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Time Narration
00:01 Welcome to the Spoken Tutorial on Wireless Connectivity to Arduino
00:06 In this tutorial, we will learn to:

Configure and upload code on ESP8266-01 module

00:17 Establish Wireless Communication between ESP and other devices
00:23 To follow this tutorial, you should have a basic knowledge of:


00:29 C or C++ programming language and
00:33 Wireless Communication
00:36 To record this tutorial, I am using:

Arduino Uno board

00:41 Ubuntu Linux 16.04 OS and Arduino IDE
00:48 We will require a few external components such as

ESP8266-01 Wi-Fi module

00:59 Breadboard
01:01 Jumper Wires and Push Button
01:05 In this tutorial we will use ESP8266-01 WiFi module.
01:13 VCC, RST, CH_PD, Tx, Ground, GPIO2, GPIO0, Rx are the pins of the Wi-Fi module.
01:27 Power LED indicates whether the module is ON or OFF.
01:32 COMM LED is the built-in blue LED of the WiFi module.
01:37 In this tutorial, we will see how to control this built-in LED using WiFi.
01:43 This WiFi module has a built-in System on Chip with integrated TCP/IP stack.
01:51 It has a UART and 2 GPIO pins (General Purpose Input / Output).
01:57 It is widely used for development of IoT (i.e. Internet of Things) applications.
02:04 This is the circuit connection of ESP8266 - 01 module with Arduino.
02:12 Note: The ESP8266-01 module works on 3.3Voltz only.
02:20 Connecting it to 5Voltz may damage the Wi-Fi module.
02:24 Connect ground pin of Wi-Fi module to ground pin of Arduino.
02:29 Connect GPIO 0 pin of Wi-Fi module to ground of Arduino.
02:35 Connect Rx pin of Wi-Fi module to Rx pin of Arduino.
02:41 Connect Tx pin of Wi-Fi module to Tx pin of Arduino.
02:47 Connect VCC and CH_PD pin of Wi-Fi module to 3.3V of Arduino.
02:57 Connect a push button between RST pin of Wi-Fi module and ground pin of Arduino.
03:05 This is the live setup of the connection, as shown in the circuit diagram.
03:10 Do the connection as shown here.
03:13 We will establish a connection between WiFi module and a laptop or a mobile phone.
03:20 Now we will write a program in Arduino IDE.

Open Arduino IDE.

03:27 Connect your Arduino board to your PC.
03:30 First, we need to know the name of the port to which Arduino is connected.
03:35 Go to the Tools menu. Select Port option.
03:40 In my case, the port is ttyUSB0. Note down your port name.
03:49 Windows users can skip the steps below as the port is detected automatically.
03:56 Open the terminal by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T keys simultaneously.
04:03 Type, sudo space chmod space a+rw space slash dev slash ttyUSB0
04:18 In my case, the port name is ttyUSB0
04:25 You have to specify your port name.

Press Enter.

04:30 Enter your password for the system and press Enter.
04:35 The above command gives read-write permission to the usb port.
04:40 Switch back to Arduino IDE.
04:43 Next we will configure the ESP8266 module to communicate.
04:49 In the menu bar, click on the File menu.

Select Preferences.

04:56 A new window will appear.
04:58 In the Settings tab, go to the Additional Boards Manager URLs section.

Add this json URL.

05:09 This will help to download ESP8266 WiFi module in Arduino IDE.
05:16 Click on the OK button at the bottom of the window.
05:20 In the menu bar, click on the Tools menu and select Board.
05:25 Then select Boards Manager option.

A new window will appear.

05:31 In the top right corner, we can see a search tab.
05:35 Here, type ESP8266 and press Enter.
05:41 Select ESP8266 by ESP8266 Community.
05:48 In the version drop down box, select the latest version of the module.
05:53 Click on Install button to install the module.
05:57 Installation will take few minutes to complete.
06:01 Wait until it is installed successfully.
06:05 The ESP8266 module is now installed in the Arduino IDE.
06:09 Click on the Close button at the right bottom of the window.
06:14 Now, before uploading the program we have to select the ESP8266 module.
06:20 Click on the Tools option and select Board.
06:25 Scroll down and select Generic ESP8266 Module.
06:32 Next we need to set the built-in LED of ESP8266 Module.

Again select Tools.

06:41 Go to Builtin LED option. Set the Builtin LED to 1.
06:48 Next we will set the Reset option.
06:52 In the menu bar, select Tools. Go to Reset Method.
06:58 Select Reset method to no dtr in bracket aka ck.
07:06 This will help to reset the wifi module manually.
07:10 Now we will write the code.

Type the code as shown.

07:16 We have included the ESP8266 library.
07:20 SSID is the name of a Wi-Fi module.
07:24 Here, I have named the wifi network as WIFI_ESP8266_Pratik.
07:34 Password is the passcode to join the Wi-Fi network.

And the password for the module is 12345678.

07:47 You have to give your unique ssid and password.
07:52 Password parameter is not mandatory.
07:56 If you don’t give password parameter, Wi-Fi network will be open.
08:01 It will be accessible to everyone nearby.
08:05 This command will enable the default IP address of the module.
08:10 The default IP address of the module is
08:20 Inside the setup function, write the code as shown.
08:25 This command will enable the SSID and Password for the ESP8266 module.
08:33 server.begin will enable the Wi-Fi network for the given SSID and Password.
08:40 A delay of 2 seconds is given to boot the module.
08:44 Built-in LED of the ESP8266 module is set to OUTPUT mode.
08:51 Copy and paste the code inside void loop function.
08:56 This code is available in the Code files link of this tutorial

You can download and use it.

09:04 This HTML code will generate a web page as shown here.
09:10 When LED ON or LED OFF button is pressed, the value is passed to the program.
09:17 The program checks the value and controls the built-in LED of the ESP8266-01 module.
09:27 Click on the compile button to verify the program.
09:31 A pop up window will appear to save the current program.
09:35 Name the program as WiFi_ESP8266.
09:43 And click on the save button to save the program.
09:48 Now click on upload button to upload the current program on ESP8266-01.
09:58 We can see the program getting uploaded at the bottom of the screen.
10:03 When the state changes to Connecting, press the push button on the breadboard.

Release it after 2 to 3 seconds.

10:13 We will see a message as Leaving…. Soft resetting as shown here.
10:20 This indicates that the program is uploaded successfully.
10:25 Switch off your mobile internet.
10:28 Open Wi-Fi option of your mobile phone.
10:32 Search for nearest network to connect.
10:35 In my case, I am getting WIFI_ESP8266_Pratik since I have given this name in the code.

Select the WiFi.

10:52 Enter the password and check if it is connected to WiFi.
10:57 Open Web Browser in your mobile phone.

Enter the IP address

11:11 This is the default IP address of ESP8266-01 Wi-Fi module by the manufacturer.
11:22 The web page opens as per the HTML code.
11:26 We can see the LED of ESP8266-01 module is OFF.
11:34 Click on LED ON button which will turn on the blue LED of the Wi-Fi module.
11:41 It will be ON until we press the LED OFF button.
11:46 Click on LED OFF button which will turn off the blue LED of the Wi-Fi module.
11:52 This brings us to the end of this tutorial. Let us summarize.
11:58 In this tutorial, we learnt to

Configure and upload code on ESP8266-01 module

12:09 Establish wireless communication between ESP and other devices
12:15 As an assignment:

Check if your PC or laptop has wireless connectivity and do the steps below.

12:23 On the top right corner, click on WiFi icon.
12:28 Select the name of your WiFi and enter the password.
12:32 Open the browser and go to
12:41 Select the button and see the output on the ESP8266-01 module.
12:49 You should see the output of the assignment as shown here.
13:03 The video at the following link summarizes the Spoken Tutorial Project

Please download and watch it

13:11 The Spoken Tutorial Project Team conducts Workshops & gives Certificates.
13:18 Please post your timed queries in this forum
13:22 Spoken Tutorial Project is funded by MHRD, Government of India.
13:29 This tutorial has been contributed by FOSSEE and Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay.

And this is Saurabh signing off.

Thanks for joining.

Contributors and Content Editors
