drop-down list, select Local.
06:46 Enter a password of your choice in the Password text-box.
06:50 I will type admin123 as my password.
06:54 Type the same password in the Re-type textbox.
06:58 Do not click on Generate Password prompt for now.
07:02 Under Database for user account, we can see the option-

Create database with the same name and grant all privileges.

07:10 We will check that option and scroll down.
07:14 Then click the Go button at the bottom right of the page.
07:18 We see a message “You have added a new user”
07:22 It means a new database with the name frontacc and with user frontacc has been created.
07:29 This user name and password is only for Database login purpose.
07:34 Make a note of the user name, password and database names.
07:38 These will be required later to complete the FrontAccounting installation.
07:43 Database name and username need not be the same.

To have different names, create the database first and then create a user for that database.

07:53 Also, as per naming convention, username should not have any spaces in between.
07:59 We now have XAMPP running and our database is ready.
08:02 We are now ready to proceed installing Front Accounting.
08:07 In the web browser open a new tab.

In the address bar type localhost/account and press Enter.

08:17 We can see the FrontAccounting webpage showing

Step 1: System Diagnostics

08:22 Make sure that Select install wizard language is English.
08:26 Scroll down and click on Continue button at the bottom of the page.
08:31 The title of the next web page is Step 2: Database Server Settings.
08:37 Here I will keep the Server Host as localhost

I’ll keep the Server Port as empty.

08:44 If you have changed the MySQL default port number other than 3306, then enter that port number here.
08:52 Enter the following details which we have created earlier-

database Name as frontacc

09:00 database user as frontacc
09:03 and database password as admin123
09:07 Ignore the rest of options and click on Continue button at the bottom.
09:12 Next, you will need to put the details of your own company.

I will demonstrate how to do so.

09:19 In Company Name field, I will type ST Company Pvt Ltd.
09:24 I will keep the Admin Login as admin.

Then I will type the Admin Password as spoken.

09:31 You can give any password of your choice.
09:34 Re-enter the same password.

Remember this is the login password.

09:40 Next we see two options for the Charts of Accounts.
09:44 I will select Standard new company American COA.
09:49 Select the Default Language as English.
09:52 Click on the Install button.
09:55 We can see the final message on our screen, FrontAccounting ERP has been installed successfully.

Which confirms that our installation is successful.

10:06 Click on the link, Click here to start to log-in to the FrontAccounting interface.
10:12 In the log-in screen, enter the following details:

User name as admin

Password as spoken

10:22 Company as ST Company Pvt. Ltd.

And click on the Login button.

10:28 We are brought to the Front Accounting Administration page.
10:32 We can see various tabs on this page.

We will learn how to use many of these later in this series.

10:39 This brings us to the end of this tutorial

Let us summarize.

10:44 In this tutorial, we have learnt to

Download and install XAMPP

10:50 Download and install FrontAccounting software
10:53 Do the database setup in Windows 10 OS
10:57 The video at the following link summarises the Spoken Tutorial project.

Please download and watch it.

11:05 The Spoken Tutorial Project team conducts workshops and gives certificates.

For more details, please write to us.

11:13 Do you have questions in THIS Spoken Tutorial?

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11:27 The Spoken Tutorial forum is for specific questions on this tutorial
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11:39 With less clutter, we can use these discussion as instructional material
11:44 Spoken Tutorial Project is funded by MHRD, Government of India.
11:49 The script has been contributed by Spoken Tutorial team.

This is Pratik Kamble from IIT Bombay signing off.

Thank you for joining.

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