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Visual Cue Narration
00:01 KTurtle માં Common Errors પરનાં આ ટ્યુટોરીયલમાં તમારું સ્વાગત છે.
00:07 આ ટ્યુટોરીયલમાં, આપણે શીખીશું.
00:10 Syntax errors
00:12 Runtime errorsઅને
00:14 Logical errors
00:17 આ ટ્યુટોરીયલને રેકોર્ડ કરવાં માટે હું ઉપયોગ રહ્યી છું,
00:20 ઉબુન્ટુ લીનક્સ OS આવૃત્તિ 12.04 અને
00:25 KTurtle આવૃત્તિ 0.8.1 બીટા.
00:31 હું માનું છું કે તમને KTurtle પર કામ કરવાનું મૂળભૂત જ્ઞાન છે.
00:36 જો નથી, તો સંબંધીત ટ્યુટોરીયલો માટે, કૃપા કરી અમારી વેબસાઈટનો સંદર્ભ લો.


00:42 ચાલો પહેલા વ્યાખ્યાયિત કરીએ, કે એક Error શું છે?
00:46 Error પ્રોગ્રામમાં કરેલ એક ભૂલ છે જે એક incorrect' અથવા 'unexpected' પરિણામ ઉત્પન્ન કરે છે.
00:55 પ્રથમ હું "Types of errors". વિશે સમજાવીશ.
01:00 Syntax error'પ્રોગ્રામીંગ ભાષા નાં વ્યાકરણનાં નિયમોનું ઉલ્લંઘન છે.
01:09 જયારે પ્રોગ્રામ syntax errors ધરાવે છે ત્યારે Compilation નિષ્ફળ જાય છે.
01:15 Syntax errors ને શોધવાં અને ઠીક કરવાં સરળ છે.
01:22 ઉદાહરણ તરીકે :
01:23 'મેળ ન ખાતી કૌંસ', 'ચોરસ અને 'વાંકડીયા કૌંસ.
01:29 એવાં variable નો ઉપયોગ જેને જાહેર કરાયું નથી
01:34 'શબ્દમાળાઓમાં છુટી ગયેલા 'અવતરણો
01:38 ચાલો નવી KTurtle એપ્લીકેશન ખોલીએ.
01:42 Dash home' પર ક્લિક કરો. સર્ચ બારમાં, KTurtle ટાઈપ કરો.
01:48 'KTurtle આઇકોન પર ક્લિક કરો.
01:51 અમુક પ્રકારનાં syntax errors સાથે ચાલો ટ્યુટોરીયલની શરૂઆત કરીએ.
01:58 મારી પાસે ટેક્સ્ટ એડીટરમાં પહેલાથી જ એક પ્રોગ્રામ છે.
02:02 પ્રોગ્રામમાં error ને સમજાવવાં હેતુ, હું કોડનાં ભાગને કમેન્ટ કરીશ..
02:09 અહીં, હું લાઈનને કમેન્ટ કરીશ.
02:11 $a=ask within double quotes "enter any number and click Ok"
02:19 લાઈનને કમેન્ટ કરવાં માટે હું hash(#) ચિન્હ વાપરીશ.
02:23 હું પ્રોગ્રામને ટેક્સ્ટ એડીટરમાંથી કોપી કરીશ અને તેને Kturtle નાં એડીટરમાં પેસ્ટ કરીશ.
02:31 ટ્યુટોરીયલને અહીં અટકાવો અને પ્રોગ્રામને તમારા KTurtle એડીટરમાં ટાઈપ કરો.
02:37 પ્રોગ્રામ ટાઈપ કર્યા બાદ ટ્યુટોરીયલ ફરી શરૂ કરો.
02:42 પ્રોગ્રામને રન કરવાં માટે ચાલો Run બટન પર ક્લિક કરીએ.
02:47 Complier આપેલ error દર્શાવે છે,
02:50 variable "$a" was used without first being assigned to a value.
02:57 Here the error is in line number 4.
03:02 This is a syntax error. It occured, as the variable 'a' was not declared.
03:10 So I will go to line number 2, remove the comment.
03:14 I will copy the program from text Editor and paste it into KTurtle's editor.
03:23 Let's click on Run button to run the program
03:27 Enter 6 for a value and click OK
03:31 Program runs without errors.
03:35 I will clear the current program from KTurtle editor.
03:38 Type clear command and Run to clean the canvas.
03:43 let's next look at another error.
03:46 I already have a program in a text editor.
03:50 Here the value of "pi" is predefined in KTurtle.
03:54 Let's delete the "$" sign in the program.
03:58 I will copy the program from text editor and paste it into Kturtle's Editor
04:05 Pause the tutorial here and type the program into your KTurtle editor

04:11 Resume the tutorial after typing the program.
04:16 Let's Click on Run button to run the program.
04:19 Complier shows the following error,
04:22 you cannot put “=” here
04:26 This error is in line number 2.
04:30 This is a syntax error it occured, as there is no container of variable.
04:37 Let's go back to the program replace the $ sign.
04:41 I will copy the program from text editor and paste it into KTurtle's Editor
04:49 let's click on Run button to run the program.
04:53 Enter 45 for angle value and click OK
04:57 Program runs without errors.
05:00 Let's remove one of the quotes of the string.
05:05 I will Copy the program from text editor and paste it into KTurtle's Editor
05:12 Click on Run button to run the program
05:15 Complier shows the following error,
05:18 Text string was not properly closed, expected a double quote “ ” to close the string.
05:25 Here the error is in line number 2.
05:29 I will go back to line number 2 and replace the quotes.
05:34 I will copy the program from text editor and paste it into Kturtle's Editor
05:41 Click on Run button to run the program
05:44 Enter 45 for angle value and click OK.
05:49 Program runs without errors.
05:52 This way you can find the line at which error has occured, and also correct it.
05:59 Let's now learn about runtime errors.
06:04 Run-time error occurs during the execution of a program.
06:10 It may crash the program when you run it.
06:15 Runtime errors are commonly due to wrong input from the user.
06:23 Compiler cannnot find these errors.
06:27 For example:
06:29 Trying to divide by a variable that contains no value.
06:3 Run a loop without a terminating condition or increment value.
06:43 I will clear the current program from the editor.
06:47 Type clear command and Run to clean the canvas.
06:52 I already have a program in a text editor.
06:56 This program divides two numbers.
07:00 'a' is dividend and 'r' is divisor.
07:04 I will copy the program from text editor and paste it into KTurtle's Editor.
07:11 Pause the tutorial and type the program into your KTurtle editor
07:16 Resume the tutorial after typing the program.
07:20 Let us click on Run button to run the program.
07:24 let's enter 5 for 'a' and click OK
07:29 enter 0 for 'r' and click OK
07:33 Here we get a runtime error ,
07:36 you tried to divide by zero
07:39 This error is in line number 4.
07:43 This error occurs as we cannot divide a number with zero.
07:49 Let us run again.
07:51 Enter 5 for a and click OK
07:54 enter 2 for 'r' and click OK
07:58 Program without errors.
08:01 I will clear the current program from KTurtle editor.
08:05 Type clear command and Run to clean the canvas.
08:10 Next we will learn about logical errors.
08:14 Logical error is a mistake in a program's source code that results in incorrect or unexpected behavior.
08:26 For example,
08:28 Assigning a value to the wrong variable.
08:32 Multiplying two numbers instead of adding.
08:36 I already have a program in a text editor.
08:39 I will copy the program from text editor and paste it into Kturtle's Editor
08:47 Pause the tutorial here and type the program into your KTurtle editor
08:52 Resume the tutorial after typing the program.
08:57 Now click on the Run button to run the program.
09:01 A dialog box pops-up, let's click OK.
09:05 Loop goes into an infinite loop.
09:08 We see that “while” loop prints numbers from 31 and is still printing.
09:15 This is a logical error.
09:18 In the “while” condition x is greater than 20,
09:23 but the variable x is always greater than 20
09:28 So, the loop never terminates.
09:31 I will click on Abort button to abort the process.
09:36 Let's change $x=$x+1 to $x=$x-1.
09:44 I will copy the program from text editor and paste it into KTurtle's editor.
09:51 Let's click on Run button to run the program.
09:55 A dialog box pop-up. Let us click OK.
09:59 Loop terminates after printing the values from 29 to 20.
10:05 With this we come to the end of this tutorial.
10:10 Let us summarise.
10:12 In this tutorial we have learnt, errors and types of errors such as
10:18 Use of variable that has not been declared.
10:23 Missing quotes in strings.
10:27 Runtime errors and
10:30 Logical errors
10:3 As an assignment I would like you to find errors in the given programs
10:46 Watch the video available at this URl: http://spoken-tutorial.org/What is a Spoken Tutorial
10:50 It summarises the Spoken Tutorial project
10:54 If you do not have good bandwidth, you can download and watch it
10:59 The Spoken Tutorial Project Team :
11:01 Conducts workshops using spoken tutorials
11:05 Gives certificates to those who pass an online test
11:09 For more details, please write to contact@spoken-tutorial.org
11: 17 Spoken Tutorial Project is a part of the Talk to a Teacher project
11:23 It is supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India
11:31 More information on this Mission is available at this link http://spoken-tutorial.org/NMEICT-Intro ]
11:37 This is Madhuri Ganpathi from IIT Bombay.Signing off
11:41 Thank you for joining
This is Madhuri Ganpathi from IIT Bombay signing off.

Thank you for joining

Contributors and Content Editors

Jyotisolanki, Krupali, PoojaMoolya, Pratik kamble